Who ‘owns’ the whales in international disputes? By Susanne Steffens Oregon Otniy f meratij The controversy over whaling has complicated national rela tions and has created tensions and recriminations all over the world. Whales have become a symbol of the environmental movement, and many animal groups con sider them highly intelligent mammals that should not be killed, but some nations strong ly advocate whaling by arguing their tradition of eating whales, together with retaining industry to protect jobs. Since the International Whal ing Commission was established in 1946. the main problem tias been to find a balance between the whaling and anti-whaling nations’ objectives and to reach correct measures of the whale stock throughout the year. The resumption of commer cial whaling is the most dis putable question at present, on account of the new estimation from the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Com mission agreeing that the stock of minke whales is in no danger of depletion or extinction. Norway has, based on this new information, harvested minke whales from June this year, and soon Iceland anti Japan will follow. The new catches have made the whole world cry out in protest, threat ening sanctions and boycotts, which has made the Norwegian government very nervous. If whaling is prohibited as the result of pressure from abroad — despite scientific evidence that limited whaling would not rep resent a threat to the species of whale in question — the fear is that similar loss of sovereignty over natural resources, such as fish, energy, forests and miner als, could follow The whaling issue is a matter of principle for Norway, uniting the country behind the call for national sov ereignty in resource .manage ment. It is clear that minke whales are sufficiently abundant today that they may he depleting the food resources needed by clear ly endangered whales — such as the blue and bowhend whales While minkes have flourished in rec ent years, endangered whale stocks have not shown signifi cant signs of revitalization Managing competing stoc ks such as the minke will con tribute to maintaining a balance and help clearly endangered whales to replenish their stoc ks At the 1992 meeting of the 1WC. the Scientific Committee unanimously conclu ' that the north Atlantic minke v.. e is in no danger of depletion or extirn tiori, with about HfS.700 minke whales in the northeast Atlantic. alone. The new evidence has brought the anti-whalers togeth er, willing to fight against any catches from the whaling nations. Most countries are at present waiting for the United States to voice a stronger oppo sition to the killing of whales, but no economic sanctions against Norway have yet been LOOKING FDR ANSWERS’? 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Xy H,an \m*n' Htld ,>,n ltula\ iViHkim II lOamI ai i*r Health tdm alum ( enter fe »< man nmi Mind <*>neaerat , holed * m v* *-*«1 **’ j 1 ending 1 ibran.Jl«i.)tii he y,mr reading enjoyment Cftfft flWffl V»Ll You don't mod to hr in a ptnrh to fisc us ■ coB! Health -**"»Jt»o J ^ Student Health Center j f University oi Oregon mufr infiirmiiiMm call 346-4456 accepted by the president The decision is not at all easy, because whaling < onr.erns the private resources of a nation Most Americans, however, stand together behind the "Save the Whales" movement that includes many diverse air man Is Taken separately, none of these elements would have had the momentum to carry the entire conservation community toward a common goal, but together they had a carrying power that could not have been anticipated. Together, they would bring about the greatest single victory in the history of the environmental community, the elimination of i oitiinert ml whaling One of the reasons that the whale has been elevated to near divine status is bet ause of the media and recreational parks like Sen World Feature films like Flipper led to a long-run ning television series of the same name, where the protago nist performed feats of intelli gence. Everybody fell in love with whales and dolphins, primarily bet auso of the way that they were being depii ted on telev i sion and in the movies, they were sensitive, intelligent i rea lures, whose only desire, it appeared, was to make our lives easier and mom enjoyable Greenpeace was catapulted into the forefront of the whale conservation movement, with the image of brave men III tiny rubber boats trying to stop the vv halers from getting their catch es Photographs were repro duced in magazines and news Turn to WHALING. 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