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Eight-year-old Jeslca Poole and her slx-year-old brother Travis, jump out of their dad’s car after getting to ride with him in the victory lap. Thu i nrs — which include street stix k. modified and sports men. among other i lasses — < an get up to sjMieds of <)!> to 1(M) mph and average 55 to tit) mph When the speedway was limit more than :)() years ago, it was originally a dirt trai k Hut the next year, the owners paved the track The speedway brought back the dirt track in July, making it a track within the paved track Paved races run Friday nights, and dirt races run Saturday, leaving five days to sweep up the paved track (or Friday. The speedway is the only sin gle track to offer both dirt and paved races in the Northwest. And people come to the speed wav to see the unique track. Fans — mostly friends and fam ily of the drivers — walk through the opening gate by the hundreds Parents bring their children, and some children firing their sleep ing I mgs. as the races often go late and can become chilly outside. The races, however, start while the sun is still shining. i ACCENT ON 1 EUGENE SPEEDWAY WHERE: W 11th Avenue WHEN: Friday and Saturday evenings May to September Gates open at 6 p m and racing begins at 8 p m ADMISSION: $7 adults, $4 chil dren 4-1?, tree under tour ACCENT The only single track to otter both dirt and paved races in the Northwest Story by Jake Berg Photos by Anthony Forney r)rr$or Daily Emerald Thu flaguui* stands at his post elevated ilxnu the speedway's start Hinsli kite, a rack of flags beside him Hie purples, reds and oranges of the sun silhouette him as he waves the cars by. Angry engines roar by so fust that the only remnant is of the fumes and burnt rublier smell left behind as the cars screech around the four corners of the () shaped track, often turning the < ars side ways and sometimes creating more serious accidents. One particular accident gets the crowd riled, though all of them get "oohs” and "aohs” from the fans. During some of the last races, the nearly 20 cars racing together resemble a mass herd of deer, uni formly moving until the later laps begin to weed out the slower, weaker vehicles. Hut it is in the middle part of one of these races that sees a i ar get turned sideways and flipped over on its roof by its momentum Curses flow from the pit as other drivers watch another i ar tag the fallen car. The yellow flag goes up. and the crowd waits for u sign. I he fans aren't kept in suspense long, how ever. as the driver rolls out of a window of the overturned car and gives a wave to the crowd Others on the track help him tip the car Iwt.k on its wheels, and the race goes on. I_ Troy Likens, the track champion last year, goes over some last-minute checks with his pit crew at the Eugene Speedway. C DO YOU NAVE AN INTEREST IN > A ^ • Substance Abuse ^ • Sexuality ^ • Nutrition ^ • Fitness • L _ haulers ^ • dating disorders ^ • Weight Management ^ • Stress Management ^ Do you have any interest in developing counseling skills, public speaking skills, enhancing your ^ personal knowledge of, and educating others on these subjects? Then the LIFESTYLE PLANNING ^ ^ PROGRAM IS FOR YOU1 Upper division credit, internships and practicums are available to students ^ interested in Peer Health Advising Applications are available at the Health Education Center in the ^ Student Health Center or call Annie Do^hnahl, ex. 6-4456 or 6-2728. Tough Week? 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