BEST Bargains Every Tuesday Section Coming soon in the ODF Classifieds! Call 346-4343 for information! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS itfVt' Welcomes our newest pledges Jamie 8 Sus.#* D Brooke M Shannon M. Eon C Joann# G Sadie C Jennifer K Stacy P Jenny G Stacy K Lisa R Men ia 0 Amy G Carotin# l Brand#© S Erm D Ho#y H Botobt M Lon S Lauren 0 Racket H H©id» M Dan©*,r S Heather M Sarah T Ale* T Christina W _We love you!_ 105 PERSONALS 7/3 Just betore midnight Did you see an accident m the alley beh»rxl Grace Lutheran Church'* (17th A Hat terson) Looking for a large white, 50's 60s American ca/ with tai f«n$. Re ward, call 486-687? no LOST & FOUND FOUNO WOOL MITTENS l eh at O* gon D<*ty f/rwatoDhc# Dy classified s desk Call to ctom 346-4343 CLASSIFIED POLICIES Deadlines Line Ads: I p.m . one business day prior to insertion. 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Dissertations on Laser • - E6066 Anytime__ 120 TUTORING ESL Tutoring Conversation writing assistance, proofreading. TOEFL prep aration $&iv Ph J44 5463 M A nlngl»*n Beds, dinette tabie. misc end tabie*. over-stufled end casual chairs, lamps Cheap! 465-3187 _ Charming dinette set iritfl . porary Windsor chag board $36 683 6263 Moving sale Car. TV. booh shelves. books. misc Sunday. Oct 2. t 00 p m . 16th and Ferry ph 344 5914 Newer, quality full-size bed. mat tress and box-springs with frame. $185 Call 888-9749 Queen sized oeh water bed nctudes eitraa $75000 can 686 3426 Thule car rack. Honda accord $i20. 3 Thule txhe attachments $>50 2 Van ma s*»i attachments $115 W NorcK skis A boots, sz 7 t/2. $50 Car b*e rack-$36 ASW4 or Sony Doom »»*«« $30 Ya maha synthesuw $60 A/veez gurfar $290 CM f. >e > Vets twe 686 3242 _ 100% Pure Cashmere S95 Shawts. $196 Twtn blankets $250 Queer' i 800 428 7825 X 303 135 BUY OR TRADE Guitars galore! Muscat instruments of aa kinds Cameras. >en*eft Buy and Seif. 171 W 8th ucPETS 10 CM Flah Tana whaoter. wier ev erythtng Giant lor dorm room $50 Can 3*6-9011 145 CARS TRUCKS Dependable college Mutant car Mustard 5 speed. 79 Toyota Corolla hatchback $700 OeO dan flays » aave massage 466 9270 Turbo char gad M Dodge Chargor. 4-cyi 5 spd » ■ PS I1# Cast Low mPas vs r.!* >x $400 Krm K» .:> ‘4 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Compaq Contura Notafcook Intal hanJrm Many ««lr&s *%*#*}%'■$**:. r4~ U4 '♦ fly ;4t *UM IBM Oon* 80tU$ *p .*0 Mt> r ? $150 NC< ■% ' i - *1 V > »m $ ' v (’■.' »*«t ,f .... J*» JK-."’etr4 J*|y Mm nuTuxi E>o*t*cr*pt $599 PC Of Mac _ 1-900-60 7 m>_ P»on«+r car tuwao. a*iio '«vmm? *5 n?,»’*)n pfp **rt* $6C Sony ap#49«f*. $60. ©•- altent concM*on 4*w 0*t'M 205 OPPORTUNITIES & C^v i VW find scholarships. Wf. S15,000! 1 Pajjc Application No GI’V needed 6 Grants Guaranteed $99* Risk Free! 800-745-5312 • | As i s' \ Make an Impact Join the Oregon Daily Emerald Board of Directors as an At-Large Director Qualifications / Commitment to attend monthly meetings and to partici, pate in occasional sub committees for a 3 year term. ✓ A member of the Eugene Springfield/liniversity com munity (other than employees of the Oregon Daily Emerald) / Volunteer position Our Purpose To publish a newspaper that will provide education and training for UO students in all aspects of newspaper oper ation by serving a campus audience with news, editorial and advertising content. Applications Send your rover letter and resume to Board Application Oregon Daily Emerald PO. Box 3159 Eugene, OR 97403 .Applications will be taken until 5:00 p.m. Friday, Oct. H. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the Board of Directors who will conduct personal interviews. Oregon Daily Emerald Tht O/rfon /*//> hnrrvU n M rqu*J utitmrtumo Mftoytl u4 n rommiitrd to \ irullurtltj diwrw wufkpUcr Mmorltwi Mprfuilly lu *»ly J 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS /•nim IBM CIO** PC, 640 K 3 * <*•* *tv)fnJo*1 mcxte*^i. mova®, a*vd toHmmn $600 344 SBX' J06 0*. 2$ Mh*. 104 Mb SVGA CX~*<* Mt^-lcrf taj» aotwtxon-W. mod»rr\ PUwtf 0§ *3* owe Won}. ( » r>» 3-ap Qt-iV’ty COmsxjfManft $ f OOO H*m. M3 *’ *) 4 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH*” W« {><->. M*»< 4 trVMS vCWt «f*i n*ww* ? f >sd»owic* H220M VO^'M 20t INTERNSHIPS 175 INSTRUMENTS R«co#cJtog mutk pub»»»h«r. »nM3 Rtyrtokl* Trombont l ‘» *• »« t • mute •ck*aw*x‘ major* 4aA«ng 1221). CO.AI) ptoltM .‘346 6/^3 ?oo RIDES & RIDERS Prom CocritHi !o Cug«*)« (UO) Carped - *us% t ■ .*»r •> ***kday5 Lm.V'WS jl)#rO 4>t' ev«-3 201 INTERNSHIPS 4 V, ■ _ V " rt1- . ■■■ ■ ML’u.i' Lift car / n* you the cc •<»>• ;. -My# )0u needfi j 'rfiiVfrsf re»‘,0£i fM' $ tyx\>.. 'ie you npcew? martn6K*'w £vs^eJ* CXpefHH\ ■ * "' 4 a*5» iw CC/npiT) Pill, yOu car Mm 0OO0 nv w i*'’ v you «Am ycv' CSW^ef So don't set yootseh short Can us about an ntamshfi that can be 0/ /rsa! wtem IB you A'KJIC 4 prospocli** «mptoy¥f f cv ,'txxs mtornason An informational aemmar will b« held Tuesday. Oct 5 hom J-4 pm in Century Room A, EMU f !*• (^UN‘I < I XI1|XW!S ‘ The Oregon Daily Emerald Is currently accepting applications tor advertising sales people \o heytn training for work this tall The rewards are many This is your lost step to a successful sales, marketing, advertising or business career Call Mark Walter. Advertising Director, at 346 3/12 lor more information, or come by the OOF office at 300 FMIJ to pick up a job description and application ^Emerald BUNGEE JUMP North America's highest bungee br*k)» Jumps tw« cn Sunders »»*«<->*!®ns & Gift ce»M«-juii i SC3 but) 03C I Business minded? Nn Inter national Marketing firm In Eugene looking lor representatives wt>o are peop*^o»»«n!«d & •nt'w**a»»>c to M Mi & pan t»rr« portion* Tfa--"f'g and p/oM thATtoQ CaN 466-9644. «*t 126 Friendship* are made in the _()f )T CLi * lifted*! GOING BACK TO SCHOOL?!?! T he UO Telephone Outreach Program has the back to school job tor you!! HELP YOURSELF • earn extra spending money • schedule your own hours • build communication skills HELP YOUR SCHOOL • enhance UO educational programs • develop alumni relations l or more information call 346-3433 or stop by 124 Agate Hall Annual Giving Program • UO Foundation • For Academic 1 xccllence The University of Oregon is anil equal opportunity, affirmative action institution committed U ■ c ultural diversity and compliance with the American* with DiMbilitiw Act