- ■ B i^W It's as easy as dialing 1-800•COLLECT,'” instead of zero, when you make a collect call. It's the 1-800-COLLECT $5,000 DAILY GIVEAWAY. Just complete your col lect call between August 30 and September 28, and you’ll have a chance to share $5,000 with the person whose number you’re calling. I Call as often as you like. There are winners t every day. You’ll also save up to 44% with 1-800-COLLECT. It’s America’s Inexpensive Way To Call Someone Collect.M Use it every time you make a long distance collect call. That’s all there is to It. Bet you call Mom and Dad more than ever. Saving* v* ATAT 1 min operator anted Interstate coded cad _ ...rccciuv SI I curRANTS AMI BOUND BY COUPLE TE RUES WHICH ARE AVAILABLE BY CALLING I BOO RULFS41J FOR EACH OAY FROM 8309.1 THEtOLiOH 97891 • I 800 COLLECT »5 000 DAILY OTVEAWAY NO PURC>*«jE **Sf 8^TO ’ ToVnt^RB, mA JnG a i BOOCOLLECT CALL t *1t *me you maAe s 1 800 COLLECt Oomatac telephone cel -w-tom to. U S end FWto Rao, during toe pro 30 DAYS) 1 800 COLLECT WILL GIVE AWAY A GRAND R|ZE if 85 i md an sago* 'm n mares mrervwj tor toai day » grv»awa, Random smm.twn <*m TaAa pace 6 days 3 SELECTION Of WINNERS Each to* rwnb* ol 3* t 80OGOUECT teiapnone cans completed each day and toe ama pi day toe cat was made and on to* "umber of ma. c ecu,** designated lor a TTm toe specific pnxe giveaway date Odd* nr,ng I pnx» (actors Odds ot wtrvsng na n» m entry wJt be as good as odds pt w-nrsng via tewpnone entry 4 PRIZES 1 Grand Pru* p» day ol 85 000 dnnded equaty each day s pnxe award Odds w* vary race day ottoe prorobon ba .rvtodu* or rorrpeny whose name appears on to* talapnon* b* tor to# tetepnone numb* caned It potential wen* Has * rimed na man basne tubs* between Can* and Can Reupmnt Can Eteoprent portion o» toe pnxe ' ■ ^ mu to uare pnxe equally 5 GENERAL RULES To be eSgtoia laNKsmad at entrants must be 16 y**s or otdm as of 83093 Sponsors quentt, will be required to grve name nromooon ard entowyews of * s adverwing and promoter agenda* and tom- mmadale lamp, m*np*s and* too*, wing n same household of each are not aegtoa tor any emproyees daectt, mvorved at toe panning R^anpamarttbon.o< toopro unuTnoi *«*« P» lh* above toai enere 85.000 pnxe -a not be awarded Vcxri wt<*e prohtoted by law No tubstituoon or transf* ol pnxe p*mrtt*J Ai i led prue -torn as an mrtrant or desgnaod reopwnt RMh* (Wntaimnner t .***, Not 'esponub* for maifunctwrvng ot taaeAdown or telephone system. tor faulty teopnona Pansrtvspon cr tor lost, lata o- m« mai. slate and local la.es *. toe sole responsto-Wy of a"™* ’ ^ ^ *>, aaay pnxe ol to*promotion toai pnxe w>« be awarded on toe totowmg day Random setocMn of wtnrws at be und* to* supmvisajn of 0 L Ba - Inc an directed entries In toe event toa: ^ promoron entrants agree lo be bound by to* Offioar Hums and decaamt of to# ,udg*s COUPLE TE sM are subpef to any requeements or Lrmutwn* mat may ndepeixtent judging organixaBOn wtiose decision* me fmai By pemopaong mpewu.e -yr t» tmpo*«d &y tt\9 ConvrK»n9C*t>0«* Convnn*io^