BOOKS Continued from Page 7D premise that women must learn and teac h others about their bodies so they c an teac h other women and avoid victimization and intimidation by the? health c are system The federation was born out of the women's health move ment of the !')70s. pioneered bv federation founder Carol Down er. It started when Downer w ho ac compamed a friend to the gvnex ologist s offic e |- rum that offu e stie swaped a spec ulum. the instrument used to hold open the vaginal walls for an exam ination At home Downer gave herself a self-exam using ihc* spe, u lum and a mirror Then she brought the spec ulum to her women's consciousness raising group and then, said Megan Thomas the federation s program direc tor, "she pisi plopped down on the* table and taught the- women how to do self-exams I hc- I emnust Women's Health ( enter in bugene offers an I'liemship and pr.n tic uni credit program for students and oc c epts volunteers as well For more information, c ontac t Sails She. low al the I W HC in b.ugene ■ 1 WWW --- House Coffee & Muffin Wake up with your choice ot one ot our fresh baked muffins and a 12 oz cup of Coffee Corner fine roasted coffee L_r—_____——— House Coffee & Two Cookies Treat yourself to two ot our award winning cookies and a 12 oz cup ot Coffee Corner (me roasted coffee FALL CREEK HAKIIKV K C n i 881 East 13th Avenue ' n»t to the UO B66? 0t»»> Monday E'o.i. 7 30-7 Saturday 8-6 Sunday tO-4 Special* good through Sunday. October 3.1993 P*o*o f'On kit*' grvj Ah£l0t Men peeling blubber from the heed of a sperm whale aboard a boat In 1951. WHALING Continued from Page 17D papers and flushed around (he world on television It was a masterful manipulation of the media, and entire groups started to spring up with only one purpose, to save the whales While the c onserva tion organizations were produc ing articles having rallies and c ollet ting signatures, more radical ele ments were beginning to marshal iheir forces This was the |>eriod of the* anti-war movement in the United States, and it was c tear — at least to some people — that working within the* system was not the way to get things done With tin- passage of Ihe Marini* Mammmal Pro les lion Ac t hy the U S. Congress in 1972. the Unit ed States officially retired from the whaling busi ness and public lv dedic atecl itself to the c onservation and prntec lion of all marine mammals The l !.S |Mtsition on whale conservation was fur ther strengthened by the passage of the two addi tional pies es of legislation, the Pellv and the Pac k wood-Magnuson amendments, which were designed to enhance the economic sand ions against those nations that diminished the effee tiveness of the t‘M6 Whaling Convention Today, President Bill Clinton has to decide if he wants the United States to force these amend ments upon Norway, or acknowledge the new catc h es. Boye ott ac tions and insulting attacks singles! out againsl one nation are a very serious matter in itself When such actions are repeated often enough, the public may have difficulties in evaluating what is right and w rong No country has ever boycotted or sanctioned the t mted States for the aboriginal subsistence whal ing in Alaska, where the Eskimos harvest the how head or Greenland right whale in much the same way their ancestors have for at least 1.000 years. This kind of whaling has long been a problem for the IWC. in relation to the moratorium and spe i tal quotas At the IWC meeting in June 1077, the Scientific Committee recommended that a morato rium should be declared on all harvest, because the bowhead whale was near extinction The IWC adopted this recommendation and asked the U.S government to enforce the ban on Eskimo whal ing but the United States sided with the Eskimos, requesting the aboriginal catches be continued based on subsistence and cultural needs. With far lietter knowledge on the status of many whale stocks than just several years ago, the whale conservation movement needs now to decide whether all stocks of whales should lie totally pro tected Meanwhile. Norway will continue with minke whaling, conducted on the basis of fair and rea sonable catch limits, ensuring sustainable man agement in accordance with the principles adopted at the United Nations Conference for Environment and Development For the IWC, the next year will la- a turning point where the commission will have to form a policy on future whale conservation and management. The assessments of the Scientific Committee of the IWC included a draft-revised management procedure that allows for the resumption of commercial small type minke whaling in the northeast Atlantic, but the complete procedure is not yet finalized I Clip these coupons and save on the finest in photo finishing! 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