Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1993, Page 10D, Image 92

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Pedal your way to a bicycle valet
By Meg Dedoiph
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Bicyc le valet parking
Pedal up to an exc lusive
rc-staurmit in your tux. hop off of
the trusty Sc hwinn and hand it
over to a teen-ager with two
tone hair who takes your hike
for a hefty tip
Not quite
"What we're doing is provid
ing a service lor events — safe
and secure bike parking for
event goers." said fan Vander
Tuin from tlie Outer lor Appro
priate TransjMirt. a Eugene hie y
de advocacy group
'We' re looking for wavs to
inspire people to want to ride,"
he said Most of tile events in
the i itv are m the summer, the
weather's nice, why not?”
l or a suggested donation of 50
cents CAT volunteers park
hie vc les in spec.tally designed
rac ks surrounded by snow lent •
Ehe parked hikes and nc com
panving hac.kpacks and helmets
are watched hv the volunteers,
making lot ks unnecessarv. To
retrieve a hie vc le, the rider sim
ply presents tiie numbered tii k
et he or she rec eived when the
hike vs as first parked
The service is essentially free
to both hieve lists and event
sponsors. VanderTuin said,
though CAT is relying on money
from donations to fund bit vc le
advexac v projec ts
We re hanking on money
c oming in there. VanderTuin
Allan ilesc h. a CAT volun
teer. said although the public
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Eugene volunteer Loudon Lyons, 11, helps riders with parking their
bikes during the Springfield Filbert Festival.
response has been enthusiastic,
donations are still low
"Basically, the reaction is
'Ilev. win cool!' " llesch said.
"It's positive I think people
sometimes wonder what we re
doing We've learned any time
you use the word 'free,' people
think you're selling something."
Aura Solomon, who recruits
volunteers to staff the parking
service, said reactions to the ser
vice have been mixed.
"Some people took to it right
awm . and some people wanted
to lock their bike to our rack. It's
people who have the really
rinky-dinky bikes who keep ask
ing if they can lock them, and
other people i ome up with an
SHOO Cannondale. and pist leave
The racks used for the service
hold 2‘l() bikes, fit on one trail
er and were designed and built
through donations and volun
teer labor.
VanderTuin said the rac ks arc1
designed to accommodate a
variety of bike sizes and tire
widths and have already been
used at this summer's Art Sc the
Vineyard festival, where more
than 2,000 bicyclists used the
"We'll be at the Eugene Cele
bration," VanderTuin said, "and
we were supposed to do the
Grateful Dead show, but they
didn't get it together soon
Turn to VALETS, Page 14D
U Great Opportunities
to Meet Others
LI Dynamic Music
□ Casual
...with lots of opportunities
to get involved...
□ Practical ami
Relevant Biblical
□ Sense of Humor I
□ Informal
Sundays at
11:00 A.M.
(In the gym at First
Baptist Church, 868
High St.)
QUESTIONS: 345-0341
Sunday morning shuttle from UO
Shuttle Stop pickup Return
Agate St. crosswalk 9:15A.M. 12:15P.M.
Covered tennis courts 9:17
19th and University 9:20
Alpha Omega House 9:25
(1332 Kincaid St.)
NCC Dorms 9:27
(12th and Kincaid St.)
Also, don't miss "New Dimension'' at 9:40 A.M., a contemporary worship service geared to the collegian