Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 27, 1993, Page 26A, Image 26

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Intenniue pmyrams on I'J) ROM
oner am subject from potato in/bsauiifp
Mot It*-, incorporate aiui artmultm tian
ami imten dtps b nimar, kfts hen me
•mm eo itm,' mtfjrmx amt reiann!
Hei.HL*- a n'uie < l> RUM Me -hms mm
ml- rm.it*-’: thin MX) llupfn JtMs wm 0 hr at<U A
initanth Otica emMt-fnhi -bcitcmarti - amt
t-den-ur Jaiahan alluithtbr iu m u*
11> RUM to h* it ip hrtnys uist '«*
uifkit’uUu - A the-tesit ip UK A u uM -<>i
m- n ,di,/»«ii iij(n*n tu mciutit a U> Ant'
.Ann' Hu\ -nr ami nmrr iruitat! an
I’-ii Imenl thitti! last ■■ >u nett ink thr future
Apple AUiiniad) Cenim *" 6/0
& W U’tdb CI> ROM, Akh inii&b Odor
I kspiny and Af*fJe Extended Keyboard U
Itmi# wur papers projects and firrseniattuns to
hk to nu i <rj*<rti/trtf! fbutts dp art am! a busk<
tf hfe lotus ali ai inhibit on CD ROM
H’u sttU kurU next n rod1 IHu# m a pair of
seif pmemi pesters and the t il ROM i/nit
pfaysaudto CDs too so yem am wort an as
kbit- Itskrurp to >itmrfsnvnte musk
5 iUiuUmb Promo
w a> gi/i [Hick mi
Hm thr Miumtudi (mtn< />/(/ nau
and inull abv rrctvr tbr CD ROM &II
/**> tuv docs //Vi/ mdtuk an dntrvnk
ithMiifkitki aiblt’iur-, mtenu hi<
n nil vires musk far vour audio CD
fiairr ami morr iuvrth f U"t
CD-ROM technology puls a world ot inlormatjon at your linger
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Nave you ever encountered
or confronted death n a dream ~>
Iheatse enlighten me
Sand lefle* to A Gottador
761 £ 14th Ave § 3
Eugene, OR 97*03_
7 3 Just before midnight Did you
see an accident n me joey benmd
Grace Lutheran Church? < 17th A Pat
terson) Looking tor a large whrta. SC*
6C» American car with '.art ‘m» Re
ward, am 466 8872
At 344-0790. hO«lN .« QUAD SCHOOL
APPROVIO 20 year these*-<*s» back
ground Term paper*,fuB resume *e*
nee {d>t.ng l asor p ON CAMPUS?
Word Proceasm^T ypmgHi dhng
These*,Dissertations on Laser
CaB 683-6068 Anyhm#
Manuscripts Ttanserpbons
A Bookkeeping Services avatetke
Call 342-4868
f ree pek upAMNery Can Rondo
at 938 18ft? eventngsheaakands
E«Mng • WrIVng InllWlI • Typtof
! Ai wrung eytee and •ubyects weioome
PrtrfEdH 343-2747
TioerarWeed Error * rea Prefects*
Couch A LowH. oh with print
$360. 2 ctoubki futon covar* $3C*'#ech.
2 oak crvij tables S1** pa* 344 7 798 _
Full *Ue mattr#*# #nd boi aprtng
$80 6 dame* vertkM det*#* S$D
343 6887 W-H da*<ve<
Thu!# car rack. Hood# aocc*o $»20. 3
Thul# t*k# attachment* $ 160. 2 Yak.
m# v> anachmenta-SH6. W Horde
sk»* A boots, w *j, $60 Car frk#
•at* $36 AIWA or Sony boom oo«e*
$30. Yamaha *ynth#jw/®r $60 Afvarer
Qu 4ar $2<JC 688-3242
100% Pure Caahmara $85 Shews*
$106 T wm blanket*. $260 Ou#ar.
1 800 428 7826 X 303
Tutoring by *p##ch tpooahat lndv»du
aty or n group# F or *ilcrm*hon
344 6*61 Uvtliaac* aS *E6 UA
Charming <*n#n# ##t mth 2 contam
portry Wmdaor chair#. #ac#a#m cond
ton $226-nagtxabfr Rob 486- 11 TO
! .. □
Depandabte co*t«g« fctudwnt car
Mustard, b *4.<ewd T9 Toyota Corona
natrfvtw*:* $700 060 Can day* &
>«a»« maaaaga 465-9270
Satiad Cara, trucks boats 4 w*>aaf
art. molortxxna* 5y fBl IRS DtA
Avalabta ycx>' araa now Can
? «X>4^43R3 £.M C-?2?0_
Compaq Cootura Notebook In tat
3B6 teBOMb hardnva Many a«traa
Astangi'Ofc T«nM*97M 74?4*4
JM Ox. 23 *i. Ir. >*. SUQA
Onto Monitor tapa backup math
copeocaaaoi. modam Ptanly ol jolt
•rara Word n *■ «tc Top quality
componanlt $1000 tom. 343-2114
Compart Dice* lor Uu*ic 201
Tltto Litton $40
Call Anthony M 344-1773
Vohm MM tutor* nudad toe ftooaa
«•* MHMM School WaafcJayt » & A1
h*mc> araaa. including ESI Ekcmw
cradit avaaatka. but not ragmrad CM
Cathy f at 687 3727 Vou car' maka a
erharanca n tha tutura today1
We find scholarships. Ave. $15,000!
1 page Application No GPA needed
6 Grants Guaranteed $69*—Risk Free!
*l>uc»uim AviuUhlf ( rrt Brochure
uvucm mvrjXM.*
Poatacrtpt $$** PC o> Mac
i -boo-bo 7- too
Mac Claaaic 440 E»cai*nt condition
low BvOof* many jcpticatBjnt $700
060 CUM 667 0316_____
IBM Cion* BOBB »p*al1 91
tiafdnw* $360 NE C laptop. 2/3 S"
dnvev $360 CMI Jay * 4#6 68«9
Mac In loan Claaaic -iMH Ram A TM(|
M0 fra* US Bora >1 Pagamawi Con
3» ssn0*on JSSC W4-0W6
CASH!" We buy sell and service VMS
VCH s and stereos Thonsp*Gn fciedfonca
1122(3* 343-9273
CASH!!! We buy se« and service VMS
VCRs exJ stereos Thcrtpeon Elect'ortc*
1122 0* 34*9273
Recording erUat, musk pubNaher,
end producer John Sherfcey leeches
pula/ urytXMedi bass, and songwnbng Al
tfytae 342 9343
Tension mounts In the fine! host of the
peper-rocfc-ectesors event