PROBLEMS WITH THE UNIVERSITY? The ()fficc of Student Advrxacs can lielp registered students who fuse problems with uniscrsitv faculty, stall, policies or procedures We are a free ASl '<) program pros idmg professional services for students in campus related matters Call 346-3722 or slop by 334 EMU f<> set up an appointment. tMyuaui VMYUJUt wMvusin $50 is yours lo spend at the Bookstore if your U() ID# is: 154 54 0310 540 25 4400 542 56 0604 57219 5128 358 70 6300 533 11 6151 543 08 1036 544 06 9450 404 11 4716 536 72 8708 540 94 1548 540 82 5432 544 92 3552 602 14 2237 950 76 6064 (Winners from our Spring Bixik Buyhack) Pick up your store certificate upstairs. NEWS, ENTERTAINMENT, SPORTS, MONEY SAVING ADS & MORE! All Delivered By 6:30 a.m. STUDENT DISCOUNT Introductory Student Discount: +* $22.50 - For 3 Months +* $43.50 - For 6 Months $84.00 - For 12 Months (Subscriptions will revert to regular rate upon renewal) Dorm Resident Subscriptions: «- $18.00 - For 10-2-93 to 12-17-93 (Prorated for fall term not including Thanksgiving break) Must pay and present current student Identification when signing up. Cash, check, Visa or Master Card accepted. Subscribe today at our tables located at Carson, Hamilton, University Inn, EMU and comer ct 13th $ Kincaid. Sign-ups end at 2:00 p.m. Friday 10-1-93 /Free Deck of\ ( Playing Cards A l When You J xSubscrlbel^/ Loan checks venue changes By Edward Klopfenstein At H a m last Thursday, doors to the finant ml aid office at Oregon Hall opened and a rush of money-poor students lined up for their loan i he< ks Within a lew minutes, the line real bed to the street outside The hustling scene made one man especially happy "So far. it’s working OK. " said fim Heiss. Perkins Student Loan manager and the person who switi lied student loan chei k pu k-up points from the KMU Ballroom to Oregon Hall Plus is the first year chei ks are being disbursed from the business building Along with the l1 n I - \ ersity s new monthly billing system, the change represents a more than 20-vear effort to streamline student business servil es through one central loca tion The new lulling system started in August for the fall term A i oinpany in Seattle helps coordi nate student payments Tv er siin e the initial design of Oregon Hall in the late 1960s. the intent of the building was for it to Ihh omu the University's i enter for its business affairs, Heiss said The old sy stem of disbursement too costly for his department and too frustrating for the stu dents. he said At the Iwl I room, students often stood in line for at least 20 minutes for their diet ks and then stood in another line to pay the (.ashier At the start of spring term, Heiss said the head i ashior for the i ashior department dw ided not to set lior c ashiers up at the ballroom in the fall be .a use students could pay through the new billing system Two days later. 1 leiss decided loan 11 lei ks would not he disbursed in the ballroom either "(Students) don't have logo to the cashier." he said, "so we don't have to go to the ballroom." (nonna Drew, a freshman majoring in romance languages said she waited about 21) minutes when interviewed halfway through the line. "It's hurry up and wait." she said. Paul Dondero, n graduate student in music, said that because more people were in his line at the ballroom, the A through D line, he thought moving everyone through one lino to six different stations was better. "It's more equitable this way.” Dondero said. "Everybody gets to wait the same amount of time." Employees acting as crowd control said people took about 40 minutes to get through the line. "We’ll see how it does after fall, winter and spring." lleiss said. The change reduced the department's setup costs this term, said lleiss. because his department could use its existing facilities instead of recreat ing the same system in the ballroom. lleiss hired several people as line managers, but that also is a cost he wishes to reduce as students become more accustomed to the system and need less direction. BILLS Continued from Page 1A pro* esses the bills more i heap!) than the University ran. Tergo sen said. "This is another way we i an he more elfn lent Measure r> has made us look for ways to cut down — espei iitII\ sini e we're fin ing future ruts." Doerkson said Students having difficulties paving their increased tuition because of Measure 5 may in; happy that the 5r>0 late registra tion fee has been abolished. Business offii e employees dei ided to get rid of all individ ual fines m ext hange for a nine percent annual interest rate on tlie unpaid balance and a ST) monthly re billing charge "The billing used to be really tricky," Tergesen said, referring to the former late registration fine, the $5 late fine for short term and deferred-tuition loans, and varying late fines for dormi tory and rental housing. Besides being simpler, the new format is also more profes sional. he said. "It's much more business-like. Whether you’re back from summer vacation or just starting at the U of O, give EWEB a call so we can transfer your water and electric service to your name if it is not already included in your rent. We’ll come and read your meter. That way you’ll only be billed for the services you use. So call EWEB today. It will give us a chance to transfer your service and say, ‘‘Welcome!’’ 484-6016 EWEB Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 East Fourth Avenue Office Hours: 8 a m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday , -.- ^ - :