Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1993, Page 7D, Image 89

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Cristin Hmesley, a health worker at the Feminist Women s Health
Clinic, conducts a finger prick, testing tor anemia
Books show woman’s
health perspective
By Lia Saiciccia
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For mi alternative to mainstream women's health care, the Nation
al Federation of Women’s Health Centers has released three new
books through the woman-centered health perspcc live
The books will be available at the Feminist Women's Health Clin
ic on Fast 11th Avenue and Hilv.ud Street in Fugene
A New \'iew of a Woman's Body devotes an entire chapter to a
new, woman-c entered definition of the clitoris. Formerly the clitoris
was medically defined as a small, penis-like organ
The chapter holds detailed photos of this organ and the changes it
undergoes in its many stages of arousal and rest This hook which
was written by the federation, was designed to familiarize women
with their anatomy through the perspective of other women, not
male doctors and medical artists
For those who seek more control over the proc ess of childbirth, the
Federation has released Woman-Centered Pregnancy and Birth
One of the book's benefits, said Fugene's FWHC Development
Director Sally Sheklow. is an actual birth plan that a p-egnant
woman c an bring to her doctor so that it is c lear from the beginning
what types of procedures she will and will not allow in the preg
nancy and birth proc ess
The birth plan includes information from what types of drugs will
be used in the birthing to whether the woman wishes the babe t. >«»
placed directly in her arms after it is horn
"In this era of the medical takeover of childbirth." the intrude tion
says, "mothers also need information to enable them to ward oil pos
sibly harmful intervention to protec.t their baby.”
A Woman s Book of Choices, written by Rebecca Chalker and Car
ol Downer, informs women of their choices about abortion. Rl !-48h,
and the process known as menstrual extraction. Included are chap
ters on how to find the best available c are provider, risks of RU 48B,
what practitioners need to know about complications, and folk reme
dies that are dangerous and don't work.
Menstrual extraction "is not homo abortion.'' Sheklow said
Rattier it is a proc ess performed by women's groups where the
period is extracted from the uterus of the woman who believes she
may have conceived, but for whom a pregnancy test is still prema
ture It is a way for women "in neighborhood groups to take repro
ductive health into their own hands in preparing for any restrictions'
that could be in store for legal abortions, Sheklow said
How to Stay Out of the Gynecologist 's Office is the "self-helper's
Bible." Sheklow said. The book operates upon the theory of a "vagi
nal ecology." where such things as odors, bacterium and discharge
are a regular part of every woman's cycle and can be affec ted by
things like caffeine, alc ohol, sugar and lack of sleep
Home Bemedtes is a pamphlet including information about horbal
healing of such afflictions as vaginitis and yeast infection, as well as
a section on herbs that will induce a period.
Besides publishing books, the Federation of Women s Health Cen
ters operates the affiliated c linics around the country, providing
woman-centered health uire This type of health care operates on the
. (o qoqkS. Page 17D
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