AT&T dealing with ‘insensitivity’ national. WASHINGTON (AP) — American Telephone & Tele graph Co. says it is working with the Congressional Hlacs Caucus to make amends for an illustration in a i ompany magazine that de picted Africans ns monkeys. "We agriM-d to work with them in the coming weeks I don't know what will come out in the end." Jim McCann, an AT&T spokesman in Washington, said Thursday. A day earlier, Rep. Donald Payne. D-N.J., and other caucus memliers met with AT&T Chair man Robert Allen to discuss the illustration. AT&T agreed to cooperate with the caucus through follow-up meetings with one of its members. Rep. Cardiss Collins, D-Ill Payne views the flap sur rounding publication of the im age as a springtioard to better cor porate policies from the communications giant The incident “sort of high lighted the insensitivity and it drew us to this company that had ‘It drew us to this company that had professed to have positive business and social consciousness levels in their corporation Rep Donald Payne, D-NJ professed to hove positive busi ness and social consciousness levels in their corporation." Payne said. Payne wants the company, based both in New York and Basking Ridge. N | . to take "hold stops to reverse the damage," such as bolstering its minority work force — especially in mid dle- and senior-management slots — and having a summit with other large corporations to com bat workplace racism. The caucus also would like AT&T to have bla< k officers or senior-level managers in Wash ington acting as liaisons to the black political anti business com munities And. they would like to see the company hire more minority contractors "He's going to take it hat k (to the company), and we expect there will he some very specific outcomes." Payne said A drawing on the Ftin'N'C lames page of in the Sep tember issue of AT&T Focus, an in-house public ation. depicted people talking on the telephone on all continents but Africa, where a monkey was doing the talking AT&T dismissed the freelum e illustrator who created the image and the outside design firm that worked on the publication "We are putting that work out to hid and we certainly would entertain bids from minority firms." McGann said McGmtn said Allen wrote to all employees saving the monkey image was "antithetical to the company's values." and offered apologies. Customer is always right? Wrong PHOENIX (AP) — John Leo Laetch refused the free Big Mm: and fries and said only $1,000 would make him feel better about the obscene message printed on his receipt. Now he faces up to five years in prison for extortion. I^aetch declined to comment after his conviction Wednesday. Sentencing was set for Oct. 27. He ordered two Big Macs, a Happy Meal, fries and drinks on April 29. 1992. Instead of the the usual "Thank You," l.aetch’s receipt came back with an obscene message, apparently programmed into the cash register computer by a disgruntled worker. Several employees triefi to apologize and offerud l.aetch free meals and coupons, but he "wanted $1,000 and implied. If you don't give me it, I'm going to hurt your business This information is going to get out.’" said prosecutor Caroline Como. The 65-year-old resident of suburban Scottsdale was arrested after the owner reported the demand and set up a meeting with I^ietch Police were lis tening when he came to collect. Laetch denied making any threats and said he thought $1,000 was |iist compensation for his dis tress. Police search for beef thief HILLSIDE. Ariz, (AP) — Authorities believe a man they suspect shot seven cattle and carved out 100-pound chunks of prime beef is a survivalist trying to live off of the land. "He likes the prime cuts. He's just taking the hindquarters. Might us well have the !>est," said Yavapai County Sheriff's Deputy R.VV. Belmore. Authorities believe they are searching for a survivalist. "I don't know if he's crazy, but he sure is eating well." Belmore said. f_i u_i m—A WORLDWIDE NKKD For plasma Increases everyday. Come & help J Mar Hlolo0ials Plasma Donor Center meet the work) need with a plasma donation, Earn $20 on your first donation OpenTues. thru Sat. Call 683 0430 1901 W 8th Avr JUNK ADVERTISE YOUR GARAGE SALE IN THE EMERALD CALSSIFIEDS. WEEKEND FEAST FOR FOUR , Only 3 item with 4 aodea 16”: Good Friday. 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