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HOUSING Continued from Page 1A tins, Eyster said Lounges will at < ommodate at least six students, and possibly more in some cases, Eyster said Port of the temporary spai e mi hides rooms at the Motel fin on Eranklin H alevard About 30 stu dents wen- housed there is of Iasi week Eyster said the students at the Motel 66 will be the first the University transfers io permanent housing A resident assistant has (wen assigned to the stu dents to help them t ope with problems that might arise I've been quite impressed about how the Uni versity is handling (the students at the motel).' said Hob Walker, manager of the Motel f>6 W.ilkei said the resident assistant hired for the motel has handled much of the paperwork and com erns that have arisen. The I iniversity also contrai ted with the owner of a former sororitv house that Evsler named the ( ott t. i' House on the (timer of I :st I'tth Avenue and University Street About 30 women will he permanently housed in the fetnale-onl\ facility About 10 women are temporarily liv ing in the house*Romm said I he University rented the house last year to house students but faster said it wasn't until the middle of August that University Housing decided to rent the house again E>, ster s uffu e monitors am increase in student housing So far. the number of residents in on campus housing through the year doesn't demon strate a need for new housing to lie built, he said. LESLIE GALLIANO* m»a*J Meghan Kelly, a freshman from Maryland, begins the task of making her dorm room home. Freshmen face first nights in dorm By Scot Clemens Oregon Dd*>y f ffwpf&to Is then1 someone to help with these?" n concerned mother asked, regarding the mountain of lutgs and boxes that contained all of her daughters earthly posses sions. as though the check she had written to University Mous ing included u fee for a valet. The resident assistant just smiled. After all. he had already fielded about 5(MJ hundred ques tions from the mechanical and mundane — "Will johnny have study hours'" — to the ludicrous — "Why can't Jenny bunk with her friend in the University Inn?" But soon the parents will return to the perfectly air-condi tioned environment of their mini vans. The mothers will begin to think about what m* cssary items to send in the next care-package (Kleenex, ntnv undies, photos of pets), and the fathers' full atten tion will turn to making "good time" on the drive home Alxiut the same time that mom and dad am discovering that their drive home will take a little longer than expected because hundreds of other moms and dads are clogging Interstate .I with aerodynamic family-movers, those they left behind are treated to something special their first dorm meal Although the blandness and inedibility of University food is generally overstated, Red Robin it ain't Hence, the cafeteria myths such as "You know they use lard as a preservative on those German Sausages" will Ix-gm to circulate. After dinner, the freshmen will split up into groups — which Thinking About Coming Out? LCBA Open House Oct 7 - 2-4pm • EMU 319 LesBiGay Welcome Back Social Oct 7 - 4pm • EMU Fountain Court Campus Coming Out Day Oct 11 - Noon • EMU Courtyard Lesbian and Bisexual Drop-in Tuesdays - Noon 1414 Kincaid - Koinenia Center (Starting Qci 12) LesBiGay Social Hour I St and 3rd Thursdays of each month 4:30pm - EMU Taylor Lounge LesBiGay University Employees Brown Bag 1st Friday of each month \iwn - EMU international Lounge Residence Hall Drop-in 1st Wednesday of each month 7pm - Carson Blue Room Resources LGBA 1 MU 319-346-3360 Coordinator for Support Services 346 Oregon Hall 34mtk l-Chalo Tho Dad Days Inlty Sept 29 $3 ■■ parsa flWwi Fack I3EE. Iltll 342 3351 tea'ii: