ComlngOctob..W^-, best b.exs.iiik, Sett Oregon Batty •i'v' v/7 •n-v •V* «»‘■"rw"Sayi"' o^0" ° a7s ■': Every luesuay «rf5T B.E.T.S- ^ Emerald will p«1 b in town’. * Find the best dean Ml priced under v| Minimum S2 00 *»P£«iDAY »»l*» P m . i E^ESZS*'****^ . |un» mu" «* 146-4143 . P*rt> ■* on'y for info’^X 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS AMI ( onr <«Mi4*t tmtrdd Make an Impact Join the Oregon Daily Emerald Board of Directors as an At-Large Director Qualifications ✓ Commitment to attend monthly meetings and to partici pate in occasional sub committees for a 3 year term. / A member of the Eugene Springfield/University com munity (other than employees of the Oregon Daily Emerald) ✓ Volunteer position Our Purpose To publish a newspaper that will provide education and training for UO students in all aspects of newspaper oper aiion by serving a campus audience with news, editorial and advertising content. Applications Send your cover letter and resume to Board Application Oregon Daily Emerald P.0. Box 3159 Eugene, OR 97403 Applications will be taken until 5:00 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the Board of Directors who will conduct personal interviews. Oregon Daily Emerald Tbt Orrfan thih I'mrraJJ it an equal opportunity employer and is committed to a culturally diverse workplace Minorities are especially encouraged to apply 133 GREEK HiPPEMNGS AAA Watcomaa ou* nn pledgee! MO»y A Amy B B Ann* B T«ha B tynn C Meo*e C Vatere C Monqu* 0 Vetone E Megan f Chnauna G Aim** H K*rry J Jenoitei L Lan M Tia P J*nnAa* S lit* T KaMantit JaarwMV Order of 6mega Mamti** m***lnQ on Tuetday Oct Mi m th* E MU Walnut Hoorn «l 7 00 p m U. W Stgma Kappa would MM To amlcom* Ha outatandlng (MI FaM PMdg* Ctaaa (anUA CmdyB l*ach** C Kim 0 Amanda E Kim f Tina f I >*a H Katy 1 Tonya M Owryt M Megan R T.aciR KaiyS CaiOn S Chnaty S Ncoie W Stacey W IX____!£. 105 personals Good Times In Jesus’ Name PMHEIMf. a weakly meeting to* Chrtatiena anti titoa* mtaraaead In IWuPng out about Jaeue Tonight. • 09 p m Nam location: Otibart 211. Muatc. tun. encouragement, anti new face*, aponeomd by Cantpua Cru aatia to* Chrtat i;!: TyTQP;!iG n: lCST 5 FOUND LOCT ¥2!VS Mac* MTw bortpK» on canon or Macon UO on) SoOowr on DM found, do* to. 1» and MM. conMno kifi no 10 Cod M«-7W1 Housing a bit tight? Check out sections 220-255 ^ ns TYPING services Al 1444TM. HOW « OMO KMOOL tmtOVtD ?&yMr ittaMAtM bac* wound Tarm paparvful raaun'A ym «M YOt^vj L«*i» p» OW CAMPUS! JOTHE TYPVM WOO Won! Procaaa«ngf T (SUng r)MWOlu«tMoni on Law Ca»683«M Anywna Manuacr*** T fanacnpaona A BooAaaatang Sarvcm avaaabw UIMHM 120 TUTQRiNG ACADEMIC LEARNING SERVICES Tutorial Support ia available thia term for the couraea Hated below at the acheduled time* and day*; - Fall WJ MATH (NS 3 00 MW MATH 111 2 00 H MATH 111 3 00 MW MATH 111 4 00 MW MATH 111 3 30 UH MATH 112 3 00 MW MATH 112 4 00 MW MATH 241 3 30 UH MATH 241 4 30UH MATH 242 2 00 MW MATH 243 3 00 MW MATH 251 2 00 MW MATH 252 3:30 UH MATH 253 4 30 UH CH 221 3«0 MW FX 201 4 00 MW GER 101 200 MW GER 201 200 MW PH 201 3.00 MW FR 101 300 MW FR 201 3:30 UH SPAN 101 300 MW SPAN 101 4.30 UH SPAN 201 400 MW To participate in these groups register and pay fees <$60/Course> at Academic teaming Services, 68 PLC If you nerd assistance in course* other than these, registry printouts are available that list qualified tutors and their telephone numbers. There i* no charge for this printout. WHEN YOU NEED REAL HELP. REAL FAST, CALLUSI >I7. 6 30-9 15 pm HANDCOLORING B&W PHOTOS Add color to your MW photo graphs! In this two season class wa wut ospiore Iradtonai and ccnienxxj i ary methods ol handcotonng prints Previous photographic espenence not isquaad Thm.Oct 7- 14. 6 00-8 30 pm _ MAPUCHE LOOM WEAVING Baginning studants s»M daaign and weave a ban and a acart on a South American Mapucha loom Studants wd ■asm to warp and prapare tha loom Advancad studants win daaign and waava a ban using Mapucha styla pc* ng techniques Thun. Oct 7-Nov 18. 6 00-8 30 p m i:: FOR SALE WISC Dorm Fridge QE In great condition *60 Call Sarah al MM/S8 OamaMtardl Flute *200. Scholl Rockman *126. HP 41CV *74. Alvin portable drawing board *34 663-8863 QTX Baas Qultar with Matrti amp. coma* w*h cat*, alactnc tuner Paid teoo. sacntlca *600 Also Nintendo Gamatwy w/Tatria. used only twice. *24 various CDs *4 each Can Dave. M6-1021 140 PETS 10 Oat. FMi Tank w/ha*t*r. Mar. av arythmg Graat lor dorm room *60 Can 340-9011 14-:. CARS TRUCKS ft enable col lags student car. Mustard •79 Toyota Corona MB *700 080 464 9270 days Laave masaaga Salted Cara, trucks, boats. 4 wheal an. motor homo# by FBI. IRS. DEA Available your area now Can l 600-436-4363 Lrt C-12IQ ,5 CiRS TRUCKS Turbo charged M Dodo* Charger. 4