Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 30, 1993, Page 7, Image 7

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Continued from Page 1
she has already broadened her perspective about
Latin America.
"I know as far as international understanding,"
she said, "my international experience was to go to
Costa Rica, and frankly. Costn Rica is one of the best
developed Latin American countries. And so m>
perspective of Latin America was warped in a good
"Talking with Susan about .a true third world
country such ns the Dominican Republic has real
ly broadened my view. They're not all like that."
Not that there aren't still a few problems to be
ironed out. Pastorino said there is somo separation
between American groups and Asian groups. She
said it's not hostility or anything, but tne language
barrier has created a few problems.
"As time goes on." she said. "I think we'll get
along really well. But we need that time."
Students in the college are from all over the world.
There are representatives from Bosnia. Indonesia.
Tanzania. Australia and Sri Irinka In addition, their
fields of study range across the border, from art his
tory to psychology.
But even though the students are taking some
of the same classes as other University students,
they believe they are learning mom then their peers
"We're going to learn a lot about how the world
as a whole relates, and how it interacts,"Pastori
no said. "Growing up overseas, I've seen a lot of the
choppiness and now it doesn't work. And to just
see the perspective of educated international stu
dents and professors that have all these different
backgrounds, it seems like all of us together can
come up with conclusions that will ho more valid
than a person who doesn't have a global perspec
Alexander said the college should push the entire
University in the right direction.
“We're really going to start to see how and why
the world is going to lie moving toward an inter
national element."
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EMU Board of Director* will
moot lod«y at 4 p m in the EMU
Board Room For more information,
rail .146 3720
Hillel will printout Modern
SnkRna lorvirm today at 10 10 a in
at Rabbi Manan s For more inter
mat ion. call 341 8020
Baptist Student Union will host
its annual welc ome j>arty tonight at
7 in the EMU Cnmwood Room. Stu
dents are invited to experience a
time of "Fun in the Son and get
acquainted with the students and
activities of the Baptist Student
Union For more information, call
145 3393
Ikxidhne for submitting hi Ah to
Ihr Emerald front desk Stole 1(H)
l.Stl /> noon Ihr dn\ before publi
cation. The /tews editor does not
hove a tune machine hi Ah run the
dov of the event unless the event
takes place Ik-fore noon
\'otu es of events nilh a donation
at admission charge ni/l not he
or repled Campus rye,, is and those
scheduled unite*! the publication
Emerald rr senes the iirIu to edit hr
imrnmnr and style hi Ah tun oa a
An article on sexual
harassment charges
against a University pro
fessor in Tuesday s Hint-r
aid contained a vague
first paragraph that might
appear misleading. The
first paragraph should
correctly sav that the two
women handing out
leaflets verbally told stu
dents of the sexual harass
ment charges against
Professor Armilf /.weig.
The leaflet they passed
out was just a general pol
icy statement of the rights
people had in filing a sex
ual harassment charge
under the law.
C.J. and the Salon
U.ofO. j
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