Fire in the sky NOOMAfc Ml <'»MAN*y * *-*»*r.J Lightning storms above Eugene entertained and frightened city residents for much of one week during the month of August Oregonians more literate than most PORTLAND (AP) — Oregoni ans can read better than most Americans, but the state still needs to improve its school sys tem to compete in the 21st cen tury, according to a national report The Oregon Progress Board, the state agency that issues a report card on state schools every two years, compared results of a survey taken in UKJO with figures just released by oth er states. Duncan YVyse. the hoard dins tor, said the Oregon results ranked the state at the top of the national survey, taken in and mleasiKl this month m Wash ington. D C . by the U S Depart merit of Education. "Oregonians are far more lit erate than the nation as a whole,” VVyse said. Wyse said the survey results show that Oregon schools are doing a better job than schools nationally, but he noted that Ore gonians tend to 1m- iiettor edm at eil than the average American FREEMUS1C " BUY 2 USED RECORDS OR TAPES AND GET ONE FREE!* On* coupon pm (uHomu pm <%*y We Pay Cash SS For Used Records. Tapes & CDs Over 3000 used CDs in stock! 'ffr** u**d r«cond *r lap* *4 *a*u*l •* I****# v*Jwo) lipifM HAPPY TRAILS 3C3 C 13TH • 483-5351 < ■ \ It’s The ‘3 For All” Sale. ’ Good through September AO (a l l 111 nis.iil kx ixy km |*xv mtw .it I Liny (Juivn’ I ivtyix* s l.ruxati .11*0 mu v 1 |*>kmkI' ILxilik(1xt'Nvfxii0ii with kllui .UkJhxiuhi Vkl liny m/v Iik’s .uxl .1 Ixi0 21 ixnm soil drink lor ,i i *i a 0rvat mv.iJ lint txim .i |*xt-liki this wixit List wxii |vutx I)util 10 I Uiin (Jtxvn* lira/x i'sIixv ' Wc Treat You Right brazier OxMy < A<*<■*■'" %*»«» p» h**'*'>»» ■* ‘ ***«•»>'» '*< *■ «• ImM9ww< ■«» t< t**mW» *» * t*-M*«»x kx t »*»*> f MM DO <*»»'««) With any purchase ot SJ Uuor more, not vaiio wnn r DELICIOUS any other otler or pnce special Expires 11/15/93. I ' SATHERS BAG CANDIES - ' ' CHOOSE FROM OVER 100 ninons coupon ; .— GIANT 6” POTTED HANGING OR UPRIGHT fj ^ HOUSE PLANTS |f PERMA I HANGING 1 FILE I STORAGE IB0X $099 Reg. $12.99 0 SCOTCH BRITE KITCHEN SPONGE _ VALLEY FARMS POTTING SOIL ESSELTE • LETTER TRAY • MAIL SORTER WHILE 400 LAST