EMU CRAFT CENTER FAIL REGISTRATION BEGINS THURS, SEPT23, 10:00AM 35mm Camera Usi \ alorlc Nguyen learn the set ret meaning '*1 all those numlxTs and letters' \ short lecture rovers how your camera works,including discussion ol him and composition Bring cttipH t3mm camera to class W ed v pt J9 ft titi 9oopm PI I ot 3s Hi aim i) Hra< hj:i\ Komi Barrett Make colorful Ixadcd Iwacelcls using lace and {lower suultcs a gixxl inirodtKtton to Iwadwork and a chance to .tsk I wading questions Ihut' vpt to n to 9 input I’Ll <* t 33 Tie Dyeino Kathy Kale i'.reale a variety ol patterns using dtllerent tying and dvemg tec hnti|ues Bring up to three prew ashed 10O cotton items to dye 1 w (» scssii ins tillered 1 Thurs. sept to J to-3 30pm I’Ll <>3 33 1 Linux. Sept to 3 to 8 tOpm I’Ll <> You c.m liandbuild your own ceramic mugs, tumblers and small I tow Is in this workshop < 1a\ and gla/es provided fri, < Kt I > t0 3 Vlpm I’l I (>" 33 Siivir ihx)i*s ! ric Wollard Simple icwclrv labtication l»x using on sil'ei hoop design and consinution some silver wire pn» cickxl students ni.iv bong I wads lot earrings or purchase findings Irmn ( tall t enter supplies Wed Sc-pt 2'1 111ni .9 (m»pm I’ll i -K >s Hiki IRxtor Brad Mills Perk up your Inki and avoid repair bills Instruc lion wall .cover lubrication, tire trouble brake and gear service and trouble shooting Keep your bike rolling smoothh and safely Bring sour bike to class fhree sessions ottered 1 Mon. Sept 2" ft 00-9:lX>pm I’Ll 69 33 2 lues. Sept 2H (> 00-9 OOpm I’l I ’’0 33 t Mim Ik! i 6tK)-9iK)pin I’ll ~I 33 I K RAN IAN IXRcS 1 aura ( rerards t rvale delicate ornaments using the iratlition.il I kr.unian wav lesist method of dyeing eggs Intricate designs are drawn on eggs with hot wav I left >re dipping the eggs in the Instruction will ilk hide blowing out eggs and finishing eggs lot hanging All materials provided Suit Nov 21 luosoopm i'l l 9» 5 IS 1*1 >R( TJ AIN ( JRNAMEVIN t rank (»osar Vou tan detk the halls this vr.u with handmade . >|oretl porcelain ornaments IXe provide the ilidav spirit All materials provided sun Ni >v 21 J COS At > pm PLl 9S $12 I Ioijday Stamp Art I rank (»o*ar s| \M|* OlTt HR1STM.AS'" or t hanukah. or s< i 4it e. or llunksgiving, with mlilvr stamps . hi ve carved from your ow n designs Make .eetmg t aids, gilt wrap. or fust go cra/v dtvoi.it ng everything 'Acil provide erasers \ actos anti technical know how you need to Ix-gtn vour mi custom stamp collection tailored stamp pads and some paper will lx- available san Nos ir j si i s 30pm PI,I lx> $12 , I ntifrsity of Onx'Mt >\ tin I'tfiull itfinnutuvaction itnptowr The EMU Craft Center Hh I Mt Craft < enter o a eornprehenstve \rts Program r more information please i all C l<> iMil S n Dio l Aduni s I Ml c raft (enter facilities include • < .eratiiii s .uva vv ith high lire i a pal niities • Photo darkrooms equipped for KsW ot color printing • levvclrv lab with casting and fabrication ei|uipmeni • ( ompictv wixxlshop • facilities for silkscreen and fabrii dyeing • Stained glass Itiscd glass • Hike repair ti x>ls • sew mg weaving, and liber studio • I land 11 k i|s lot w (x h.1 working • b2.00, large S2 st) |xr term • Ha nil ti x»| rentals ti >i 1 O stuilents MEMBERSHIP \ < rati (enter memlx-rship entitles you In use the lacilities and tixils in the ( raft ( enter lor the term Memlx-rship is always available to the entire I < ) lommumtv and la ) alumni I he general publu tnav purchase a ( rail i enter memlx-rship with enrollment in a < rah (enter wmkshop costing 'Is or more l)av use passes .in available lor current I < > stuilents faculty statl anil alumni Memlx-rships are valid for the term in which they are purchased anil are not refundable Workshops using the ( rail ( erltei facilities and equipment require a memlx-rship anil are rndtiated in the i lass listings Membership Fees I*i j< Term s 6 I •() students and sjx >tisi-s slot O fai ultv . stall and s|x ruses Ms t <) alumni S Is < ii-neral publu . with enrollment in ( rail i enter workshop of SIS or more (II you cancel a workshop, your general publu memlx-rship will lx- refunded ) Day Use Fees SI So jx-r itav I () students s2 So (X'f dav t O (acuity and stall s t so |x r day I (> alumni Hie ! < i lain and \pplied \rts Dept ailtl the I Ml ( ralt ( enter are hosting the Visiting \rttsts li-iture Senes this fall Let litres are usually held on Iintrsday evenings, with workshops on the follow ing I nday and Satunlav f all "93 Visiting Vitists st hetlules are available at the (aatt ( enter .mil at tlu- \rt Dept in Liwieme Hall for more information tall the ( rah ( entci at $u> r«d Registration Ki'giMr.iiK >n is i'ii .1 hi'! ■ i >m< Ins) screed Iums until t lasses I x-gm or are hik'd I arh registralkm is strongly recommended Workshop registration can lx- time in [xrvin or In mail and must lx aicompanted with lull payment Meintx-rs ot the I t) oimmunity pun basing meintx-rshipx will is required to present I 'mversity I l> Maii in Rm.imkaiion Irmeisity II) is rn |intvd loi all I < ) m« nil si ships Mail in registrations are confirmed >n nuil il a sell-addressed. xta;n|X\i emelojx' is pro \-ided or In phone please include .Laytime p! in - m mil s'i « Send mail in registration to I Ml t raft ( enlei I nn erxity ot < )regi >n I ugcne. < >K 9" *03 Rehind Poika • Worksh, ipx are It it r ■■ ietund.il >le *X 1 '.> » ns ( i days) prior to the lirxt i lass meeting hut non retunttable 11icreaIter • si spet iaLs and R.iku are ru >t refurxlal>i< • W i iikslii >ps w hit 11 dy in >t meet tin ininiriioni enrollment will lx1 can. el led on or lx>fore the lirxt t lass meeting • II tin t i.ilt t enlei i atu els a woik--hop lees will Is- lulls refunded voui option to retain your 1 < ) memfxTship • i < i memberships are non refundable if you earn el a i kiss a It in nigh t ommumty mcmlx-i ships will fx- refunded ^ A St m ji n For Saij • Hike > allies fx-arin^s, pali lies (ire kils • ( ei.miK tiHil kils stoneware port elain • i lls : dyt s silk silks, lei-ns and l shirts • (il.iss eullers eop|x r toil, and solder • (kipper silver saw blades and findings • ik\\\ photo chemicals paper and film • W i h hI dowels Listeners and plywmxt Faij Hch RN Hie l rati ( enter w ill lx- o|X*n In mi 'x |>l 20 In I )ei ernlx-i li (X e li lx11 losed for llianksgiv ing and (tave shorter Ixiurs Da (id's ('lease pick up a schedule at die (raft ( enter nr *. all Vth t.Vil (leneral Im >urs t<>r I all aie as ti ilk iw s Mi m Hurts lOOOam O (Opm I'rulav l(X)train S (Opm Saturday (O OOam s (opm Sundav 12 (Opm S (Opm R E C I 5 T E R ♦ T O O A Y WORKSHOP REGISTRATION • FALL 1993 MAIL-IN REGISTRATION ONLY Name Address City State Zip Phone Evening WORKSHOP PLU NUMBER FEE $ MEMBERSHIP NUMBER UO Student Spouse - $6 00 Faculty Staff Spouse $10 00 All Others $15 00 TOTAL FEES $ Mail in registrations are confirmed by iron >t a stamped, suit addressed |_envelope is provided or Dy phone-pm.tse include a daytime phone Refund Policy • Workshops art' 10ff' re tundabte 96 hours (4 days! prior to the first meeting, but non refundable thereafter • ■ it . r ■ ■ i rvorttshop toes wit be fully retunded-youf option to re tan your DO membership fundable if you cancel class • $5 Specials and Raku are not refundable Mail registrations to: EMU Craft Center University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403