Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 05, 1993, Page 7, Image 7

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    The Economics of the Citibank
Classic Visa card. How Student Discounts and Price
Protection contribute to upward growth, a variety of factor i»t tx-m
suggested as contributing to the economic growth of students, including (1) more lottery winners
between the ages of 18 and 22. (2) a 37% increase on earnings from bottle and can returns, (3) more
students doubling earnings in the lightning round of game shows, and (4) the Citibank Classic Visa*
card. It’s this last one. however, that affects most students. H The Citibank Classic Visa card offers
immediate savings to student card members. You can sine up to 26% on king distance calls versus AT&T
with the free Citibank Calling Service" from MCI.1 And you can capitalize on a $20 Airfare Discount
N»» kno*n pu-furr oi tidaunghei muling etim mncmiM) hettew navunghm *«»
unh»jpf'\ brcmar he kit he could haw rnrtved a hettrr Jml on tuppliex // he uied a
(it thank (Ittsm l <*u< uni to* *vuid haw hem awuml of truing the h*<u peter and pn+abh
**>uld haw hern happier Artist rendering of ho* he *nuid haw appeared < <n the dollar
for domestic flights.' Savings on mail order pur
chases, sports equipment, magazines and music
also abound. Maximize these savings with a low
variable interest rate of 154%’ and no annual lee,
and you can significantly improve your personal
bottom line (especially if one’s net income tends
to be pretty gmss). Put another way, one might
even have enough savings to reinvest in a CD or two (the musical kind, or course), "i On the way to the
record store, or any store for that matter, take stock of the 3 services concerned w ith purchases made on
the Citibank Classic card. Citibank Price Protection assures one of the best prices. See the same item
advertised in print for less, within 60 days, and Citibank will refund the difference up to $150.4 To protect
these investments. Buyers Security- can cover them agaiast accidental damage, fire or theft (ordinarily
causes for Great Depressions) for 90 days from the date of purchase.4 And Citibank Lifetime
Warranty- can extend the expected service life of eligible products up to 12 years.' 11 But perhaps the
features which offer the best protection are your eyes, your nose, your mouth, etc. —all featured on The
Photocard, the credit card with your photo on it. Carrying it can help prevent fraud or any hostile
takeover of your card. (Insiders speculate that it makes quite a good student ID, too.) Even if one’s card is
stolen, or perhaps lost. The Lost Wallet' Service can replace your card usually within 24 hours. 1! So
never panic. As we all know, panic, such as in the Great Panics of 1837, 1857, and 1929 can cause a
downswing in a market. But with 24-hour Customer Service, there)* no reason for it. A question about
your account is only an 800 number away. (Panic of the sort experienced the night before Finals is
something else again.) H Needless to say, building a credit history with the support of such serv ices can
only be a boost. You’re investing in futures—that future house, that future car, etc. And knowing the
Citibank Classic Visa card is there in your wallet should presently give you a sease of security, rare in
today’s—how shall we say?—fickle market. H To apply, call. Students don’t need a job or a cosigner. And
call if you’d simply like your photo added to your regular Citibank Classic Visa card. Flere’s the num
ber: 1-800-CITIBANK, extension 19.1 The Law of Student
Supply and Demand states. "If a credit card satisfies more of a
student’s unlimited wants and needs, while reducing the Risk
Factor in respect to limited and often scarce resources—with
the greatest supply of services and savings possible—then stu
dents will demand said credit card.'' So, demand away—call.
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Not just Visa. Citibank Visa.
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ctord to obtain heacht* under any other MO partner program ur u#rr including (nmrt maid program* Qflrv c»f«ie* hr Minimum ucfcct fairehaae prxe • 1KJQ
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a 30 cento There « an addanmal hnar*e rharar t» each .ash advance transaction equal to i/lhe amwint «* each «.ath advant e irrmaue
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Monarch Notes® Version:
The Citibank Classic Visa card will
be there far you with special stu
dent discounts, no fee, and a low
rate , so your own economy will
be more like a boom than a bast.
Call 1-800-CmBANK, ext. 19.