I . I Council Trascl the nation> student, budget travel specialist. i* loot mg for an outgoing and highly moti valed person to Jistnbutv our vtrdrnf I niters magazine, promotional flyers and other student discount information on campus at the University of Oregon If you’re not shy have a few estra hours a week, and enjoy spreading tl>e word at* nit student ins* ounts. contact us for more details' The pmon hired for this position will Is- a representative t*4 Council I ravel in Portland Preferent e will be given to the individual avail able tor the academic year and who lias an active interest in marketing and working, Xudytng or travel log overseas lo arrange tor an interview please tonucl Rkhat W m M.«i day through I ruiav. between ** SOD Ask about the l impu* Rep Program CowcM Travel i ==B°'1 From Corvallif to Eugene (UO) Car pool rxjes. riders needed weekdays Expenses shared 7534917 eves i College Scholarships Available Recorded message gives details _ 1 -(800>-286-8021 EXT 88 Free College Education! $136 Million n Scholarships. Grants No GPA. Income :jequ«ements CaB 1 800-77 STUDY 74 HRS' PAY $0.00 RENT/MO! 85* pg manual details proven method Developed lor college years A beyond MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Send $39 95* $4 00 SR to Value btoafion PQ53187 UPBettovue WA 96016318? North America's highest bungs* bridge jump* held on Sundays Reservations A G*ft certificates 1503 520 0303 i 8=88n Business minded? New international Marketing firm In Eugene looking tor representatives who are people-oriented A enthusiastic to 60 fuM A part time positions Training and excellent profit sharing Can 465-9544. ext 126 Volunteer with Sexual Assault Sup port Services to provide support tor Survivors of sexual violence Day i vervngr'Weefcend times ava-'abie Register tor co ed October 454 9791 ■... n .Mnr..—«— POSTAL JOBS *•* Start SH/41/*w . Wk’OIiU f or appecation A ^formation CaH t-216 324 3774 [7am IQpm) 7 days DISPLAY ADVERTISING ADVERTISING ASSISTANT-’* n * i student position >n me advert-iung dt* penmen! Responsible ’or a variety o* task* including paperwork phone < cornea, and laying out the daily paper Part lime Mon Fn. approrimalefy 3-5 pm Ca Mark Wi/iw ,v4t>37’2 • * come by the Oregon Daily Emerato tor apple ahon AATOt _ Earn eitra cash stuffing envelopes at home AJi marteran.4 provided Send SASE to P O 396. 0»aJhc_KS 66061 Family helper wanted to help care for 7 and 10 year old boy* Must be responsible. oving. enthusiast*:. arxl wiping to commit *or school year poss bly summer Refaabi* car needed MWF 2 30-5 30 p m and Th evenings 8 Nth* References ptowse 343-2»94 Freelance Photographer: Must be DO Student The Oregon Dmiy Erner Mid a seeking students with a working knowtedga of photography to cover to cal news & sports events Contact An thony tor more mlo 346 6611 The O eyon D&y Emerald >% an AA/EOE Fun in the Sun* Earn f playing with kid*? Ye*' Student Teacher Aide# now being h»rod for Fan at EMU ChAd Care A Development Center* Come work * one of our seven site* f ie*«We hours, work study preferred Apply 15 mwm atudenf wth own .v 8 '#t«*rerv.es t0 Nep out day* with dwertory fiend • . FO?’9B? Denver CO 80??’ Constitution Court application* are now being accepted fee f the • vacancies mu*t lx? fitted by ?nd or 3rd year law student* Poja«on de*crpt>cv'i» A oppkeabon* abatable •n ASUO £ *** EMU Sut’t 4 Appicat-on >ieedt*ne Oi tot** ’903 a» 5 OOpr- ASUO on. accepting apo'cabon* tor fu > i par’ time and rei«ef start SB /0 per hour after pad training Please respond to Oegcm ixwvnunty Support '76 8f*U B S< Ftodg ' SpmgfwW OR 9?4,f7 Hiring On the job training av.v.tt*** with international brokerage f*rm f «- e* tort pay lor FT positions 68,3 3S36 INTERNA nONAl EMPLOYMENT Mane up to $2.000*-nv teaching t>a»* con versa! on ai English abroad Japan Ta--war!, and S Korea Many provmurrm .ever letter and transcript to intern Posfcon Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce 140! WAa.m efl« Eugsna OR 97401 Postal Jobs Available* Many positions Great benefits Call i -600-4364365 Eat M 3309 Project Saferide is looking for dis patchers! Weekdays from 5 30 p m ’o mred S6.hr Part time Applications at The ARC o» lane County 4“, W EVoadwity #206 Eugene Ooemg date 1Q/1/TO tOE_ RECREATION Wiliam elan# Park A Recreation District seeks Special ized Recreation Activity Laader * coach bMfcettxtfi tor children with de vetopmentai Asat* t*»s Mon A Wed afternoons. 6 10 hr vwk $6 39 to S/OlYir AppAcaiKtoS a! Memorial Bulking 765 North A St. Sp«. 9/477 Application deadkn# Od 5. 93 at 5pm Research Observers. 9-month posi tion W<« 1*> trained *n the use of com p*«a nufliwcal coding system tor quan titywiy interactive behavior Fleabarty tidapUbfity. good oonvm#hical»or> $* s A at>kty to wo** n a team ©ssenf^ M«gh school grad w*th „n« year aspen ©nee «n an ottc©.-'©search setting BA preferred *Oiot appleatvyn and subms r© Sums to Oregon Research Institute 1899 Wdamefln. I ufje-n© App* sf-e Seadbn© NOON. K* * AA1 f O Resident Assistant tor High School Equivalency Program P v ■** spctfMkbi# tor supervision of HEP stu dents vi the dorms, cafeteria, and at HEP functions Mu St comply w*th ur.. verity R A regulations and Hi P fu ©*■■ This is a demanding position and an approbation of diversity >n language Culture and utestyf© © to articulate dearty In addition to gen ©rai position. afso need readers who have a background u . /s'wtcU t» «n opportunity rtnpfajyrf and a fmt n.ilird to 4 ru it u ratty drwrw wortpUrr Iftnoffrlffi *ff flfp§da% rrwouflgcd la *pp^y Y I he Oregon Daily Emerald is currently accepting applications lor advertising sales people to begin training lor work this (all The rewards are many This is your Inst step to a successful sales, marketing, advertising, or business career Call Mark Waller. Advertising Director, at 346-3712 lor more Information, or come by the ODE ollice at 300 EMU to pick up a |ob description and application Oregon Doily Emerald j | 11 1 ASUO Women s Center Assistant Receptionist position* (2) A ‘if hrvw* Sr Ov- A. pfccahoft and joO deecrpftcn at ASUQ Suite 4 DeNIdhne •» Sept .’8th ’H' Lane County Watte Management needs Technical Aid PT or fT Sft OCVhr CatkInA*?® must tiam edu* a l»on or eapertcKve -n environmental to ences or related t«M v.'.»e* t esi^e A . at 6«7 :.WO& fer more mb literary? Office secretary. Ntwthwwsl Mthts Shrvw*. ?>e*)tJM» ."V4B J£67 U of O weight-room supervisors needed, work study on ■, Prefer J» vduals with tones* hnowtedge. but aS applicants w»«» be considered See Kaihryn Mosse« f. Salinger tQ2 i i NEAR CAMPUS AND SHOPPING aiga 4 becSoom house IBOOfmo ,u590ii I □ zf^tcLujoocL ZPaxJt Country Style living with CITY CONVENIENCE Grow Your Own Vegetable Garden • Completely Wralhert/ed and f nergy f Itiuenl • Close to Shopping and Medical Eawililirs • l ailing f an* a I aundry Eacllilie* a Prompt and Efficient Maintenance • Newly landscaped and Beautifully Kept ('.rounds a Wooded Park and Playground a On Site Management Team a Completely Equipped Weight Hoorn and Spa • Kec Room • On Busline I BEDROOMS Starting JTH5 iBEDROOMS Starting E455 Management Available 7 Days A Week raw 4/03 "fv tfc* 4S4-S775 I ] PROSPECT PARK ('••unity quid in the city.' l ;i I Bedroom Apartment# w**h pm ate deck* wow*, poo* tenn.s . ourt* playground and more 1710 Worth view Bird 464-6553 15th A Oi IV E • Stfi, -. and loft* »'om £3*1*5 * l.'ovr»ed pariuno Very clean I....1 FALL RESERVATIONS Alder St. Quads f urmvhad ’•«* paid t avr'Vky .:* ■"■■ f - © .> • . V - $-■ 1 > S.'4!imo l • ?*** . ’t ieh 1360 Alder St 345-5949 CEDARWOOD QUADS *4i t trih MOW ACCIPT1NO appik:atioms I W»» !i: II ' l A ' .i1'** >i fVwote room* ■ -v*e® k*w1 v Ai*\by •Mve * m S- 4 • CALI TROY 6*3 8599 i ,".0 MU t AMD j A '* ’ ■ • •>• '• thev» '**'» ■ rS.ft-lhm! ip.iM* Pf -» .»*© I :i' - t’ f *4 ©>’«*'< 11* at n Share UntrvVti hen $-'•.:*» • Vt Men! t slat© Northernn* /41 . **>4 I Near W*il v«W Mar kwood 1 - » ' plan:© bright $225 metudaa uWirtw* 484 1/0/ r •fW'-./vg*. Room in houve clove to lampuv $200. mo ♦ 13 utilities f trvl. last and $100 ikepovit. 4*4*5425 l =□ f emale roommate(v) to share my W Eugene home * ' © {>*»« , ii-1' u|»J»vVy COL** ufc $»‘5G " • lituCWV Ml 09/9 I . Garage Seie Sept 27-28 from 8-5 D .-' /mj <**■;©. countertop f'Oge Wnw ©»©» -1«W nv.*c 180 N Mi F 6Y Child cwe worker for * »*wrch nurvery averting# A Sun mo* n*ng# Should t>e comfortable with toddM** A ytx/ng chJdron Appfccurtl must be 18. M- rvmgm wage Apply til 14/*) f erry ^^ji 6yc_ Friday prayer will be hefd al Aix* flak or A# Sxkkq taiamic Center 1886 W Broadway St from 12 45pm to t 15pm f or more unto ca8 485 0999 CREW!! Anyor^ n fO*/wvj U at () Cirr* l*W»m Wiki mwsbng Mrxulay. Oct 4th at roop m *n Carter f A * _ CREW RETURNERS! Don t forgat-mBBtlng tomorrow night UTpm Ifl Cantury D!? Vary important? _ MEN'S ULTIMATE FRISBEE MEETING WEDNESDAY «.» AT « 30pm Cm3at Room A. EMU All InlwMttd-PlMM AIMnd 1 "3 Naw Cours* TABLA School ' Mi;** 2 or 4 crodrts Tr»lK,' North Irefran parcusvon into 4H4 930f> i [ORLANDO I L uamn A T MC* UFOonnLM FBBTCALtMOAa^ I AMO Ml A MU I MAWTX FHJA FABB*^ r m*AL WBB«.« MlMr »0*«* SALT Of THE EARTHj I 1 GAY/Bi MEN curious? I vf rWoC7l/M .. . a aodal aHamathre! I ^ 775 Monror Stroot » 683-4303