165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS IBM PC. moOH TO 386. TO Mb-HO Color m©r*tn $06 M6 ‘076 _ Mac S€ w-twg pctwre turbary -^v-tor $700080 Wear- ?$00 portable rypew*»> S160.060 466 004.1 PC 286. 3S 5 MHZ. 20 meg MO. 6 4 00. color rnoortetf printer rOy St<*» Good shape $600 Randy 4*6 772! 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH”! We buy M#* and »rwP VMS VCRl and ifweo* • hompaon f WCtroncy t I22 0M 343-«73 175 INSTRUMENTS PMvy 4-channel P A.amp with Pf# yy speakers. twitch cables included Never usod S4QC, Ditton 345-1260 Recording artist. music pubWahar. arxJ producer John Sharkey teaches gwUT keyboards bass nod 10ngwrfbmg Ait styles 342 9643 Upright Plano (Casino) Needs tun mg S12M3BO 686 6986 195 TRAVEL BAHAMAS CRUISE B*g student discount on outrageous New Year s Bash Creative Adventures t 306 233-6490 ?05 OPPORTUNITIES Are you concerned with women a Is auea on campua? The Women's Cen ter Restructuring Committee Or AOntomati©n ca# * 206 645-4 ’ 56 *»r 46069 DANCERS *u- v-e parv«'me -v Shifts f am ameeSfnt ftxwwf Apply m pe'SC*V 2891 A * !?h AS* to Ken Earn citra cash stuffing envelopes At he**# AJI materials provided Se00 pm Ca* 3463?49tor n*c INTERNA TIONAL EMPLOYMENT Mat up to S2.000* mo teaching bas* conversational f.ngi«sn abroad Japan. Taiwan, and S Ktye«» Many provide room A board • other benefits No pra v*K*S training r*qu«ed For more into mat on caH t •206-632 ' t 46 e«t J6Q69 LIVE-IN RESIDENTIAL TRAINER Provides training, monitoring and Sup pod in sem» .ndependent faying setting ' OuaTtfted Tutors needed to Soc 326. Math 23 V Actg 360. cy Fml 316 Must have A or 8* m course be ab*e to obtam faculty recommendations Good pay. very flentoe hours Con tad Kim at Academe Learning S«r vees. 66 PIC. 346-3226_ Willamette Pass Ski Corp >s looking to entt>us»a si*. active, health-con soous employees to the 1993-94 s*“ season FT/PT A job shared positions are available at the ski area Positions range horn management to entry level Applications are available at 2282 Oak mont Way. Eugene EOF OFFICE MANAGER Duties Managing accounts library searches sh»p/r©ce 6 50 hr 3 term commitment 346-4974 Work study positions availePie- The University ot Oregon Upward Bound MSPC .s now hiring office assistants lor the 93094 academic year The pro gram is looking lor someone with good computer skills and typing abrkty Appit cants will aiac t>e required to perform a vanety ol office tasks and assist >n pro gram development The starting pay *> S5 50/Tv for more information CAM 346 3501 or pc* up an appicalion at 1669 F iSth Ave The Upward Bound MSRC is an squat opportune sm(Soysr 22c HOUSES FOR RENT Houm to* Root. Exceptional. tu» nlaltad. « BORM, 2 6 barth. hooMi m SW h.»« Hardwood Ikxxv t<»« bath Oocfc. naa», 10 mirujia* lo U ol O Mo parts o* smoxwa SOSO. 3*6 6716 SabbaUcal parlaction, ocaanlroni. t rw . 1 1/2 bath lum.snaa nooxmok.og, ^at . $7!Q/rrx> Sno*t taasa 687-9106 226 APTS DUPLEXES Available now: 2 Bedroom, furnished, covered perk ing $4*5 1750 Aider 1684 Aider Manager 6860743 Von Kle*n Property Management 1301 Ferry 486 7776 Bike to U of O from this greal • bed room apartment in Quiet, close m Springfield location Dec*, large yard No pets or Smokers |350rmo 3456/IS 1 Bedroom apartment, i Woe* from campus Pets okay 1366.mo 3*36326 PROSPECT PARK Country quint in thn city! 1.243 Bedroom Apartments with private decks, news. pool, tennis courts, playground and more 1710 Northview Bhrd 484-6553 225 APTS DUPLEXES Kx • comtoruKX* place to ltv« m- ?h i*ea*y jy«O*'** r-AOC* COTtpuB? M*rt ■*" *•**• *h9hrtQ yO«WX9y «1 !Np CoAagw «**»J *how you d or*** a.TW-jTvtt1 A} ’$&>. urtj Agger U,} ' ?5S <•:*• t lH *'om $9d$ j * Covff ►I D4'^ ~0 V WY C*«Mtn 1 BE 0*0096*3 75 *0 Noe** to c«ntf)us Urdur^tNwd Qnai locate. naa# S«te way Vary e**an taufXfry p&k>*Q iMMl t*fOU<|h Nt) 0*t* **045 W*4Vr>#R* 34*> 796-* 1491 N 5th Sprlngflald Ntca 2 badrooma i Auffdry Parting S390 No »’a<* Show" by dCVO***** SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 596-1130 345 W 10th 40 quads CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 i. I7lh MOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Wafc to U o< O A Safaway PmaM rooma-UIAbai £»** i ***** l MM from i?4$ CALL TWOV-W-W_ 250 DORM CONTRACTS PtMM buy my dorm contract* Matwinmain Contact Carna 343 *»645 or 346 966/ l Mv« masaaga 255 ROOMMATES WANTED F«m«i« roommate wanted to tfwa mealy furmshad 2 BORM on »3p\?M»h $250 * 1? UlMte [>P 4r«w% part 465 2*6/ Hindu man. 45. Satvtte. want* u> *har» Nxiamg oooparafcvafy mw* o*h ©»» S©*. caWa. phona incHxted 280 MEETINGS Tha Mualim Studant Association « ganara) rtemi mwtong. Wad Oct _ UP from 5pm 6pm >n Cedar Hm f 1 MU £ voryona a r-vtac? to attend th© rmwcmj 285 CLUB SPORTS TABLE TENNIS Interastad in joining tha U of O tabte tannii team? flayers of al» i«v©is H O O {.INI HAl FWIHK THK FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I ... ■■ ■' •"— Th* baiter-equipped alav* ahlpa, of court*, always carried a apart Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson LoVfc TVMc1 S'^ 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT (W«ftf lm!n 41 h4, 687-6651 •wODU Classifieds » _ / >70/) shopping ^ 320 SERVICES O A Y / I t ■ rv» E INI . TONIGHT SATURDAY TUISDAT WIDNHDJT NiTWOSK 0 »...»*»■ 4 w >> it.. m check out ocjiAi 775 Monro. Street « modal alternative! a non akohd and hstrstment trrr pin * to nv+et rxw p**.>f+r' • 6S3-43Q3 CROSSWORD By Eugene Shqffer ACHUVj 1 ColtM slany 4 luminary ■ Too pvopar 12 Raid lha ca boa 13 Ci/cla danca 14 Emanaton 15 Ona not suttad lor running? IT Raviawar Raa 14 Bind in a bundla It Wap/li 21 A/my lank abtx 22 lab vastai 2® Zoo favonlas 2* Tom Hanks nova 30 Natl agg acct 31 Pal shop purchasa 32 Connpton 33 Mand. as a bona 34 Columbus sen 35 Esampta/ ol palianca 3® Matt-shop li sals jr mo>* liagda It Lanai opanat 40 Hava txKt 41 "Abite* dabiar 45 FaHiva bath 44 Naiiow maigm wtn 50 Saad coal 51 Swwal 52 •— Taka Romanea' 51 Mdaast arn »lnp 54 Oppoina ol a»ac 55 -L A Law* alumna DOWN 1 Haavy w#4)M Willard. 1915-19 2 Four lattar wrOfd 3 To ba. *n Toulon 4 Barbar *hop r5*ng»-on •ra. oltan 0 ‘Duimondi — F oravar 7 Chaata and baar racipa • Anorak 9 Aclras* McCUna h an 10 Angar 11 Angarad 16 USA amblam Z>OHJlK>n do mm*. Y#at«f day's answaf tO-d 21 Ik 24 Sifcwoim of pu/rl* dom 25 ‘Daml 26 Garbag* batg* 27 facility 26 Walar. to -k>»* 26 Tuckac't partnai 32 Hangari’ tJoma.nl 33 •WASH" local* 35 Non Ganlil# 36 Tampl IHMI 36 Eucalyp tivora 39 D.tda.nful rajatlon 42 Pal lal 43 Fat. in comb.na lions 44 Paul airport 45 Joka or cftoka 46 Coacfi Par* lagh.an 47 Claiboin* of taihon 46 Sina non link k i.r i.i ■ l