Graduate Students Get to Know Us - yo(4f Before you Need Us. Student Health Center X4441 FRANCE PHOTO + USED CAMERAS |^= GOOD VALUE FOR ALL YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC NEEDS *sr •Forte paper & Zonal Pro chemisty •Oriental Seagull paper ‘AGFA Film & paper •Kodak film, paper & chemistry •Photographer’s formulary chemistry, darkroom supplies & lighting PLUS NFW & USED CAMERAS AND LENSES, TELESCOPES AND BINOCULARS. Take advantage of our everyday low prices! Inquire about our new studio space for rent. France Photo 343 2816 1330 Willamette • Open Mon-Sat 9:30-6:00 BUY • SELL•TRADE COMMUNITY CALENDAR • "Benny and loon" is the next film in Sac rod Hoart General Hospital s Mental Health and the Cinema series The movie will be shown, free of charge. at 7 p m. next Tuesday in the hospital's 2 Main confer enco room at 1255 Hilyard St in Eugene and w ill be followed by a presentation by Joe Eaton. For more details, call 686-7044 • The American Heart Walk is scheduled for Saturday at the University. Walkers will raise money for cardiovascular research through pledges in a non-competitive walk through campus For information on participating or sponsoring a walker, call the Eugene office of the American Heart Association at 344-6345 or 800-452-9445. • McKenzie-Willamette Hospital is hosting the BOO Ball Saturday from H p in. to 1 a nt to raise money for their medical equipment fund. Tickets for the hall are $15 each, $25 per pair in advance and $17 at the door Partii ipants must be 21 or older. Featuring the music of The Valley Boys, the hall will also include a haunted house and costume contest with prizes For more information or tickets, call the Me.Ken zie-Willamette Hospital Foundation office at 726 3164 • South Slough Reserve m Charleston. Ore , is offering a ( lass on wild edible plants Saturday from Ham to 4 p m Pre-registration is required for this class, which costs S3 and includes a packet of handout materi als ns well as a lecture and day in the field led by amateur naturalist Chuck Holhert. For more information, call the reserve at HHH 5558. • This year's Great Rotary Duck Rac e is sched uled for noon Saturday, when rubber ducks will be dropped in the Willamette River to float from the Autzen Stadium Footbridge to the finish line at Alton Baker Park The first ducks to cross the finish line will win more than 540.000 in prizes donated by local mer chants, including a new jeep Cherokee Laredo. Tickets for the race are $5, and will be available beginning at 0 a m. Proceeds from the event will go to groups that fight child abuse, including Womenspace, The Relief Nursery and Birth to Three. STUDENTS Continued from Page 1 did say it is a significant amount, enough to kiH’p certain programs intai t that otherwise c ould have been cut University Director of Admis sions Jim Much said it was a University dec ision to focus on recruiting more non-residents However, he said the state Hoard of Higher Education advised both the University and South ern Oregon State to recruit out of state because the two have the lies! potential to attract non-Ore gon students, particularly Cali fornians. With California's higher edu cation system struggling finan cially. more and more Californians are choosing Ore gon as their alternative. In-state tuition for the University of (Cal ifornia at Los Angeles is $3,54H.50 for the 1993-94 school year. When living expenses are added on, the cost is often only a couple of thousand dollars less than the University, Buch said. The classes are smaller, the fat ulty-to-student ratio is better, and students can usually get the classes they need to graduate within four years, he said. Huch said there were four fac tors he used to sell the Universi ty to non-state students: location, size, cost and quality. Most students agree that Eugene is o nice place to live, he said, and that a school of 16,000 stu dents doesn't scare people the way a school with 30,000 might. Huch also said the cost com pared to Colorado or California schools is not outrageous, and that a lot of students are attract ed to the quality of the Universi ty. with programs such as the International College and Hon ors College drawing interest. Buch said the University has not turned away more Oregoni ans because of the out-of-state focus. He said every Oregonian who met the minimum admis sions standards was let in. And contrary to many people's con cerns. Buch said the University did not raise its minimum stan dards in order to turn away more in-state students, which Southern Oregon State was accused of doing last year when it raised its minimum grade point average required for admission. By prioritizing non-resident recruiting, Ihrig said, the state system hopes schools can sus tain their current level of educa tion. For example. Ihrig said, if some of the money taken away by the Legislature was not recouped, and the University couldn't afford to keep its high quality professors within the next few years, it would be extremely costly and difficult to rebire those faculty members if and when the state system recovered. OSSHE hopes to hold on to what it can by using the extra money from the non-resident tuition, Ihrig said. If the sales tax or another recovery package were passed, he said, the state will recommend that all schools again fully prioritize resident students. "Our goal is to make an edu cation available to as many Ore gonians as we can," he said. SCHOOL SUPPLY SALE 25%-50% OFF SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS ALL STYLES: 1.3. & 5 SUBJECT. RECYCLED. U of O IMPRINTS MEAD 70 SHEET O/Itt SPIRAL NOTEBOOK 95%-40% OFF3RINGBINDERS /O™ "T V /\J ■ ■ LOTS OF COLORS AND STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM! HI-LITERS 25% OFF “ 47« YELLOW LEGAL PADS 10 PACK WRITE BROS. BALL POINT PENS 894 r /// m OPEN EVENINGS & WEEKENDS! INSTORE SPECIALS: FILE FOLDERS INDEX CARDS STAPLERS AND STAPLE' -Oregon /^supply 683-2787 720 East 13th Ave., Eugene UPSTAIRS INTMTUNIVIRSITVaNTIRIIUliniNt: 8:30-7:00 M-F 10:00-5:30 Sat. 12:00-5:30 Sun. PAPER CLIPS & MORE! L FREE PARKING - V*. fv SALE LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. ENDS 10-9-93 (ScL / $4 3n*m San Jimciica The Pobotovs Jett Harris Road Rockets “John Menu/’a tat i/eax idixUiday i&a&h!!! Sowbelly, Dose Jxee Udmixsion! CM. 3