SiUI tm+lhf mmmt mU fmmm! fm mm urn ytrni VELY, 'videos TOYS • GIFTS Itdoan't bam to bt dirty to bt good. LINGERIE Jof 1166 S. A St. "'©y. Snrirurfirlil um% mm Restaurant and Lounge Chineae and 'iltwriean Food ORDERS TO CO 343-4480 947 Franklin Bvd Mon Thun.-1100 am lo 10 30 pm Fn -11 00 am to Midnight Sat -Noon to M Km (got Sun -Noon to 10 SO pm By Scott Simonson Orttgar f>na**VJ Oregon assistant football coach John Kamsdell isn't interested in hearing about how well people think his receivers are playing. He knows they can play hetter. Kamsdell was understandably pleased with senior split end rtor rick Deadwiler's record-setting performance last week. But Kamsdell wasn't completely sat isfied. "Derrick Deadwiler had 200* some yards." Kamsdell said. "But he also had the possibility for a lot more. There were a couple of times where the other guy just barely (.aught him." Deadwiler's 11 catch®* for a Oregon record 234 yards against California was one reason Rams dell can say that the Duck receivers have met his expecta tions for the early stages of the season. More than performances, though, the receiving corps' potential is what excites Rarns dell "They've got a chance to be as good as any group we've had in the post few' years." he said "They're making plays we haven't been making in the past couple of veers. They're (etching the ball dinip." Besides Deadwiler flankers Cristin Mcl^»more, Brian Brown OFF, Any Breakfast u or Espresso Item \ on game day 1 with the purchase ot a breakfast or espresso, get a breakfast or espresso item of equal or lesser value '/i price! Kick oil Game Day With Breakfast at Rennie’s Landing 1214 Kincaid 7:30 a m.-I a.m. M-F 687-0600 9 a.m.-1 a.m. Sal-Sun L J Improved receivers lead Ducks isivMiuRM't r*< •. mtm honi Htst ahch m This Building Has the Edge a Saving Money on Energy Costs Research Park Associates, the University ot Oregon, and the City of Eugene know that the smart money is on Eugene Water A Electric Board's Energy Smart Design program. The developers worked with EWEB's Energy Management Services in identifying cost-effective measures that made the first Riverfront Research Park building 30% more energy efficient than Oregon building code requires. As a result. 1600 Millrace Dnve has been designated as an 'ENERGY EDGE' award winner by EWEB and the Bonneville Power Administration Energy Smart Design. It's all designed to save on the cost of heating, cooling and lighting your new commercial building That's energy efficiency by design For more information on the Energy Smart Design program, phone EWEB's Energy Management Services at 484■ 1125 EWEB Eugene Water A Electric Board 500 East 4th Avenue Eugene. Oregon 97401 503-4*4-1125 In cooperation with Bonneville Power Administration and Dameron Ricketts and split end Kory Murphy have seen action for the Ducks this year. Oregon's offense has been delivering big plays more fre quently than most Duck teams in recent years, and this year's group of rereivers has been a major part of that success. "These guys have the ability to make the big play They can do something with the ball after the catch." Ramsdell said. However. Ramsdell sit,.!. the receivers don't deserve all of the credit. "Danny (O'Neil) has I wen more accurate delivering the ball this vear," he said.“And our protec tion's been better. We re just at the end of the chain." he said. Throwing the ball deep has done more than just provide extra excitement. Ramsdell said Ore gon receivers can make the hig play help open up the rest of the offense while making their own lives easier. “At Oregon, we've always believed in trying to keep the opposition off balance,” he said. "It's also important for our receivers that we’re not always throwing quick passes." Ramsdell gave his scouting report on the strengths of each receiver: • Deadwiler: "Derrick's very explosive. He's a quick guy. and he's very good at running with the ball after the catch. He's excitement." • McLemore: "He's outstand ing in terms of catching the ball. He has excellent range and can make the tougli catch. He's acro batic . and he's a tough competi tor." , w I lu > VtTIV IJUll.K and has great separation skills Before he got hurl he was prob ably our best route runner.” • Brown: "He's a tough guv He's got great hail-catching skills He's kind of our dependable, journeyman receiver. " • Ru ketts He's young and he's got great potential. He's just getting started for us, but he can really play He's going to be a great asset lor us." The youth of the receiving corps is one reason Ramsdell is hoping for continued improve ment Mcliuuore and Murphy are sophomores, and Ricketts is a freshman. "The younger they are. the more they have to learn, ' he said. Ramsdell said demands had been especially heavy on Mur phy. who is doubtful for Satur day's game because of a knee injury. "We have asked Kory to play a lot of positions, probably more than we’ve ever asked from a young receiver, and he's respond ed very well," Ramsdell said. Head coach Rich Brooks also praised the receivers this week, but warned of a USC secondary that is "fast and physical." "Our receiving corps is doing an outstanding job. With Kory out. the others have stepped it up and are doing a terrific job," he said. Ramsdell said the Ducks will have to continue to step up their level of play in order to compete with tougher opponents as the season progresses, but he doesn't think that will he a problem. "I believe we're just getting started." he said. "I don't see these guys being satisfied with what they've done so far. They're looking for improvement and try ing to get better.”