Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 30, 1993, Page 13, Image 13

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    Man marries woman convicted of plotting to kill him
LONGVIEW. Wash (AP) — James Jef
fers. following his heart rather than the
findings of a jury, has married the prison
inmate convicted of trying to have him
Jeffers. 34. and Shelley Sue Smith. 23.
who continues to maintain her innocence,
said their vows Tuesday afternoon before
a judge in a 15-minute ceremony at the
state women's prison in Purdy.
Music for the ceremony consisted of a
tape of the Linda Ronstadt-Aaron Neville
version of "Don't Know Much" — which
includes the lyrics. “I don't know much,
but I know I love you" — on a cassette
"It was greet. I worn tome nice blue leans
and stuff like that. It was really nice."
Smith said. "I wanted to be in a nice dress
and have a nice wedding, but our iove is
more important than that."
Jeffers does not have a listed telephone
number and couldn’t be reached for com
Witnesses included Smith's cousin and
the cousin's boyfriend. Smith’s mother.
Marjorie Mae Franklin, was unable to
attend because she's serving a 17-and-a
half-year prison term for trying to kill her
daughter's first husband in a child-cus
tody battle.
Smith was sentenced to 32-and-a-half
years in prison this year after being con
victed of plotting to kill Jeffers and her
former husband. David Glenn Smith of
Jeffers survived three shotgun blasts
fired by a lovesick Randy Dills in Novem
ber. Dills, who testified that Shelley Sue
Smith put him up to it. pleaded guilty to
second-degree attempted murder and was
sentenced to 10 years.
Jeffers faces trial Nov. 1 on charges of
first-degree perjury and third-degree
attempted assault, lie is accused of lying
at Franklin's murder conspiracy trial in
May and of trying to assault a Cowlitz
County sheriffs detective who was inves
ligating the tangled case
Jeffers now says he lied at Smith's trial,
when he testified that she set him up to be
As a married couple, they are entitled
to conjugal visits in which they can spend
the night together in a trailer at the prison
every three months.
Other than that, they must content them
selves with two-hour visits in which they
can hold hands and kiss a few Hines a
week in the general visiting area at the
Smith said the marriage is "going to tie
difficult, but we know what we're looking
quorum call
spectator sitting in the Senate
visitors' gallery was arrested
Wednesday after shouting at
U.S. Capitol police
spokesman Sgt John DeLucca
said Glen Christopher Kozubal.
2D. of Pennsylvania, was
charged with disruption of Con
gress. a misdemeanor.
Debate on a spending bill had
ground to a halt Wednesday
because no senators had come to
the chamber's floor to offer
expected amendments.
The measure's sponsors. Sens.
Bennett Johnston, D-La., and
Mark Hatfield. K-()re . repeated
ly pleaded to television cameras
beaming the debate to Senate
offices, asking their colleagues
to come to the chamber.
When none appeared, they
put the nearly empty Senate into
a quorum call, a period when
the Senate revs in neutral with
no debate or formal activity
At that point, a witness said a
man in the front row of the visi
tors gallery shouted something
like. "Are you guys just going to
hang around all afternoon?"
A police officer quickly
approached the man and escort
ed him out of the chamber. The
witness said tile man was heard
to ask, "1 can't talk to them?"
Dei.uccn said he had heard a
similar account of the man's
"He stood up and began to
opine, aloud.” Del.ucca said.
DeLucca said Kozubal was
likely to spend the night at a
District of Columbia jail and
could face arraignment Thurs
(felucca said Kozubal gave his
Pennsylvania hometown as
Whitehall, hut police were not
sure if he meant Whitehall or
White Hall Pennsylvania has
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