fire, t' f> U (do. n tr, Get to Know Us — (){ Before you Need Us. Student Health Center X4441 THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT BRIDGESTONE BICYCLES In a sense, Bridgestone Bicycles have always had shocks. When the followers of fads were making harsh, lifeless, over-sue steel frames; Bridgestone was pioneering the modem ATB design - light and supple to handle precisely and absorb the shocks of the trail. And every MB series Bridgestone, is a truly trail worthy bike widi a full double butted CroMo frame and quality components. Sec tc bikes that the critics rave about - Bridgestone. BICYCLE SHOP o 24*0 ALDER,<>342-6155 BICYCLE WAY OF LIFE <> 152 W, 5TH <> 344-4105 • TTfUfTTM • PUTl-W • urOtfT • MMM • CWUtTtTIW • CIMM • SUIT* IOO £«» MCWMI UNION 346-4391 9 00 5 00 Ml PAUL'S LtTTf* Pf * ^ ( C T LOWEST PRICES °” CRMPCIS 99< Vljig^S LAUMONV WITH nM HkjHBH f^RRtroT:^ 1 ■w IsfWPPlE 8»* f AS T FIF T H AVI Nllt H C.t \i OHM.ON >0 i U\~HAM ‘Winning’ Jockey pleads guilty LAKE CHARLES. La. (AP) — A jockey who hid in thick fog at the start of a 1990 race and bolt ed to the finish line to "win" pleaded guilty Monday to per jury for lying about the scam during a previous trial. Sylvester Carmouche, 34. was charged with perjury after con fessing to state racing officials this year as part of failed bid to regain his jockey license. He served 10 days in jail after being convicted in 1991 of a misdemeanor attempted theft charge stemming from his 24 length "victory" aboard a long shot at Delta Downs. He testi fied at that trial that he was innocent. In March, he admitted to the Louisiana Racing Commission that he had pulled out of the race aboard Landing Officer shortly after the starting gates opened, waited in the fog while the other mounts rounded the track, then crossed the finish line ahead of the pack. After pleading guilty Mon day. Carmouche was sentenced to a suspended three-year jail term, two years of probation, 720 hours of community ser vice. a $500 fine and undeter mined court costs.