CxL 8 $3 Oswald Flva-0 film Plat Qlla VcL 9 $5 HaatwKsar Kpants Sana fid. /r $3 C/Z y U%U*L\ (III at 9:3C pjtu 131 [.1 lil mm Pairs i UplUIpP MINI f CARNATIONS $2.49 fv*r rirtm «rb«nr ■ Mrm irabMr J&W&fonS' I I <>vv| MS VM>0l»7b (.•mu t 10 *« ut «' 1.1 Vk >*(rw. Or. r«i. (K in: l’l»( kMbrrv t »fr*r. Or ***.- • f \ > RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Rule Share brings together people needing ami offering rules any where in Oregon or throughout the country, lor more information call 345-7600. GUARANTEED THE BEST BUY IN TOWN! The AT-200 9*s! • unromoiy rrame s jumoo horn • 1993 Shimano Altus C-10 21-Speed Shifting Hurry! Sale Ends 10-31-93 HOUKS M S.i 9 6 Sim 12 5 | 446 East 13th Avenue •Eugene • 343-5362 Oregon Dmiy Emerald Sports PAC-10 WEEKLY PICKS u f itv« POM HUM •» TK# l ami l« Itn* >0 It** rqbl Hi ffw **bng !•»« ■» «►»»*’'• '»»<*• '**•*>•' of PW«> < 1 «(w:M mwln arMfii™ [»*«•• «•»»»• n.**m of pu»-n * -t «.par:«»ti to to** t» Tt»» 'xM'tM « iNj» UM or MMractad to tto too KM to Ootormn* «*to pctad to» (>•*• cormlly _ Oregon Daily Emerald Steve Mims Dim CbvtoonnMu Scott Simonson Michele Ross Jake Berg Jeff Pastay use Pick 'em a! Oregon Washington -1 1/2 at California A/ironi St •312 at Washington St BYU *8 at UCLA Pacific *7 at Oregon St Miami *1? at Florida St Overall Oregon Washington Wnkmgton St UCLA Oregon St Miami 3-3 Oregon California Waskingtori SI UCLA Oregon St. Miami 4-2 Oregon Washington Washington St. UCLA Pacific Miami 4 2 Oregon Washington Washington SI UCLA Oregon St. Miami 3-3 Oregon Washington Arizona St. UCLA Oregon St. Florida St. 4-2 Oregon California Washington St UCLA Oregon St. Florida St. 5-1 II e re Open HEADQUARTERS FOR Downhill & X-Country Ski Gear. Snowboards & more Plus final Close-Out ALL IN LINE SKATES 40°o OFF ki /hop UHi 4 I jam I f» • (Iptfi %•■!.-» ‘ «IUM. r I . ___ PRC. ASUS Project to End the Grip of AIDS on Students in the United States Brings You... Where: South side of Autzen foot bridge (near soccer field) When: Start time at 10 a.m., Sun. Oct. 10th <%r S4i*e Please: Bring bike helmets and bring the whole family - and - Join the Pegasus Crew for coffee at International Student Coffee Hour, Friday, October 8th at 5:00-5:30 p.m. in the International Student Lounge, EMU. For more information call the Health Education Office at 346-2728. Sponsored by the Student Health Center, U of O Housing, & Interfratemity Council. Volleyball back home to play UW and WSU By Scott Simonson Oagon Datty EmerakJ They’re healthier, they're back at home and they've had a good week of practice. Oregon volley ball head coach Gerry Gregory hopes all this means his team is about to break its six-match los ing streak. The Ducks, 0-5 in the Pacific 10 Conference and 3-10 overall, play a pair of home matches this weekend. Oregon faces Wash ington at 7:05 Friday night and Washington Sta'e on Saturday night. Tlie starting time of the Washington State match has been changed to 7:35 due to the 3:30 p.m. sturt for the Duck foot ball game. Washington, 1-4 in the Pac-10, was ranked nationally before being beset by injuries. Wash ington State. 3-2 in conference play, is currently ranked 17th in the nation. "The important thing is that we know we can compete with both Washington and Washing ton State." Gregory said. "We go into every match thinking that we're going to win." After a disappointing road trip in Arizona last weekend, Grego ry was concerned with getting his starting lineup healthy in order to give them time to prac tii:e together. Gregory said that quick hitter Angoe Henderson's conditioning and skills aro returning to form after she was injured, and that the starters have practiced together this week. "Our week of practice went well," Gregory said."I think wo are a better loam now than we were a week ago, and I hope we're ready to compete." "Our middle attack is really coming around," he said. "Karissa Meith (quick hitter) has been a real force in the last few games." Gregory said the Ducks have improved their passing in recent matches, especially swing hitter Amy McNeol. "Against Arizona State, she exceeded the goals we had set for her." he said. "This week in practice, she has continued to pass well and impruvu her defense.” A young team with a new offense, the Ducks are con cerned with building for tiie future, Gregory said. However, it hasn't been easy for him to look to the future while the team's lone senior, swing hitter Nicolle Hedberg. has missed the last eight matches with a fractured left ankle. 2891 W. 11th (behind Bliss Steak House) Mon-Sat 11 am-2am, Sun 4pm-2am