Student taking on world, or parts he hasn’t yet Andy Harris' resume might look something like this, student radical, former Marine, National lUfle Association member. The Insurgent contributor, future guerilla During a talk with the Emerald over a few drinks I "Two pints of Hefeweizen. please '}. Harris takes on the world — from the White House in Washington. DC., to the ASl^O ill Suite -t EMI' In Ins own words, the 2ti year old political science major is "/Hist the hitter and cynical stage — I'm at the I don’t give n fuck stage " hollowing an order of a large basket of fries from the mHating Place, the interviewer and inter eiewee begin their talk after notic ing a similarity in the attire for the day a U S Army T shirt and a U S. Marines T-shirt Andy Were you in the Army, or anything like that7 ODE: No. I was at nn Anthrax concert n couple of weeks ago. and I found it on the ground. Pretty scroungy, huh? Wore you in the Army? Andy (Points to shirt) Marines — six years total. I was in North Carolina. San Diego. Korea and the Persian Gulf — from January to late April ODE What was that like7 Andy: It sucked. It wasn't a traumatic experi ence like people in Vietnam or other wars had. but it wasn't any fun twing over there. I didn’t real ly believe much in it, either. 1 t I I II k - '* I I ll Andy Harris University student By Jake Berg which doesn't help. OI)E: Were you just filling out your time over there, then' Andy: Yeah, After that. I got off oilive duty only a few weeks after I got home The rest of the time I spent in active reserves until November '91. ODE Why did you get into it. originally? Andy: Eighteen years old. too many John Wayne and Rambo movies. I did it for the sense of adventure, and looking back. I don't regret it It's not something I would recommend to every IkxIv. and I'm certainly glad I'm out. Hut I had good times, got to travel, learned a few things. Sometimes it was a lot of responsibility. Some of the places I've been, some of the things I've seen I think I can appreciate life a lo! more, and ! am appre ciate some of the things we have in this country. I traveled a lot outside of the military before I went in. so it didn't change me that much. I've been to the Middle hast. Central America and stuff like that ODE Just visiting' Andy Yeah. ODE Did you have the money to do that, or were the opportu nities just available to you? Andy. There's different ways of doing it I guess if you can think of the right sum or charm the right people. ODE You spent some time in Europe this summer; how long were you there for? Andy About two weeks total. I was there for five days, then I came back for a month, and then went back for a week ODE That's a lot of traveling for a short lime. Andy: Yeah I went to Switzer land. Austria, the Czech Repub lic. Poland, Lithuania. Germany. Belgium and Holland I liked Poland a lot. I liked the countryside, and 1 liked the old part of Warsaw — the pre World War II section. As far as cities, without a doubt, it'd have to be Amsterdam. ODE: (Laughs ) What did you do while you were there7 Andy, loot's just say I was kind of naughty. ODE {Laughs.) When 1 went to Europe with my brother and sis ter this summer, we started right ing. so I hopped on a night train to Spain and they eventually went Jo Amsterdam I never went Spain was great, though. I'll probably move there or to Mex ico when I graduate — expatriate myself for a while. Andy: That's what I'm going to do Whatever l can do to get out of thu U.S ODE: So are you going to go back to Europe, or where are you going next’ Andy: No. 1 think I'm railing it quits as far as as these trips go ODE: These trips"? Andy: Yeah, these trips in par ticular ODE What can you snv about "these trips" to Europe? Andy 1 molly ran't say. but it involved the import/export busi ness — and it wasn't drugs. We’ll just leave it at that, if that's all right 1 hope it's not too much of a disappointment. ODE I understand. The tope recorder's on. Yeah, when I came back from Mexico. I got all my bags searched at I AX. but when I went to Mexico City. I had no idea what was going on and they were still really friendly. And that whole thing coming bar k from Mexico through LAX really just makes me think about this country, the attitudes and things that go on here sometimes. 1 realize that we have a lot of advantages living here, but it's just the attitudes. Andy: Yeah, honestly, I don’t like most Americans. Of course. I am from the U.S. and I can’t escape that — that makes up who I am — out l can I wait to got mu hull out of here ODE- Then where would you like to eventually end up7 Andy: I liked FI Salvador a lot. and I liked Guatemala, hut there's gritting to tie too many Americans there I liked parts of the Mid dle Fast, and I've been up to Israel and the West Bank — I like that area, but it's just too intense ODE What do you think of the peace talks that have gone on about that area recently? Andy: Actually, I've followed that issue for quite some time. I had a girlfriend that was Pales tinian. and I've spent some lime on the West Bank. I think it's a step in the right direction; how ever. I think any Palestinian that just settles for some sort of auton omy — collecting their own garbage or whatever — is selling themselves short At the same time, Israel is one of the most powerful countries in the world — definitely the most powerful country in that area. They're there, they're not going anywhere: the liest thing they tan do is make peace lietwoen Israelis and Arabs. ODE: What other kind of national issues have you been keeping up on7 Andy: Somalia seems like kind of a quagmire right now. ODE: Can you compare that to what went in the Persian Gulf? Andy: I think a lot of times the U.S. goes some places where they have no business going to. I think people are sometimes over-ide Turn to ANDY, Page 10 Oregon Wi si > I T N » '■ *. ■ I* GET IN SHAPE THIS FALL! 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