Dm* IMP no. VCR. *40, t «*«■ cmm m <»mi V lhaatl of plulgaai avy na*gM 86*. avg fang* 78" Sam* taitchm 6 CTKkp UMd 10 CO* gm»r, S*0 p*> PMO* w JS00 lo. a» Contact Ton at 346-076 1 4' C-nS TRUCKS Mum Ml Fort Eicon $3. <00 000 m«es 2 OR. white. stereo mutttar. au mg$a9&Q60 cm 74ioiaa MWto coasge student car. fckistard ■79 Toyota Coroia MS $700 OBO 466-82Wday* LrmwitMgi Ugly Mt Cer-'7» Toyota, nuts graM-SSOO Woman% bwe If. Mhelmst. $60 343-5826. evenings •• VW Cam par, new transmiaswn. carburetor.roll $1750060 M3-9630 *71 Toyota CoroMe hetrhharfc. AC. ' <5,000 mtaa. some rust Puna gresr, $475 3450203 MtaubUhl Slanon Hi. unrool. roar map u MM vphuMsry lac mOm oamtos, x-tartcondton S31 #5 6*34030 '(• Chary Nova 4011. 5speed, an. cruise. cauafle. now brake* $ Canary X lam condition $4000080. $43 *707 M Honda Chile, alarm caaa. new dutch & timing belt nary tuned moo car $5895 leave maaaaga 343-7815 1M0 Ford Feeds*. vary good cond> bon, new brakes, rocenl tuna-op $2500/080 688-6106 150 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 74 Honda 750CB. Me* bras $ brakes Black * chroma Great open road tube' $700. cal 34^7019 155 BICYCLES Cannondale SM 800. green. 18 Good condition, $695 Brad 343-3556. leave message _ " COOL, CLASSIC, COMMUTER BIKES! Single, three and live apeed bicycles All bikes mechanically reconditioned READY TO-RCX.L ■IKE SALE October 0th 1 10th at J2n<$Hllyard Saturday 1-*pm t Sunday 10-Spnt Headlight*-Racks-Baskets Practical, functional bikes tor sate Diamond Back Aacant Es. Deere equipment Many now parts’ X llent Shape1 $350 343 2439, ask lor Eh Man's 10-speed tor sal* Good conk non 550/080 6889365, ask lor bsa 10 Speed tor sate. TaM Gitano bame $75 Call massage a 663 2390 _ 17" NiaMkl Colorado MTN Bike. Shtmano components New nr, tires. * brakes Buns grasr $3751080, 346*843 If Bridgestone MU Mtn $235; 24" Slava Calvert touring $350. 24'* Pan asomc AL9000 Racing $200 6864677 >.5 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Electronic typewriter wr memory 4 line tun D»»y wheel Only $75, call 342 2028 IBM PC. model TO. 1B6. 70 Mb-MO Color monitor, software $050. 683-1070 evenings Queue Millet I primer. eeceHam comp Hon. $86. 345-1076 Machtloeh Pkie. 40 MB harddnve Imagewnter II. lota at aoltwere end an accaeaonea $900080 Alee 3436707 Pec kart) Be* MB compebble compu tar VGA graphic*. 20M> HO. 1M> RAM. $600 000 Dam. 8*6»D8 erne CAOHtll Me buy, Ml and eennee VMS VCH-I and stereos Thompson fWctroncs I122 0M. 3438273 neealQiie rack. 360 watte ampiiher equeftzar. heritable, dual caaeette. tun er and two huge, obnououa speakers $600 060. cat Henry 406-2882 Upright Plano (Casino) Neade tun ing $1261080 6865886 ^ See The^ World... For Less CMtCOMt otv France ThaMand ■rid Australia $179** SIM* $849* $865* $869* $430* $450* $530* •Ai%* 6 OK* «•¥ Hr GmrJ cr «xndrctpir^M tetinUM - rtfcjr* or yoUP* «*u tquwvd Cjl *t» c*Nt eovjtwdr Jrantsya Coundlltawd 715 SW Mofmor #600 Portland, O# 97505 NMII'IW'MMMH 2CS OPPORTUNITIES Are you eoncsmstf wtth moon's Is* suss on campus? The Womtn'i Can tor Restructuring CommittM «« seeking women with *wKXi» backgrounds and interests to sd on the comminw For further information please contact Katie Ge«ser en Suite 4 of the EMU or can 346 3724 by Friday, October ft "Get Excellent Sueineee Related Experience" ASUO tutHlM hiufK# tVf»nmr»«« •* ftiling ihr Mio-ainf powoont the IW W tchool rea« Stipend Pmiiwiu # A vu hn#mr ( «mlin#! P-9842 _ NOOUE Mvar raffing! Oct 1518. *175 wen meal*, van Mao trip* on Mc Kenna A upper Klamath, guide tram mg 896 4««5 peraon* molested m earning apacaal education cartHcabon For more mtor maaon plaaaa area to Sandt Deyr*. 176 CoAaga al Educaaon. Unrvertty oI Oregon. Eugene, O 97403 OPPORTUNITIES Srudani faculty ComnwIM poatoon* an open lo> appacalien ' a* n iMn lag* ol »ua great opportunity 10 cftooao •rom over 20 commataea « atfrCft to parfcopete Appfrcaoon* & commit*# daacrptwm* »a avatatva *1 tne ASUO Erac. EMU Su«a * Appucahcn daad Uneafnday QctoOat 'WSatiOOpm Sbidani Untaarafty Aalattont Coun cil teak* ttvxtonH to Nap plan Avars* afrc Homecoming. Uoy'm' «00d drive*. Me Application* at 204 Jono •or Ha* OoA Oct tttti :t: HELP WANTED Itaftenea Earn up to *2.000 Ja.OOCVmo on tipvng nwwal* o« m eamenea M*r> compamea provide transportation and room & poara I in mosa ntormafror call 1 206-M&4'S6 ail A8089 Cam aitra caah Hutting envelope* a! Soma AH material* provided Sand SASE to P O 3BS, QlalOa. KSaeOSl EARN UP TO »10.Mr Motivated Hudenti naadad tot PET nwkotmg poetion at yote tcPoot Ra» *orm*t*y\ Ca# ! ?tfr3g4*?g6(7«m iQprnj ; d»yi Worn study studtm. PT tor Orogon Bach FmPyiI Advartiamq. Pfl c* Mar hating flMte pn»t«HTBd 3 Tarm» tos> 0*0 *ocr* CaH Nancy at 346 6666 ;:o HOUSES FOR PENT SabteOcai par«ac«on. ocmiItom. t m , I \fl bam *i>mah«3 ronamoan'O. >•1 J/uymo Short imw 6fl? 9105 a APTS DUPLEXES PROSPECT PARK Country quirt in (hr city/ 1.24 3 Bedroom Apartments with prtvate deck*. v*t»r», poo*. i«nrn» courts. playground and more 1710 Horthtoeer Wed 484-6553 Wishing for a comfortable place to live w«th ncety prepared meats one Nock from campus? "Had 4" w*fh faring you* bathroom. ctoeats that •cm hoW your stuff and unpiaasmnt •urroundmga? The friendly S*ah at the CtiAtgur '•'S shea you a great alternative' Al I Wh and A*1a 343 s 255 15th 4 OUVf * Studk>* and lofts from $395 * Covered peril no very clean 96W 16«h 484 6633 1401 N 5th SpftngflcM N4c* 2 bedrooms Laundry Puli ng S390 No Pats Stw»n by sppor-tmart SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES AMP 11)0 JAA W 10th ?40 QUADS 2 spaces to co-op house tO minutes from campus on busline. 343 6706 l By GARY LARSON '(btityoh7 tort**" J 7' T at** »* ‘■ i IWiwn hr jAwW.' 7 1 Cteftfttc conversation stoppers t Calvin and Hobbes by B1H Watterson I Qor K A *MOOP Dfc SMU-ti fKE \ 0OO TOR sncKtft on I 'ioo W QUIZ A—„ WHAT DID YOV GET?, HONE OF *X* DARN BUSINESS' ioo GOT A FROWHi FACE. DtDHT 1CW ? MO. fcs* MMTE.R Of FKT. I DIDN'T / I DlDHT EVE.M K.NOM W< HAH BARFtNG FA££ 5TK.K.ERS. ■50 DORM CONTRACTS Avafiatote one dorm room ana a case of bar* ft .ntaresied contact Daw J at Ml 064 \S-5X\\X\S<<^SSSX^«n\NV<^ § w i: <: r c i. /• g 7///C S .'55 ROOMMATES WANTED F am ate roommate wanted to ^ure o<«44 month In woman a co-op Ufc»* baa. cafete phona mciudad m com ptetafy M*v*h«d horn* 345099) 280 MEETINGS CAL UNO AIL FEMMtSTS? Thara wfH ba an in-dapth cAscuaafon on !ha problems A «s«ue* of dvervty m what's caAad tha t*m«n**t's movamant on Wednesday Oct 6 m the EMU Ben t.mdar rm from 5 30 7 00 pm Ch4d care and refreshments w'S be prov*}ad Contact fcteUL 346-063? for into 285 CLUB SPORTS BASEBALL Anyone tntarastad in Joining the U of O baseball team into meeting Wed Oct 6 al / p m Cedar f ICE HOCKEY Mandatory informational maatlng tor Aft *n!wcrated layers Wednes day, Oct 6*h at /(30pm at Lana County _____ INTERESTED IN CYCLING? * ROAD RACING * MOUNTAIN BIKINO * TOURtNO Intormofronal Meeting Wed Oct 6 / 00pm m EMU Cedar Room k: SCUBA CLUB Oryaniiatlonaf maatlng *00 pm f MU Cad* Mm* A B WwfrwidAy Oct 6 SKI TEAM Anwona Intaraatad In (olnlng ma U ol O SAI Taam -*1 maating TMvKy. Oct 7 «I ma EMU Mapla Wm al 1 p m WOMAN'S ULTIMATE FRISBEE Qanaraf maallng for tnoae .nlareetod m podtr<>alr>y n aoman't uflmala Thuraday night al ft 00 p m m Cadar ftoom f tn lha I MU 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Nava Lunch tn Tha Rochlaa! Tha U or O Outdoor Program prosooli "Ouldoor Advantura “ A **1ao M of suww Imghng roc* chmtwrg s*«ng, and *aya*mg n the Canwkan Hack*** !?Mpm Wedneadary. Oct flth al lh« Outdoor Program Wesley Mght FeHowahip? torughi at 7 00 tor wngmg. icnptu'tr A tun1 Al wo welcome' U» Kmcwd Sr 34ft 4604 :« ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT The BEER GARDENS In the EMU Dining Room FRIDAY October 8 BUCKHORN FrM Pregnancy Teat* t ugeoe f‘»*gnancy Support Conte# 336 fc nth 345 0400 Waft *n» reetcome. Tueafri 104 Concerned about pregnancy7 We can help Free pregnancy «»**» Party cJe tacbon i at Way W 1 CROSSWORD By Eugene ShcJ/cr ACROSS 1 Highland* S *— lov*t You* • Rag tiding 12 ‘Thu Tun* lh* DtMttTt 13 L*gum* horn* 14 f*ok»y‘ 15 Thanh* gwng maal attantial 17 JuH adorable 15 Mot** portiayai 1® lh* world ol gonllat 21 Thai* 22 McNally I partnai 23 Hotlt. lot them 25 Thomptot ol Hack It lh* Futut* 20 Unmovmg 31 Kitchen an ay 33 lit *t ary monogtarr 35 Nota in th* *>r tor 36 T*am n—n—n— M Aulho> Butcaglia 40 Aalionaia Omxxn 41 Daapon d«nl 43 Mu EddM Canlof 43 Swaaiar't 47 Youthand okjaga. • 0 31 Othari (Lalm) S3 Gwgaout 34 Oocupalo 33 Ring bcalun 33 Mr* Shaka aoaaia 37 Tiaila lha p Mck M WUntll St Tnh’i room, oil an DOWN 1 "Golly" 2 ln*ial »tahi 3 Flqhllott llock 4 Southpaw 5 Board gama davtca. tomalimat • Swaatw i 7 — laa Maslart ( Chmbt • Wall Iramawork 10 Jot? Uroi 11 City naar Solution time Zi mini. YiilOfdiy'i imwir 104 TT Provo 16 Jaiiar 20 P*ui lollowar 21 AWOLi' purauara 24 — au vm > 21 Ealmgmah og a cigaratta 27 Tha who la ahabang 20 Mary a boil 10 Seal# abbr 12 Wntlciama 14 Saarch parlnar? 17 About to arnva 10 Valhalla VIP 42 Plural • vara 44 Rag on at Vial nam 41 Tanma raquiaHa 46 Palvc bona* 46 Diamond a ida 40 B4Ba 10 Canlul dala 11 Manlo Parti monogram n iirirr-i