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Trojan running hack Mazio Royster was seeing stars and the Ducks' Chad (iota I«n nine a star On that night, almost exactly two years ago. Chad (iota, a red shirt freshman from Ashland, was given the call to replace the injured Eric Castle at free safety. Within minutes. Royster took a hnndoff and was promptly lev eled by Cota with one of the biggest Duck hits in recent years "I guess you could say I took advantage of the opportunity," Cota said. "When Castle got hurt, the coaches just kind of threw me in there. I think I probably i.aught their eyes with that hit.” Since that night. Royster has recovered from the blow and is now in the NFL. and Cota, now the Ducks' strong safety, has never relinquished his spot as a starter in the Oregon secondary. Castle is now gone, and injuries have decimated Ore gon's defensive Itackfield, leav ing a largely young and untested crew in the secondary. Now in his junior year. Cota has covered nicely for Castle. Ho leads the team in tackles (27) and interceptions (two), but morn importantly. Cota has found himself thrust into the position as the veteran of the secondary, and with that comes a greater emphasis on his lead ership. "I've been horn a whilo. so I think I've earned the respect of the coaches, fans and younger players.'' he said "Because of that. I think the younger guys may look up to me a little " Head coach Rich Brooks said the injuries and youth of the bnckfield has pushed Cota hip deep into the leadership role "One problem we've had is that there have been different people at free safety and the cor nerback position each game,” he said "We have a lot of new faces in the secondary and Chad has been the constant, steadying forte of the group. Chad's pres ence is critically important to bring < ontinuity to our cover age." Never was the inexperience of the secondary more obvious than last weekend when Califor nia destroyed Oregon's defen sive hacks in the now infamous "comeback game." "When the game was over, I was just looking around in a daze," Cota said. "I couldn't believe what happened." In that game, Oregon's sec ondary gave up 3f>8 yards pass ing, three touchdowns, and the crucial two-point conversion that won the game for the Bears. Even though Cota admitted he may be tho leader in the sec ondary, he said there's only so much ho can do come game time. WIN KING DESIGN A W A TJiis Bui tiling Has the Edge in Saving Money ok Energy Cists •. it**> '• of sas srum lU;! • -V-> iX, ft.i'f,' As4 EWEB Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 Eas! 4ih Avenue Eugene Oregon, 97401 503-484-1125 In cooperation with Bonnevme Pomtt Administration ^_r_p..j. n i.-vrt'i Design Studio, Bruce E Smkey. Architect AIA. knows that the smart money is on Eugene Water & Electric Board s Energy Smart Design program They worked with EWEB s Energy Management Services m identifying cost-effective measures that made the University Center building 30% more energy efficient than Oregon building code requires As a result, University Center has been designated as an "ENERGY EDGE' award winner by EWEB and the Bonneville Power Administration Energy Smart Design. It's all designed to save on the cost of heating, cooling and lighting your new commercial building That s energy efficiency by design For more information on the Energy Smart Design program phone EWEB s Energy Management Services at 484-1125 ACCENT £>N CHAD COTA YEAR IN SCHOOL: Junior OREGON NUMBER: 7 DIMENSIONS: 188 pounds. 6-foot-1 HIGH SCHOOL: Ashland REPUTATION: Always been known as a big hitler' MAJOR: Sociology HE’S SO TOUGH: Played much ol last season with a broken thumb QUOTE: "I need to start working on getting some more big hits" Em^raW "I try to give the guys encour agement when they get heat deep," he said, "But we've real ly been concentrating on com ing together as unit defensively. Every player needs to be leader in his own way." Cota and the rest of the Ore gon team has put the Cal game behind them. They have no choice. Things will not get any easier for the Ducks as they pre pare to get into the heart of the Pacific-10 Conference schedule loaded with pass-happy teams. USC being one of the deadliest. Trojan quarterback Rob John son has completed nearly 70 percent of his passes, is averag ing 247 yards a game and has thrown for 10 touchdowns in five games. Johnson has also only thrown one interception this season. In addition, USC has one of the top receivers in the country in Johnnie Morton. Morton has boon on the receiving end on more than a third of Johnson’s completions and already has over 600 yards receiving, including four touchdowns. "Morton is good receiver," Cota said. "He likes to make acrobatic catches. Their passing attack will 1m? another tough test for us in the secondary." Saturday's game starts at 3:30. so although the game may not he under the lights, Cota wouldn't mind if he could, once again, make a Trojan see stars. 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