Accusers get funds for defense ESE252 WASHINGTON (AIM Some have become media celebrities and others want to be known only as "an aide.'* "a lobbyist," or "a high school intern " But together they're calling themselves "the Pnckwood 26," women who accuse Sen. Hob Pack wood of sexual assault or harassment. The women were to be the beneficiaries last Wednesday night of a Washington fund-raiser scheduled in their honor, with each guest con tributing $26. A women's group even is soiling T shirts with the slogan; "I believe Anita and the Pnckwood 26." It refers to Oklahoma lavs' Professor Anita Hill’s allegations of sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas, who narrowly won Senate confirmation to the Supreme Court in 1991 despite the accuse tion, which he denied The shirts also hear the names of women who agreed to he identified, those who worked for the Oregon Republican, lobbied him or otherwise mode his acquaintance. The women say they need financial help to pre pare a case before the Senate Kthii s Committee — which has been conducting a preliminary investi gation ofPackwood’s behavior for nearly a year The panel said it will decide late next month whether to intensify its investigation The women want their attorneys, w ho are not charging them fees, to he reimbursed for expens es if the panel has public hearings These are the same women who now say they had no idea, when they were suddenly grabbed or kissed somewhere between the late 1960s and early 1980s, that Pnckwood had acted the same way toward others. "My husband said. Hob Pnckwood wouldn't have done that, you must be mistaken,' " Julie Williamson said last week. Williamson is no longer married to the man who hud that reaction in 1969, She says Pai kwood pulled her ponytail, stood on her toes, grubbed at Ten years ago, there was nothing that would be done about it. We must tell our stories. And we must support ourselves when we do It.' Mary Hefferman, accuses Pack wood of harassment her clothes and tried to remove her girdle Packwood. at a news conferetu e last !)e< emt>er, apologized for his behavior toward his accusers But he has consistently refused to discuss any of the individual act usetions Packwood has hired a Washington lawyer, lames Fitzpatrick and has established a legal defense fund. The ethic s < omrnittee has sjwnt most of the year gathering information and < undue ting interviews with the women The panel has tried to contact nearly everyone who worked for the senator since his election to the Senate in 1968 Williamson and other women said in interviews this week that the i omrnittee asked them for every minute detail of the alleged incidents Committee investigators "asked me to draw .1 map of the offit e, asked how I walked into a dead end They asked what I was wearing They asked how long (the incident) was," she said Now a political consultant. Williamson said she normally makes SUM),000 a year But this year, she said, clients have dumped her and one told her pointedly. "You're too hot" to hire Mary I loffernaii. who works for a women's advo cacy group, said that during a visit to Pa< kwood's office in the early 1980s, the senator grabbed her arms and kissed her. "1 never said a word" after the incident, she recalls. "Ton years ago, there was nothing that would lie done about it But there were two things I learned We must tell our stories And we must support ourselves when we do it " Tutoring by spw-h spinalis! Individually or in small groups For information !W4 Kltil Mark Lustira. B S in Fd. M A h——ii.■ ■ —-i ( f ' ' ( « r t « M C r Graphics • TTPfSITTING • PASTf UP • • UTOUT • Of SIGN • • CONSIHTATION • CAMfRA • 346 4381 11 h» ! kli ) • ' \ Kl ) w The UNIVERSITY OF SAN OIEQO. offer* an inten sive ABA Approved poet graduate 14 week LAWYER'S ASSISTANT PROGRAM Thla Program will enable you to put your education to work a* a {killed member of the legal team A representative will be on campus Monday, October 11, 199) 9:00 am - 11:00 am Krb Memorial Union, Cedar A For more Information contact your career center at: 346-323!) uo Umvrmlv of <*an IV-gp Lawyar a Asalitant Program 5996 AlcalA P«rfc San Otago CA 92110 2492 (619) 260 45/9 Nam*_ Currant Address ____ City_State_Zip_ Current Phone •_ Permanent Phone •_ ■ ■ I With any $2 00 purchase Limit one per customer Not valid with any other offer or price special SNAPPLE NATURAL BEVERAGES I Your choice ol tla»ors One ner 1 *1*1 STRAWBERRY • FRUIT PUNCH • LEMONADE • v cowon E»p»es 10,«3 _ PINK LEMONADE; RASPBERRY TEA .«ACH TEA ^ MASTER BRAND COMBO LOCK & 6’ SELF COILING COATED CABLE LEJOUR V ASSORTED J QUALITY ) ARTIST BRUSHES ■H TDKD90 LOW NOISE HIGH OUTPUT RECORDING TAPE 690 a