Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1993, Page 8D, Image 90

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Group continues work
for Central America
By Jason Jonas
I or me Origan D**r imtoHcl
Since 1982. the Committee In Solidarity With The Central Amer
uen People has been active in the Eugene area
The organization works to educate the community about situa
tions of oppression in Central American countries and to raise mon
ey for material aid projects in those countries. CISCAP also cam
paigns to pressure tho U S. Congress to end military intervention and
other forms of intervention with the governments of Central Ameri
ca. particularly in Nicaragua and El -Salvador.
Unlike nuclear freeze organizations and other pacifist groups that
lagan in tho early 1980s. CISCAP and other similar groups across the
country work for solidarity among Central Americans who aro
oppressed 'Die focus is on justice rather than peace, necessarily, and
the intent is to put an end to imperialism and racism in Central
Organizations like CISCAP began in reaction to counter-revolu
tionary measures taken by the Reagan administration in Central
America The c onnection between CISCAP has been strong since
its formation because of academic detriments that focus on Central
Americ an issues and professors that have the capacity to inform
the public about these issues CISCAP was founded through a col
laboration between University, working-class and professional peo
ple in the Eugene area.
Amanda Nichols is a University student and one of two staff peo
ple at the CISCAP office. She heard about the organization through
a classmate at I.ane Community College two-and-a-half years ago,
and she has been an active member since then. Part of her respon
sibilities include helping to coordinate fund-raisers for material aid
"One project we've worked on recently is getting money for a
women's agricultural cooperative in Nicaragua,” Nichols said. "The
idea is to teach women to teach communities about methods of agri
CISCAP commits to raising a certain amount of money for each
material aid project and then moves on to another project. Some of
the projects an' linked with organizations like CISCAP nationwide.
Besides raising funds for these projects, CISCAP also tries to get com
munity involvement in legislative actions pertaining to Central
American issues.
Scott Miksch is a part-time student at the University and has been
an activist for Cantrul American issues since his first college days in
the mid-1980s
When he come to Eugene, he discovered CISCAP and has been
involved with th ganization for about two years. He has worked
n legislative ,i through tho organization by encouraging the
general pi » send postcards and sign petitions that will, in pari,
lobby C< s to not intervene in Central American politics.
Miks< so helps to organize speaking tours for activists who
have f in Central America and works on publicity for CISCAP.
iw we’re organizing the third annua! workathon for C1S
ssi h said "We get pledges of money from people and then
ivi >ro: cts in he community. This year we’ll be doing paint
..mdscaping for Eugene Emergency Housing and doing con
n for Food For l-ane County. I've been phoning people to ask
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