Student wins heroism award By Edward Klopfenstein O#pofli Ga'tv f mernkj A University student was honored last Thursday when the Kiwanis Club awarded him the Robert P. Connelly Medal for Heroism from the Kiwanis Inter national Foundation. Only a handful of college students have ever received the award. Brian Wilson, a sophomore majoring in math, was honored for rescuing a 29-year-old Uni versity graduate student from the Willamette River Dec 5, 1992. The graduate student reportedly attempted suicide by diving off of the Autzen Foot bridge, north of campus "I feel honored to receive the award, but I didn't expect it or all the publicity that has come out of this,'' Wilson said. "The rescue was just something that had to he done ... I know I'd do it again." The award ceremony was attended by University Presi dent Myles Brand and Edgar "Kdd" Middaugh. a past lieu tenant governor of the Pacific Northwest Kiwanis District. Middaugh and other members of the Springfield Kiwanis Club nominated Wilson for the award. More than 255 people worldwide have received the honor, but only two or three Brian Wilson stands at the site ol last winter's rescue, which won him an International heroism award from the Klwanls Club recipients were college students The plaque presented to Wil son is engraved "To Brian Wil son. who risked his life to save the life of another, performing service above and beyond the call of duty, in the spirit of the Robert P Connelly Medal." The bronze medallion, mounted on a walnut board, is named for a Kiwanis member who lost Ins life in 19fif* trying to rescue u woman who fell in the path of .i Chicago-bound commuter train. Wilson is the son of Honolulu residents Ray and Mary Wilson, who graduated in 1959 from the University Hrinn Wilson grad uated in 1992 from Punahou School in Honolulu, where he took a CI’R course MlSCKl.l-ANKOCS ln< i denial tee Committee will moot from 0 to ft p m today in KMl' Century Room i to dm um internal buameaa For more infor mation, call 14fi 1749 Deadline for uibmUUnn tt Alt to thr h?»i ,ii«i front iir\k Suite MM) f Ml u iurnm thr dti\ before publication I be newt editor doet not have a time machine 11 Alt run thr . f tnvfil* urith > ti< iHiltt•!' or aiitut» non i horjtr *•»// rt«>» ok rpfrd ( ainpu* r\rnt% ana thmm n twdulmi iwurrit the pub In at too ikitr mill br jgi» pn itrutfity rhr Eli** 4Id ir*pf4p» Ltur n$hl l