The Muslim Student Association would like to welcome all Muslim students to the Univ ersity of Oregon. The MSA invites all Muslims and interested students to participate in our activities this year For More Information Call 346-3798 or stop by Room 8. 202 EMU KINCAID Continued from Page 11D negative attitudes into positive " Itrinkman said the project will actually improve the area in many ways, such as in allowing for belter accessibility for pedes trians and the possibility of expanding Taylor's outdoor seating. The Kincaid Street construc tion seems to Ik- one project, hut is actually three. LIT) is working on the bus station, and the city of Eugene is putting in two i rosswalks — one at the alloy midway between East 11th and 14th avenues and on the west side a curb extension is being installed to provide a pedestrian area, said Brant Williams, city traffic engineer for the city of Eugene. The third project is strictly by the University: the installation of three covered bicycle shelters, which should be completed mid to late fall term. The estimated cost of the shelters is $7,000 each, according to Chris Ramey, director and architect of the University Planning Office The Federal Highway Depart ment will be covering an esti mated $200,000. a majority of the cost to complete the con struction project. Tlie state's cost ■' ' 1.11 "r U- l AT&T can help you save money whether you live on campus, off campus, or somewhere in between. Choose AT&T and saw No matter when* you choose to live, you can save money on your long distance phone hill with VIM On campus, we provide VIM Long Distance Service savings through your college or universitv Off campus, choose VIM as your long distance carrier and save with VIM Savings Options It's all part of The i Plan.' The personalized plan designed to fit the wav you call lo sign up, stop hv our booth on campus or call 1 8(K) (>54-0471. Kxt. 4119 O twt vt*r will be about $13,500. LTD * will be alwut $13,500. and the city of Eugene will spend an estimated $50,000 on the pro ject. F’aul Zvonkovic. transit plan ner for LTD. hopes the construc tion project will result in signif icant improvement in hus services for students There will be three bus lines running from the new station: #23 Fox Hol low, *28 Hitlyard. (both out bound only), and a new route. #71. that will cover 24th Avenue and Agate Street. Most of the negative com ments on the project concerned the decrease of parking spaces that will result. Don Stull, bartender at Tay lor's. said it may affect pedestri ans as well. "The real caution I have is people trying to cross the street if traffic is traveling south on Kincaid.” Stull said. "It makes it difficult to get to the transit sta tion — the total amount of foot traffit will increase — which is a threat to pedestrians. I don’t want to see someone hit by a car. Other than that, it does improve the arterial flow for buses traveling south and west." VALETS Continued from Page 10D enough. "In retrospect, if they had known what their traffic situa tion was going to lx\ they would have list'd us," he said. Andrea Vollmer. Marketing Coordinator for the Eugene Cel ebration, said bicycle valet park ing is a great idea because it eas es congestion. "Plus, they're sale in several wavs." she said. "They're sur rounded h\ a fence so they won't get stolen, and there are only a few people parking them so they won't get twinged up" To work at a festival or other event. Hesi h said it takes four people per two-hour shift to make the parking service work smoothly "It takes a lot of people," he said Despite the amount of time and effort the service takes, llesi h said parking bicvi les is essentially fun. 1 think it's worthwhile," he said "People have fun doing this We wear how ties to give that Mercedes Hen/ kind of feel." Look out for DUCK BUCKS during the first week of classes!