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Parks said, "The problem with that is you will not always make it to that test You will sometimes have to miss a day or two of class because your child has the chicken pox and can't go to school. And there are no day-care pro grams I know of that would tako your child." The advocate said she also is interested in changing the guidelines for federal financial aid. "Students come to the University to be success ful." she said "Getting Cs is not successful, and single mothers can't get As and Bs by taking 12 credits” Single mothers should have the flexibility to take fewer credits and still lie eligible for aid. Parks said. "This is a big fight, but somebody has to start it at least." she said Parks. 2f>. is a single parent living in Amazon Family Mousing with her two children, an eight year-old boy and a six-year-old girl. Coming from the University of Alaska. Anchor age Inst year, the political science senior trans ferred to the University because she was interest ed in the University's law school She said she will lx- applying for entrance next fall. Parks was very active in Anchorage, involving herself in everything from student government to working on « human rights task force in the police department She said she researched the relation ship between women of color and the police. The Women’s Center is currently Iming revised by the ASUO's Women Center Restructuring Com mittee Parks said the committee is reviewing the implementation of all of the center's services, including how many people should be working in tho center’s office. The ASUO hirer! Parks ns a three-month tempo rary employee until the committee finishes its revisions on the center. That is expected at the end of the term. According lo the AMJU. classmen stall also was hired for the first time to provide secretarial sup port for the office. The center previously had work-study students filling that role. The Women's Center does not currently have a coordinator position The Inst to hold that position was Hasani Kudura, whose contract ended in August and was not renewed by the ASUO. Parks said the committee will be deciding if there will be a coordinator position in the future. Having an advocate and secretary to provide referral services, supported by work-study staff, would create the minimum level of service until restructuring is completed, according to the ASUO. Other services Parks hopes to expand include support for the University's lesbian, gay and bisex ual community. As advocate, Parks will work on behalf of stu dents and their issues, which include sexual harassment, she said. Parks said she hopes to see programs developed lo help empower women. The Women's Center, located in the basement of the EMU in Room 3, is open from 9 a.nt, to 5 p.m. Open for business activat At a dead run, it can gauge the exact instant to backhand a tennis ball traveling 95 miles an hour for a baseline winner. Calculate how electrons move in a crystal. Compose symphonies. Even program a VCR. It's your brain Incredibly malleable. Infinitely versatile. Awesomely inventive. At Andersen Consulting, we want to keep it that way. So we challenge it with a stimulating variety of assignments Develop it with an average of over 170 hours of advanced training per year Reward it with advancement And support it with the resources of 22,000 professionals operating across 47 countries At Andersen Consulting, we always keep you in mind — Information Session Tuesday, October 12, 1993 from 6:30-8:30pm EMU Cedar A & B Campus Recruiting - UndergTad & MBA Schedules Friday, November 12, 1993 Undererad schedule. Deadline to submit paperwork for preselection - October 15, 1993 by 1:00pm. See Career Planning & Placement Services for required paperwork information Submit paperwork to 244 Hendricks Hall. Career Planning & Placement Services Bidding starts October 25, 1993 MBA schedule See Graduate School of Management Career Services for details. __ C AluktHll l Atxk-TM-n l iwmilttitK .»n (-^ual l t^x«rtuni»> I mfintf Andersen Consulting AKTHUIt ANDtJtSEN A CO. S.C