Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 27, 1993, supplement, Page 2B and 3B, Image 30

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Dean latnoureux • l*at (irrrnweU
Materialize V'Hir ideas in Ok- wtxxl shop < realt .1
protect while learning (tower tix>l use and safety
irvstruttion will cnvci projetl tic sign wixxl
properties, hand and power I*»»l use anti jotnerv
Allow for extra shop tittle anti tost of your pnifeel
’I hours ol instnntion Mernliership required I wo
sessions offered
1 Mon, Oil i No\ 1A Instructor lamourrux
6 00-9:00 pin I’M I SlA
1 Tues, ( K t A Nov Iti Instructor (irecnwelJ
6:00-9:00 pm I’l I 1 S tA
Tom l rt»an
S(K-ntl six evenings ol open shop with an ex|ien
ented vvttodworkei 1 xplorv new let hmt(ties, get
hel() atul at hit e on your tart progs t or lintsh that
prt >(ei t In nit a prev it >us t lass 11k- t lass im hides
tk-rnonst rations anti tlist ussitnis on design, uniter
work, dovetails ami mortise and tenons Hie
»i * xlsht>p is ti(h-ii tlunng ilus time
Wed, O t 6 Nov p
7:00 9 IA pm I’ll i AA
iJGin Tabu: Making
Pat (•rrcnwell • IH-an Ijuimhitcux
Art hitccture and ari nu|ors six-nd two Saturdays
nuking ilie ulmnan- light table Ibis design
int iiijxir.ites \oui Maylme and Borvo into .1 shajx
lliat tits studio desks m I.ns rente I1,all linkable
portal >k'. and him tit inal ilus rable tx a must lot
ytHir simlit) spate WimkI ami strests provided
students still rx-ed lo jMirxluse iheir ossn glass
lights and Bono 9 hours of instruitron Memlx-r
sfup retjinretl I svo sessions c illeretl
1 Sal. <ki 2 lotto 1 to Instructor (ireensvell
sat. ( kt 9. 1000 I OO PI t A AAh
2 Sat. ( kt 2(. IOOO 1 vi Instnu tor Ltinoureus
Sal (kt V). IOOO I OO Pl.t (> ASS
Wood Lathe
Hrent Baker
\ .tntxis ssoixl lathe let hnit|ues still lx- demon
strated including lx-tsseen tenter turning (furniture
legs candle holders, rolling pins) ami kite plate
turning d* its Is am I jilatesi I )ist ussn >n 1 >n design
anti finishing tmilvxls still lx- included lime still
lx- allowed for hands on jirattue Materials
provided A hours of insinulu»n
sun.tkt I" 2r I’ll *’ memlx-rs A p
2:00 i (0pm I’ll x non memlx-rs A2I
Whole: Bike Hiai.ih
Tim Kaiser*Sarah llelnx-rx llappc*Brad Mills
Straixled In a broken bike' Never again' learn lo
overturn! Ix-aring sets. ad|ust gears and brakes, and
tmt- ytHii wheels By the end <>1 b ssteks your
bustle still lx- tiserfuiuled Bnng ytnir bicycle to
each class Allots $A lor rejitai emenl lx-anngs IA
hours of irvstnution I svo sessions t illeretl
1 Mon, Oil 11 Nos 1A
(i(0 9 00|>m I’ll 9 memlx-rs $«>
Instnutor Mills Pl.t' 10 non • memlx-rs A to
2 l ues. ( kt 12 Nos lb
"7 (JO-9 (0pm Pit II memlx-rs $V>
Instnutor llapjx- Pi t 12 non memlx-rs A to
( Wed, (kt 1 ( Nos r
?.00-9:(0pm I’l l 1( memlx-rs AV>
Instructor Kaiser I’l l I 1 non memlx-rs A to
Beginning Ceramic*
Frank <»oxar • IVtcr Meyer
Tilts workshop ts everything v<xi need lor a
Ih<trough grounding in teramus Wind throwing
handlxnldmg, and gla/ing techniques w ill !x
covered, with individualized instruction for
lx-gmncrs and thos< with previous ex[XTtctxe
(lav <2S Ihs i and gla/cs provided 1H (units of
instruction Mcmlx-rship required Three sessions
i rflervd
1 Sun. < >« t 1 Nov ~ Instructor tu>sar
5 00-8 (K) pin I’l l IS $ t2
2 lues, (K1 s Sin <) Instnutor (iosar
6 SO 0 Vi pm I’l.l l<> $ t2
S 1 ui s, t X t S-Nov ') Instnu tor Mevct
•> (X) ti oo pm I’M 1' Vi2
IVtcr Mc-yvr
lor tlroM- wiih previous clay c\|xneme ! xpaml
\< mr skills ami |x iv mal expressn >n n illi t lav
increase vour throwing ami han.lbuikling skills,
nuke s|x'i i.ili/ed l<x>h ami reline your gia/ing
us (implies < lav '23 |bs> ami gla/es provided
IK hours o| instruction Memlx-rship required
W t-dm-sdavs (HtONov hi
V ((Mi 00pm I’Ll) IK $32
Frank <>us.ir
I xpkire vour own imaginative pnx ess through
i lav learn am lent metluxls ol i lay construction
i oil Ixiikhng. slat' Ixnlding. carving. additive ami
sulxraitive tec hnKJUes ( lass provides both
directed ami self cltrvvled opportunities ( lav <23
lbsi ami gla/es provided Is hours ol instmetion
Memlx-rship required
\lon, (kt 11 N<iv H
() Ml 9 VOpm I’l l 19 $ VK
Peter Merer
Hamlbuikl I x-auti !ul i ups ami I•> >w K vv uh colt »red
(xirteianl using white, shades til grev and a lew
accent colors ( ok>retl slips will lx- available
|*t>rt clam, nuson stains and gla/es provided
12 hours ol instnii in >n Memlx-rship required
Wed. < M | V Nov V
<» .VO-9;.VOpm I’Ll 20 MO
Frank (invar
\ sjx-nal. one turn- firing ho inienm-diate and
advam eel students interested in experimenting
with raku techniques Hung 3 0 nieces ol bisqued
ixoieix in smlptnre if gla/e anti lire in this
ilamix iv ant pnx ess (.lazes and hung provided
0 hours f| instruction Memlx-rship required
sal. Nov t»
II OOatn-3 (K)pm I’l l 21 $1K
PRiwrnvi: Firing
Frank (amr
\ wt >rksht >p lor tnleniK-dute lo advanced stu
dents U-ani (lie secrets ot (xihshcsl blatkware
|x>tu-rv and apply them to your ow n decorative m
sculptural work bring 2 » leather Iurd pieces to
die first .lass Terra sigillata and in.structiixul
materials included O hours of instruction Memlx-r
ship requires!
1 ri. ( kt 22 and 29
I Vo i VOpm PLl 22 $ IK
Kerry Holman
II us workshop is an opixirtunity to trail a track
tional drum All materials provided to make a 1"
or 20 dumeter lx«>p dram using a cc-cLir tramc
and deer rawhide Working with rawhide stretch
mg the drum Ix-ad. lac ing, and s|xx ial braiding
techniques will lx- covered 3 Imurs ol instruclion
Sun. Nov ~ I’Ll’23 $"3 I?" drum
11:00am i VOpm I'l l 2-4 SlXi 20" drum
I’ll 23 $100 P"double
John Vlm-r
build vour own |x>rtablc solar tell l.eam about
phiHovoltaics and basic electrical pro|x-rties
(Jicxist* a Ow i lKv) for batteiv charging or cas
sette (1) players, a i 3w 112v) tor radio cassette
players and nit .id balterv diargers, or Vw (9v >
panel for radios and walkmcn 12 hours ot
instruction Memlx-rship required
Wed, (kt 2~ Nov P I’ll 20 IKv MO
6(X)9.00pm PLl 2" 12v $03
I’ll 2K 9c $30
Navajo Weaving
Chart! ne Durt hanck
Design and weave a Navajo nig t sing a frame
loom students will set a loom, design and weave
a small project Advanced students will learn more
11implicated technic|ues and designs ( cist includes
frame loom which is yours to keep and first w arp
varns You will need to allow extra time and
money for materials 1H hours of instruction
Memlx-rship required
Mon, Oct II Nov 13 I’l l 29 members 3 (2
<> 00-0 IK) pm I’Ll .30 non memlx-rs $-16
Marche Ixm»m Weaving
German (Jw) Maquehue
beginning students vvill design and weave a Ix-lt
and scarf on -i South American Maputhe loom
students will learn to warp and prepare the loom
Advanced students will design anti weave a Ix-lt
using Maput he stvlc pit king techniques Post
includes a Mapucne lex cm lor you to keep 1~ 3
hours of instruction
Thurs. Oct 7 Nov 18 I’Ll' .31 members S »2
(>00 8 30pm I’l l .32 non-members 3 to
Fabric Marbijng
Barbara I rktlson
( reale your own marbled designs on fabrit using
this ant lent artfonn Printed fabrics can lx- utilized
for quilts, vests, home decorations and other
projects Fabric and paints w ill lx-provided
9. earing work clothes is adv ised 3 hours of
mstmi tie >n
lliurs. (Xt 21-28 PI.r .33 memlx-rs $22
(> 30 0 00pm Pi.I 3 i non memlx-rs $2t>
knitting is a perfetl wav to relax while treating
Ix-auttlul garments Alter learning has it knitting
tec hniques. each suit lent will select a simple
pre>ject such as a hat sc art. or a vest Tins class is
for students with little or no experience Needles
and some yam provided 10 hours of instruction
Mon, (Xt 23 Nov 22 I’ll 33 memlx-rs 322
.30-8 ,30pm i’l l 3<> non memlx-rs 323
Spinning and Dyfin<»
Jennifer Fancher
Ixplon the possibilities ol urn design while
crv.iiing vour own hanclspun wool Mart on the
drop spindle and move rapidly to the spinning
wheel All pluses > >t wool prejxiration will lx
covered and natural dyeing will lx' introduced
Cost includes fleece 10 hours ol instruction
(Reduced hours and workshop ci*st this Fall tcnn •
Membership required
Ihurs Oct 21 Nov IK
6 30-K3<>pm I’ll 3" $29
Korea Barrett
You xx til team traditional and contemporary
lx-ading techniques, including Peyote snail.
Comanche weave, lace stiuh. and loom I reading
Individualized instruction anvl guidance will enable
v < xi to design and c rcate pr< ijccts < >1 y< >ur e hox e,
such as earrings necklaces, pendants. bracelets
anklets, and jxniches All levels of experience
welcome- Cost includes a lx-ad l<xmi tor you to
keep, w arp threads and needles Hung S3 i to the
first c Lixs to purchase Ixuds 12 hours mstruclion
I wo sessions ottered
1 Mon. Od i Nov K 1*1.1 (K mc-mlx-rs S30
6 30-K 30pm I’l l 39 non-members $3 *
2 Ihurs, Oct ” Nov 11 I’l l »0 memlx-rx S30
6 30 k 30pm I’Ll -l l non-members S3-t
Hinky Hnm n Takahushi
CI.is.sh quilt patterns jikI modular pits mg lech
niqut-s combine to produce a iratlition.il <|ualit\
quilt in a traitk in of the usual Unit- select one ol
tile following [Citterns Snow ball. bla/mg star
An Hind the World, or log t abin the first i lass
meeting will include discussions ot patterns, color
tabrn requirements and selections All levels ot
exjx-rience wekome Oul-of tlass sewing time
in.iv lx- necessary Is liotirs ol instruction
Wed. ( At (> Not 10 I’l.l T memlx-rs S y.’
(iikih Vi pm I'll 'J8 non-mem'x-is SV>
Beginning Jewelry Techniqi rs
lame* I tailing
Hus Ixgmntng class will explore .1 variety ol
techniques in which one or more protects vs ill lx
nirnpleted dunng tlass tune 1 mpliasis will lx- on
lahncation with some exploration ol c.cstmg
Demonstrations and discussions include cutting
tiling, soldering, design, design transfer, marriage
ot metals, findings, and cold connections s 'me
materials provided 21 hours ol instruction
Metnlx rshtp required I wo sessions offered
1 Mon, Oct i Nov Is
6:00-9 (K)pm 1*1.1 *2 5*2
2 l ues, ( let s Ni >v l(i
6:00-9:(X)pm I’ll »J St2
Gary Dawson
I xpand vriur jewelry skills m tabncation, alloying,
stixk lonmng techniques. prong tv|x- gemstone
setting, finisiiing and casting problem solving
< )|X-n time w till e.K ti sessu m k >r vvi irking i >n
s|x*cial piolilems Some materials provided lb
hours of instnuuon \!emlx*rship required
Wed, Oct 6-Non P
6:30-9:1 Spill I’Ll H Si2
Kathy Herrnian
fashion vour own unique lewelry using colorful
1-1 MO da\ You II learn ihe lei hntques of mixing
. colors, marbling, milletiori and mused design t<>
creale cxc iimg and unique fxucls and icwelry
finishing treatments. lewelry construction and
design w ill lx- drsuissed \ll materials prov ided 10
hours of instruction
W ed. Oct 6 2"' PI.I is members $2H
6:(X)-K YOptn PIT in non memlx-rs $Y1
Chain Marini.
I aura (rcrards
students will lx- intrixluied to a variety ot simple
ihainnuking techniques involving wire maninula
lion with lv>tli fingers and pliers Samples will lx
completed within the workshop time No previous
e\|X-rienve needetl lliree piece plier set is
included lor you to keep Y hours ol instruction
Sun Nov 11 i’ll r members $10
J:00 l-OOpm I’ll Wntm members S2.Y
Stained Gi ass
Mark Keefer
create vour own ix-autiful stained glass window*
Hus course will help vou turn vour ideas into
colorful works ol an IXsign pnnctnles and the
foil wrap construction nietnixl will lx- taught
Beginning to exjx-rtcnced students are welcome
Tools and some materials provickxl Allow a little
extra money lor glass |H hours of instruction
Menifx rship required
Sun, ( XI 10 Nov I i
Intro to Giass Fisiv,
Mark Keefer
Rediscover the anuent P.gvpuan artfonn ol glass
fusing nils two session class will cover primary
fusing tec hniques and allow students to c reate a
few small pieces ol (cwelrv Tools and glass
provides I s hours of lastnicUon
Sun, Oct KM? PIT SO members $16
2.no i YOpm PIT' SI non tm-mlx-rs $2o
Flint knapping
Craig Katzat
An introduction to stone ux>I working teclimques
Pa tin i pants will learn how to nuke oitsidian anti
flint tools knivev axes, and arrow [joints using
antler and stone hummers and llakers Materials
and tools provided 10 hours ot instruction
lues, CXt 19 Not K> 1*1,r $2 members $2X
"’OOOtXlpm PI I: S3 non-memfiers $32
Demetrius (Kin/akv
S|x-ntl an ahernoon t reating your own clock
1 X'sign and eti h a x glass ck x k Iat e. as
semhle hat king, hands t ltxk metfianism anti
eiihetl lace into a hnished ikxk Glass, quart/
ek x k mechanism. and l lands provided • hours ot
instruttioii Memlx-rship requm-d
Sun, t XI 2-t
SOO-9 <X)pm PLUM $20
Beginning Piktttx.raphy
Anncttr t.urdjlan • Rebecca Thompson
learn Imw to use ytmr camera, develop IVx\\ him.
ami make K\W lontact prints and enlargements
< i)iti|*>sitn>n. the iamcra. and tlarkmom let h
nnpies will tv cohered Bung your emtHv V^mni
camera to ttie lirst class I ilm. chemicals ami some
(Cl(XT will lx- provnlcd 18 hours «*t instnntion
Membership rtsjunvd lime sessions oflered
1 sun. tkt 1” Nov 21 Instructor tiunlpan
S (10 ,s 00pm I’l I sS sis
2 Mon (kt In Nov 22 Instructor Thompson
(vOO-O ttOpm I’M k<i S tH
y l ues < k t 10-Nov 23 Iri'tnictor Thornpstm
2 vo s yopni 1*1 l s~ .
( .A. Hums
Hus <lass is li n |>hi MiIgrai >liets familiar w ith
general darkroom procedures and interested in
fine tuning the (>r< s ess i it c\|v 'sure 11 >ntn >1 I ighi
sul>(eit nuttei o will visit ion, the Zone Systeni and
equipment will lx* uisvusscd chemicals provided
Bung your i amcra t* > the lirst i lass IS h< >urs > >1
instnntion Menilvrslup required
W ed, ( k i 13 Nov 1"
h'.OO-Ooopm I’ll ‘iN S-iH
IlvNix oijORInc. B&h Photos
Vak-rk- Nguyen
Add c olor to v Kir IVvW pimtographV In this ivin
session i lass \u- will explore traditKin.il anti
contempt>tarv mtilKxLsof tunckolonng prints
Previous photographic expenente ru K required
Hnng IVxVV photographs printed on nuitte surtace
pa|HT i K< pa|>er will not work' l.olor (xticils.
oils, dves, .mil practice prints will lx- available
S In Kirs i >1 instnu tic m
'lliurs. Oil I’Ll SO memlx-rs SIS
noossopm I’ll 60 non memlx-rs S l<>
Susan Ik-troy
Learn to sh<« >t dev el< >p and print I >la< k and vv lute
SSmin ml rated him students must lx lamiit.it with
tile SSmin camera and have sonic darkroom
i x|x rieiwe One roll < >t film and ilx-iilkals
provided bring vour c aiiiera and red JS\ hltet to
the first class * hours o! instnu tu in I larkrc * <m use
is limited to c lass time lor non members
sat.Ck-t lfi. IOt SO 2 unpm i’l l 61 memlx-rs S2S
Sun,Oct l"\lOO I SOfHU I’Ll 62 non memlx-rs S20
Marilyn Mohr
Make vour own haidlxiurul |ourrial or sketch
Ixxik basic lxx>kl>inding techniques vv ill lx
taught, hx using on the hurdlxKind lxx>k
smaller protects demonstrating Ja|>anese and
pamphlet sewing will lx- taught as time allows
Tlx- first class will feature the designing of paste
|>.i|ktn that can lx- used lor future protects Most
materials provided 12 hours of instruction Iwo
sessicms i iffert-tl
1 Mori, Oct i 2s I’Ll 82 memlx-rs S A2
(i (JO-0 tM) pm I’Ll 1 MS m >n memlx-rs S Mi
2 Mon. Nov 1 22 I’Ll! Ml memlx-rs $S2
6 00-0 (JOprn I’Ll MS non members SMi
(aijr.raphy Sampijkr
Jennifer I am her
We will learn several dilferent hands in this class
I he c lassic Koman pro|x»rtions serve as the
louiHLition.il mcxk-l lot the study ol calligraphy
f rom the classic Koman mcxiel. e xecuted with
two dilferent stvlc-s of intis, we will learn the
hunutustic and italic hands l ntial will lx- in
cluik-d repteseiiling a Medieval style All nu
tenaLs provided including fx-n and ink lor you
to keep 12 hours ol insimdion
Mon. Oct II Not IS I’Ll'76 memlx-rs $2S
(i SO-H SOpin I’Ll "7 non memlx-rs $20
IA jrtrait Drawino
Chris (.uilfoil
be ginning and continuing students can explore
the mystery of wtut nukes a gcxxl poftrai!
t sing a vartetv of itx-du and a live nicxicl we
w ill lixus on the balance Ix-twecn c reating a
Itkc-ness and individual expression All levels ol
drawing ability from no experience to the
atciwnplislK-d draughtsman, welcome All
riutcnals pre>vttk-tl |S hcxirs ol instruction
Units. < XI I i Noe 18 I’Ll "-i mcmlx-r yr
(I 'tO 'joopm I'l l ’S non memlx-rs S 11
( hris (.uiltoil
Hus tw>H ilr.ni 1114 i lass \v ill It »us on the in
<>t penul atul ih.mo.tl in drawing Irom oliserva
Is .it .tin! 1n1.141n.1tii 'ti I lie use 1 >1 v .in' his qualities
■ >t line anJS value will lie explored Ml materials
pniv tiled Is hours ill institution
lues, (M I2-N<>\ In I’ll "2 inemlxTs $29
'iMi‘)iK)pni I'll " $ non inemlxTs $ H
I reileriik Aguilera
I Vsign anil print your own I shirt. |x ester, or
cards learn the ptmto emulsion method ot
silkst reen sit iii il W e II disi uss \ am >us inks
stent ll 11 let hoi Is pa|X"is anil tahm s Mlo\i s|S||
\ou \t ant mnit on n s< teen Ink ami sue .emil
material provided IH hours ot mstnution
Memlx-rship required
1 ties ( Ht 12-Nov Iii
ti no 9 OOpm IM I H<i $ 1.
Marilyn Mohr
learn to make the iks t •rats'll |Vt|xrs Iradilii malls
used in I*x'klwuling I sing ml iolors on a paste
size mam mteu sting patterns i an lv created
Mail>led papers can lx- used loi mans i ralt items
or milages I'ajx-i anil s, .me paints ss ill lx- pio
s iik‘il \A eat ■ >kl i k Hites anil firing a tulx- of
.mist s oil jwint to dure VS hours ot instruction
Wed (kt iv I’LL ”K memlxTs $H
6 (10-0 Vopm I'l l 70 non tnemlx’Ts $ 1*
Frederick Aguilera
I \|XTicni e the p is s ot line ss < x xII >h x k |>rint
making learn hindamcnt.il steps ot creating
images m lil.nk anil sslntr, use mlot alter sonic
prat tn e I‘tint sour oss n pti turfs, i arils ft ir
InnlHlass graduation, ami gretiings Hasu tixils
and nutenals pros'Hied 1$ hours ol mstniilion
Ihuis ( X1 I i Nos 11 I'll Ho memlxTs SV2
6:00-0:00|»m I’ll hi non-memlx-rs $56
Nancy Huhanz
( oust nil t a I x i\ t a .i' i iesigncd to I KHI.se a spet tal
set 11| photographs prints, Ixxiks oi other art
ssoik Hnngsomethingth.it needs a < ,ise or li.tse
a general iilea ol the si/e sou might like to make
dess than 10 \I2\2"J students mas bring a
sjx'i i.il jsi[x*r to lx* used to m\'Cf or line tin* Ix i\
|o In mis i >1 iiwrm in>n
llmrs, < M 2H Nos IH I’ll 01 members S2S
(i on H Vopm I’ll OJ non memlxTs $20
PapisK So li'ii ri
Nancy IHshanz
I \plore the | x issihilitics for utilizing paper ami
pajXT pulp as a siul|>Uirul iihtIiiiiii Ihe i lass
includes demonstrations ol drllerent techniques
anil a 11 tame to tr\ e.nhone AX c sc ill recycle
pa|XT to create pulp as well as uy plant lilx-rs
ami o Hitmen ul pulp 10 hours i >1 inslnution
MemlxTslup requiretl
Sun «kt lo Nos 21
A <m>vopm I’ll 95 $-’0
AlriK-e Yirgi
t ome m from the rain and |otn os tor some
pa|x nnaktng Well hast- a shun slide prcscnia
non on tin history process, ami plants used lor
iu|x*mtakmg Uteri sve II make p.i|x-rs using
four methixls lapa, Himalayan. I uropean, and
|a|kinese All rtuterials ptositied ami a source
list ss ill lx- hanileil out 0 hours of instruitii>n
Sat, txt 9-25 I'l l H” memlxTs SIS
10 Vo am 12 VO pm I'l l hh non memlx-rs SIO
Aimer Yogi
We start cookin tn this class' Alter an intnxlm
tors ssalk an Hind i.impus to set- the different
plants used loi p.i|xmuking, students sc ill oxik
ami slute pulps gatheri'il from the hclris All
materials prosided (i hours ol instruction
Sat, < kt V0 Nos 61V I’ll HO memlxTs SIS
10 Vo am 12 VO pm I’Ll ‘to non members $10