CALL 346-4343 BEFORE 1 pm TOD A Y TO PUT US TO WORK FOR YOU TOMORROW' 155 PERSONALS Julfco. moot mo of Pogotuo Pita m !ho bM«n^l »0* Monday night (OOCbft* and J> 00 »*cea o< OBQ cbcfcen pt«o S*« you tftnfo' Q**at»ar. Stator MUSICIANS WANT!D *0* a oontamg f> eicopfeonal roc* bond C«& 4ft4 3M2. a*> *Or ArvV»rw To My UtfM CoMn, IT* boon A fOA# A I fcvfl you moro than ovor1 110 LOST A FOUND Loci In EMU Octobof ». Kryi aunt pufpM rhang* pufM A 0*M*cJl*»n CW On*. IM iOU 115 TYPING SERVICES Ai >44-0750, N06M •» QUAD SCHOOL APOftOVtO ?0 yo» INivv^m boc* ground Torm p«pora/T u» r*#um« sof v*co t dthog laoor pr ON CAMPUS? JO THf TYP1NQ PRO Word f>fOCO*a»oy'T yp^yfitMfrvg ThooowOtMortottons on L—or Cali fl&MMCS Anyhmo Manuscript* T 'antcriptiont A Hoofckoopmg Sorv«coa ovfetabta Coll J42-4M6 IF YOU'RE WRITING EVEN ONE PAPER THIS TERM. YOU NEED US f dTOng • WrtSng AmIHvk» • Typing AI wf*ng taytao tuOfOCt* wotaomo ' Pro/Edtt 343-2747 TioA/anlAOd f ft« f iao FVofOOt*' PI N MMilVID Baiter* I jml 40V TUT Vwt l < > w»rw « ?•** I ns TYPING SERVICES rmm/iomw f ree pckuorttetruery Cap Rootle m 935 IMS? no FOR SALE MISC CONN Trumpet *7$ Get***: crnorf apreeeo maPer turvueerl) S*a Cali 4662167 Enlarger 8mM> 67. DtCMRO color head, roury lube motor ipptsior more CM Anttw"( m 344 3776 4400 f »ir Single luton eale JlOO E«ce*eni con difaon CM 3*6 6V1? or ee«e meeaege 6 Sheafs of pleilgleee avg NmqM 66“, avg reogtn 78* Some ncratcHM 4 cracfcs Used 10 cover gallery esututs S40 per peace or S200 lor up Contact Ton at 346-4376 20s OPPORTUNITIES i JO FOR SALE MiSC Ooon Frtdg* Q E In otmi common tao cm Sarah * 6tm bh» -- ; nt evert f t HIS i r-A r f n 5 i« CARS TRUCKS Must sett Ford Escort ‘«3. 103.000 m^SS ? DR wtwte *t#r«o. muffle* m* *>g y»&oeo cm 741 c ? m Ug* UtM Car-7$ Toyota, runs Qr sal-4600 Womans baa ?6“ $50 3*3 W?6, , nas t>a*#s. rsceni turvs-uo $2500080 6666106 ?05 OPPORTUNITIES o ck CO wanted: A few energetic students... Student University Relations Council is an organization of students who plan quality events and programs including Homecoming, Mayfest and Parent's Weekend. S.U.R.C. is now accepting applications for new members. Applica tions are available at 204 Johnson Hall. They must be relumed by Oct. 11th. 145 CARS TRUCKS M VW Campar. w t'ananu****'. r.artx**v . i ■ moBO m asao '71 VW But. n« t* e»b»u»< t*a*e» cMcfi Aet»*« eng SW4 OBO Ana VW Bug frt! -M 74 .unwc n» 73 Porsche IKtai c*u*tb A i»m ConmrtM* ilwga topi Si750. cat Joe* J44 i*«S^ _ IBM Subaru GL Wagon We« maaWnad S2O0C 34S-S715 ?io HELP WANTED 150 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS T« Honda 7SOCB **r* turn * hratras ttiac* $ ctvoma fv«» opar road eaP $700, CM 3*>7Qi» 155 BfCYClES Diamond Baca * atari E i Deore tquprai1 Mary n*w pan*' * Earl srapp S3i»0 M3 2*39 ky t h ■0 Spaad to* aata Tap Grtano ira-n* $75 Cal maaaapa a WD7390 HO HELP WANTED 155 BICYCLES COOi, CLAtWC, COMMUTIR BIKES! ***** and tiv* ap«*d tiCyct— A*) t»kM nuctyVMUlfiy '«CT ' LshAr T«V- S£*JD *s, HONptLDSl -THOUSANDS? a €R &£L»D CXum&S 2