CALL 346-4343 BEFORE 1 p m. TODA Y TO PUT US TO WORK FOR YOU TOMORROW’ rTS~r & ■X: *^1 I Coming October BESTB.E-T.S-jUK,p s,n anythin* “nJ”'h" Oregon Oal'y fvetyTuotoyith*:««* „ tT.s.- ... 2 , l, ,.„dcr SION ‘J ;mcraia »»• r in ,„„„'. u, . Minimum *200 *1 P**«gJ|AY ,t1.00 pm , - items must be ^ ^ .?JtSwpMty*bonl> Uf0rinfo1 ^'X vri/../‘‘JfiJi ATTENTION GREEKS! The tnterfraternlty Council and the Panhellentc Council are now accept ing application* tor the 1904 t *eco Irve Council P«C* up Appteafiom in Sort® 6, EMU ASAP* Election* to# pres •ctont, v*c® president. scholarship, rush wvd tribunal Are October ‘ 3 Cx* rwoherf (angrotulotlaru to our rmr mrmbrri Joanna H. Anna H Alton T Jeeafcw M. Both « » KAPPAS Congratulation* To mV Fall 83 Pledges! Kevin Q Brian W Dan M tommy C Ryan S Jett B Jared T Jared D Chris M Jan P RodS Rod M Dave F Dan C Rod C BJ N Deeper d 0 Andy M Jaeon P Andy M. Qreg P Jake 0 _ Kt A* IX We had a great time Thank* tor helping us welcome oor pledges and congratulate Out new member* V AX1J SAE* B*d night was a success H sure wasn't a bore* let * keep »t a t/adbon m 1994 V AT IN Congratulationm Allman Si Jim on your pinning Boot irimhom for your futurm * your a la fern MB» LN Housing a bit tight? Check out sections 220-255 A fi tm3B 105 PERSONALS MUSICIANS WANTED *» ■ con(u*..i$ ly DMMlphonN '«* band Cti ■*«4 398? ask 1<» Arvken* Cop/ Acceptance ITic ODI: rcvervei the right In revise. reclassify, reject or cancel any ad .it Any lime CLASSIFIED POLK IKS 1 Deadlines I tnr Ads: I p m . hoc lousiness day prior to insertion Display Ads: 1 p m . two business days poor to insertion Errors/Refunds Please check. your ad* lire 01)1 will run a cl asm lied ad one additional day as a result of any typographical cm* that changes the meaning of the ad. tl reported hy I PM Refunds will Ik limited to credits only No cash refunds will he issued after the ad deadline ( redits must he used vc ithin 6 months of issue ..~ - 1 11 210 HELP WANTED 120 TUTORING 1 re TlTORiNG ACADEMIC LEARNING SERVICES Tutorial Support it available thia trm lor the nranrt tifttrd below at the Khrdulcd time* and day*: - Fall IW MATH O'* 300 MW MATH HI 2 00 H MATH HI 3 00 MW MATH HI 400 MW MATH HI 3 30 LH MATH 112 3 00 MW MATH 112 4 00 MW MATH 241 3 30UH MATH 241 4 30 UH MATH 242 2 00 MW MATH 243 3 00 MW MATH 251 2 00 MW MATH 252 3 30 UH MATH 25.3 4 30 UH CH 221 .3 00 MW EC 201 400 MW CfcR 101 200 MW CfcR 201 200 MW PH 201 300 MW HR 101 300 MW 1R 201 3 30 UH SPAN 101 300 MW SPAN 101 4 30 UH SPAN 201 400 MW To participate in these group* rrgiitrr and pay fee* (VjO/Cour»e) at Academic teaming Service*, 6# PtC If you need itiiitince in courm other than these, registry printout* are available that lift! qualified tutor* and their telephone number* There i« no charge for this printout. Set the wheels to motion .. urith a classified ad to the ** Oregon Oaflg Emerald! 346-4343 210 HELP WANTED 210 HELP WANTED The Oregon Daily Emerald is currently accepting applications lor advertising sales people to hcgm training lor work this tail The rewards are many This is your lirst step to a successful sales, marketing, advertising or business career Call Mark Walter Advertising Duector, at 346 3712 lor more information, or come by the ODE ollice at 300 EMU to pick up a |ob description and application Oregon Daily Emerald GOING BACK TO SCHOOL?!?! The UO Telephone Outreach Program has the back to school job for you!! HELP YOURSELF • earn extra spending money • schedule your own hours • build communication skills HELP YOUR SCHOOL • enhance UO educational programs • develop alumni relations For more information call 346-3433 or stop by 124 Agate Hall Annual Giving Program • UO Foundation • For Academic Excellence The University of Oregon is .mil equal opportunity, affirmative action institution, committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Amencans with Disabilities Act LOST 4 pc LOST «7/W Mac* MM* t**s»c* on CWW or MNom UO and SMooa* con lon.M«*n>tfr3’?3 «MM round. SapL is 1S«I and MM. contain* kayo, no LO. CoS M4-TM* s M M4-0TM. MOSM X OSAO SCHOOL Aootiovto »y*> m******* Oat* grtxord Tortn paparv? u* ro»um* »*» v«o COWry Laaorpr OH CAMPOS' JO TMf TYMMO PMO Word PTOCOMro^T yp^vtdrtiog ThosoorOMoortMtono on Looor Cot 663-6066 Anyhmn Manuacnpta- T f anacripMons A Boorckoopmg Sower ovoiiatM Co« M2-40M WE LL MAKE YOU LOOK GREAT ON PAPER M»« • WHOn* AaaMMaa • Tyjdn* At MlMno atytM and *ub|octe ootoomo Pn/EdH 343-2747 •Ouaromood Era f rao Pn*o<*e’ mmomonvn Frao cwAucvdni'vnry Call Honda at93S-l89P ovnrungVwoonod* IMLHIIKI) tartars Land 4RV-IJ4J Vhih ihf l * * ,i*rn m*v r IW' I ?os OPPORTUNITIES t25 INSTRUCTION HANDCOLORING B*W PHOTOS Add color to your MW photo graphetln It** two session class we w» mptwe traditional and contampo rely methods 0* handcdowg port* PreMOUS phOttV«pr»C espenence sol required Thur, Oct 7 !4. 600-9 30 pm EMU Cratl Center 346-436' o«r» iv*r «>»««« MAPUCHE LOOM WEAVING Beginning students will design end weave e bolt end a scad on a South American Mapuche loom Students will loam to warp and prepare the loom Advanced students win design and weave s belt using Mapuche style pic* ■ mg techniques Thurs. Ocl 7-Nov 18. 6 00 8 30 p m EMU Oatt center 346-4361 130 FOR SALE MISC CONN Trumpet. $T5 Cappuc cmo/E spies so ma*er (unused) SAG Cat! 466-2167 __ OTX Baas Outtar with Matrts amp. comas with case etectnc tuner Pad $900, sacrifice $600 Also Nintendo Gameboy w/letns. used only twice. $25 Various CDs $5 each Call Dave. 686 1021 205 OPPORTUNITIES Make an Impact Join the Oregon Daily Emerald Board of Directors as an At-Large Director Qualifications ✓ Commitment to attend monthly meetings and to partici pate in occasional sub-committees for a 3 year term. ✓ A member of the Eugene-Springfield/University com munity (other than employees of the Oregon Daily Emerald) / Volunteer position Our Purpose To publish a newspaper that will provide education and training for UO students in all aspects of newspaper oper ation by serving a campus audience with news, editorial and advertising content. Applications Send your cover letter and resume to Board Application Oregon Daily Emerald P.0. Bo* 3159 Eugene, OR 97403 Applications will be taken until 5:00 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the Board of Directors who will conduct personal interviews. Oregon Daily Emerald v fc MU PO U TV Otyon Duty ImrrmJJ u tti rquat affortuBity tw^ajtr u4 u tommmrt lo * nd!urally 4nmc mxtftan UiMritia ut nprti*9y raraingttf la ifWT 1 | 1'I-AKSIKIKD I‘EKH<)NAI>| StixianU SV» Knenda 014 Krufidi Jual Mar nod New tUt>> Kmpiuyeea Kmployrera Cradualei ’ ✓Category 105 YOUR CAMPUS OONNKCTION! (Wfnn Dm tty timer mid 346 4343 3464343 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU SMt Bum, mow coue Ty 0**t « SO MUCK s APVtXTKHGfatAHtR ^ /CANOGA&nts* ■) mm MOT fO , ■ / MM AVAIL- 7*. V" I ■/ ABU IN CHINA V'v. j but net mu-» -«imi tubus camm&APt just 6CAfSN6 UK CKBAW6 TUB tMoez k* ocmn6 tew 'KAV4-T0 mt-rajR oocxnuom 100%’ ho amuse., BUTIB&T HtCASe!