What was the funniest moment in your summer vacation? “The funni- I est thing this! summer was y to come to I college.” I SAMANTHA N1CHOLLS freshman, undeclared "Mr and nn hr*t frirnd wokr lip one morning and drcidrd to go to Soul hr rn California to play voll«*y ball.” ERIC FEDERER fxiltluttl turner, junior "I was playing paint- twill war games with a group of friend*, and we were attai ked tiv a group ui guv> who hit us with (he |utlM- ImIIh 1 rrrrivril one righl in my rnoulh|ii*-i■**. RONALD I.AM untlrcla/rU, Mythonurrr “I worked in a restaurant where I was serving food to the cus tomers. One day I was carrying a tray full of platen, and I spilled steak with sauce over one of the customers." KEVIN DONNELLY financr and economics, tofduunorr “This sum mer I was surrounded by men who starved for bathing suits I was work mg at a rr*%rarch station with men who hadn't seen women for decades." CAIT COBEKLY biology, junior “The H.A. Orientation. r tin) a lol of sillv stuff like ice breakers.” ERIC WERGELAND computer tctence, junior Compute by Suumi SKOyn^om by TNxn*» ttervpuorc ^"HMandarin • Cantonese • Szechuan 1775 W. 6th • Eugene • 464-6496 AMm Five Spicy Chicken n.«w Slices Fried Prawn with Sour Sauce Crispy Duck and many m nAnrllai; 1 Steam Fish Ba Zen Tofu fAl* Ginger & Green Onion Oyster FREE DELIVERY on $15 or more everyday from 5-9 30pm Because we care about the success of all members of our community... Lesbiai Bisexi catio Offering students, staff and faculty a safe resource for gay, lesbian and bisexual concerns. Contact Jackie Bal/er Office of the Dean of Students 364 Oregon Hall • 346-1142 I I Hm f t*m* 1 «. fcny *» Uk**» t*mvr* I Afttiit ,41k uumb Color t Jiicic * i/60, Built m iCT Color .4 loiulor & Appir Krybuor-J II $1026 Affte.(/.« miuiti LC III i'H>. Affile B.is it Ixitor Akeilor t» Affle KeyhonrJ II $1345 typU’ l\juvrHuok *" H5B 4/H)m Hudi in Keyboard 6 Hf tkwklu Super Tu tu AbnOibrvme Ptfday $1375 ,l/.k tnkab < i-turit '* 6/0 •MW, AppU Batk f.'o/of Morulur (. .y^/c f'.xiouleti Kt•yiMMrd II $1(M Right now; you can get substantial savings on these Macintosh* jiersoiial computers 'urn gui also get special student financing with tiie Apple’ Computer Loan’- to make owning a Mac" even easier. To see just how affordable a Macintosh can be. visit your Apple (.anipus Reseller today. And discover the power more college students ^ choose. The power of Macintosh. The power to be vour best’ Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center • 346-4402 Monday-Friday, 9am - 5pm | , , _ j _ ,r ■, , -w» * w-•* «• «.—* T+*~**m,** «. -m-~«<— ■-*— * *»■■»»««»»< — *■_