FOOTBALL Oil THE BIQ SCREEN! ★ Collogo Gamoday • Saturday aN day ★ NFL Action • Sunday a> day ★ NFl/UO Football • Monday at fcOO ★ Ovor SO brands of boor starting at 900 par glass 595 E. 1JTH 0 PtfTTKHOfl 3 *.2-1717 OPEM Ik HOURS Flowers “Always A Winner!" • Gifts • Cards • Plants • Balloons • Cut Flowers Serving the University since 1922 Eugenes Flower Home im: university rorist 610 li. ISlh al I’altcrvin • -185 .1655 Owners art U of O alumni Football Faos’ Restaonot Glide V The irtoonttKxn 0 [evm* UdeV Ut»ewe««(Ml7 iu»(l? 1769 ftinklin Blvd 485 3444 Open Mon 5p m 9p m Tue Sat It 30i m -?pm A 5p m 9p m Sun 9a m ?p m A Sp m 9p m Conti dental oftenngs tiom America end futope VMCOCtt* ImHILM*! 1 ? 14 Kmciet 587 0600 Open Mon fit 7im la m Sal 4 Sun 9a m -la m Chicken burgers bieaktast specialties homemade soups saUds micros domestic been on Up espresso V.MC.At.S MCmkMori 881 £ 13th A*e (neit to UO Bookstoiel 484 166? Open Mon fit 7 30am-7pm Sit 8i m -6p m Sun tUi m 4p m f ugene s hnest classic bakery since 1980-cakes cookies biesds pislnes lull deli sandwich 4 silid menu boi luncb specie Is coffee end espresso dunks S iMtHOM 1861 Frenklin Blvd 343 8888 Open Tue -fit ll 30a m -10p m Sat Mon 4p m 10pm Ele gant end fine dining Cantonese Srechwan Min dtnn style sea tood V MC 0 Af S$ 947 f iinklm Blvd 343 4480 Open Mon Thu t ti m-to 30p m . fn Him Midnight Sit Noon Midnight Sun Noon 10 30pm Chinese end American ciesine cocktails V MC.$ fsfa -m. Bury |uea 706 f 13th St 343 751? Open Mon-Frl lOam-Hpm Sal 4 Sun 11am 11pm Ice cream and Irottn yogurl Heats Hamburgers and trench lues in Bran Dm 30 f Broadway 686 56?? Open lor dmnei 7 days a wee* lunch Sunday to f nday and Sunday brunch Mediterranean and West Coast Cuisine with a lull Hit ot line wines V MC SS lOtti A On* Slreel! 34? 19/6 Open 6 days ph*i Sunday dinner The only Indian reitlurant in loam l unci' ipecials and dinner bull ell aaith regular menu also V.MC Af DC C8.$ RzaMil m 1ZT2 ?6/3 Willamette 484 0996 Open Daily 11 30a m 11 OOp m CaDom pu/a and Dalian dinners V.MC $ S96 f I3lb 34? 1/37 Open?4 hours 7 dayta •reek Fail Mencan lood over SO brands ol beer and tug screen TV V.MC DC S 610 E Broadway 686 8276 Open Mon Thu 11am 9pm Tri 6 Sat 11am-10pm Sun Noon-9p m Featuring taiitas carmtas chimichangat and 3S combmalion dinners V.MC.S 1856 f 13th. M3 3030 Open daily 11 30am It m Pun tubs and naw twisty bread V.MC.JJ tzzfiRzn 730 E Broadway 484-7919 Opan Mon -fri 11am -10pm. Sal 4 Sun 11am-11pm Pu ts. cNchan. buftol and mon V MC.I 1809 Frankhn Btvd. 484 7799 Opan Sun -Tlmr 11a m -17mtdmght. Fn 4 Sal 11am -1am Serving Eugene's Fmasl pun lot ovar 15 yaars V.MC>E.0C.0.t$ 1775 Aider (on campus). 345-7434 Opan Mon - Sal 10a m-tip m . Sun 11am-11pm Sub manna sandwtchas. soups, and yogurts V.MC.S 270 W 8th. 688-3531 Opan Mon-Frl 11 30am-7 30pm 4 5pm-8pm tntarnahoml vegetanan cursmt I Ml Mi RBI PREVIEW Continued from Page 4B "Willie McGmest is one of the finest players in the nation at any position." Brooks said He has groat speed and strength and is aggressive. We have to know where he is lined up for each play and do things different than in the past to account for him." The Ducks were hurt by injuries again last week, most notably senior fullback Juan Shedrick. who injured his elbow Shedrick, considered by many to bo the best blocking fullback in the Pac-10, will definitely miss this weekend's game and could fie Out for the season "We have more to replace than just a blocker." Brooks said. "He was having his Finns! year We will play 1‘ulou Male(usu, Dwayne loin's and Dun Meade a! fullback, and we could play our two-halfback offense more.” Tailback Ricky Whittle aggravated his groin injury in practice Tuesday, and tailbacks Sean Burwell (ankle) and Dino Philyaw (hip) are also hurting, hut should play Saturday. Linebacker David Massey ’s foot is in a protective hoot after injuring his ankle las! week and is listed as doubtful by Brooks, as ore center Tim DeGroote (knee), cornerhnck Eugene Jackson (ankle) and receiver Kory Murphy (knee). Compounding Oregon's problems is a recent lack of success against the Trojans Oregon is 1-14-1 against USC since 1971 Buy a Large 1 -Topping Pizza on Superduck Saturday for just $8.99 & get a second Large 1 Topping for just $5.99 more. Choose Original Hand Tossed or New Thin & Crispy. CAMPUS 1856 E. 13th 343-3030 W. EUGENE 2260 W. 18th 485-5675 Not valid with any other coupon, offer or special. No coupon necessary, just ask. Available at all Domino's Pizza Stores in Eugene & Springfield. FREE TASTY TRIO AN ORDER OF TWISTY BREAD with Twisty Sauce FRESH GARDEN SALAD with dressing ^SCORES with purchase of any size pizza 1856 E. 15th 343-3050 #1 jamfijjaiu DOMINO'S* VALUE PIZZA -CAMV-OUT ONLY. JOB®*"1" V* £Em tong >0 vich«. TTi