Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 07, 1993, Page 9, Image 9

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    IFC position opens as former chairwoman leaves
By Edward Klopfenatein
Ortgon D*>y ErrmatC
The former chairwoman of the Incidental Fee Com
mittee officially left the organization, making way for the
ASUO president to find someone to fill the seat imme
In other business, the IFC granted a S3.500 request to
the Women's Center. Restructuring Committee so the
committee can hire an independent facilitator, attend a
retreat and cover expenses for informational meetings.
Committee member Esther Wong originally planned to
work through the term and resign officially in January,
she said at last week's IFC meeting Last week she
announced her intentions to leave along with members
Julia Wallace and Tonija Edwards.
But Wong said last night that resigning in January
would be unfair to ASUO President Eric: Bowen and to
the incoming member.
Bringing a new member into the IFC during the start of
the busy budget season in January wouldn't be fair, she
Bowen is currently reviewing applications for the seat
vacated by Wallace and the other seat left vacant when
Stove Masat was asked to resign last spring.
Bowen will present his recommendations for Student
Senate approval at the Senate's Tuesday night meeting.
The IFC approved unanimously to help fund the cen
ter’s transition.
Bowen said the committee was needed to redirect the
vision of the center after a long period of infighting
stymied the center’s work.
Of the $3,500, $1,000 will fund a retrent to help com
mittee members plan the future goals of the center. Wong
said she had experience in setting up retreats, and $1,000
was a very reasonable cost.
Another $1,000 will fund food, advertising and child
care for committee meetings designed to get input from
A facilitator was hired for four hours a week to help
the committee organize its meetings Six months of that
employee's pay totals $1,500.
The !FC also redirected about $9,200 from the
Women's Center coordinator position to two new posi
tions. The ASUO hired a student advocate for $4,200 and
a receptionist for $4,143. Bowen asked that $5,000 be
directed to the receptionist position to pay needed over
OSPIKi ■•cycling Campaign
will mwii tonight at 6 in Suit* 1
EMU For mom information, call
Leabiaa. Gay. and liniuil
Alliance will sponsor a aocial with
the Doan of Student! Office today
from 4 to 6 p m in the EMU Dining
Room For more information, call
I.CBA will praaent an open houae
today from 2 to 4 p m. in Room 319
EMU. For more information, call
346 3360
Student! for United Nation! will
meet today from 5 10 to 6 30 in
EMU Century Room ('. For more
information, call 744-5576
Student Pro|ecti Board will meet
today from 5 to 6 in EMU Century
Room fl For mow information, tall
346 2650
Science Fiction Reading Croup
will meet today at noon in Room
448 PEC. For more information, call
346 3010
International Student! Anon#
lion will conduct public relation!
officer recruitment interview*
tonight from 6 to 10 in the EMI> ()«k
Room For more information, call
Alpha Kanpa Pci Buainesa Orga
nisation will meet today at 5 p m in
Room 336 Gilbert For more infer
mat ion. call 465-3276.
Vietnamese Student AxMMialion
will present a student guest speak
or from Vietnam Ionian! at t» to in
the EMU Gum wood Room f or
more information, call 686-9942
Friend* of Eugene will sponsor a
pu hi it forum, with a panel, on the
Ferry Street Bridge expansion
tonight at 7 10 at Harris Hall (Coun
ty Building). 125 E 8th Ave For
more information, call 345-2747.
Eckankar of Eugene will present
« workshop open to all tonight at 7
at 315 P W 13th Ave For more
information, call 343-2657
Museum of Natural History will
present I 1m lecture T1m Southwest
ent Oregon Cougar Study by Steve
Denney, from the Oregon Depart
ment of Fish and Wildlife, today
from 4 30 to 5 30 p m at the Muse
uni of Natural History. For more
information, call 346-3024
Museum of Natural History will
sponsor Mini Mercado, an outdoor
market and lunchtime event offer
ing fresh tamales. Mexican sweets
and Guatemalan textiles, today from
11:30 a m to 1 30 p m in the Muse
urn of Natural History courtyard
For more information, call 346
Academic Advising and Student
Services will present a workshop on
applying to graduate school today at
3 30 p m. in Room 164 Oregon Hall
For more information, call 346
Student Health Center will pre
sent a walking group workshop for
exercise and fun today si 4 p m in
Room 21 at the Student Health Cen
ter For more information, call 346
Deadline for submillmg ht Alt lu
the Lmt*ralri front desk. Suite TOO
hMI it noon the day before pubh
cation The ore i editor doet not
have a tone machine Et Alt run the
day of the event iinlets the event
tales place before noon
Notices of events with a donation
or admission chaff* erill not be
accepted Campus menu and those
scheduled nearest the publication
date will be given priority The
Emmld mu-the nghl to edit fat
emmmor and style El A1. run am a
spoceeveihble basts
(Offer expires only when you do.)
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