Pac-10 ‘Playboy’ issue now out I’layhiiy magazine released its "(.iris of the Par.-10" issue ear lier this month, featuring two I hiiversitv students Aim Summers, a marine biol ogy major, and l-aura Christi a dance major, wore chosen to appear in the issue I’luytxn pho tographers interviewed Univer sity students during spring term for the 10-page pic tonal Playboy photographers David Chan. David Moray and Amy Freytag visited Pac 10 colleges from Mart h through May Summers and Christi will 1** at Alder Street Market. 79H K. 1 ltli Ave . today from 5> to 7pm. autographing copies of the mag azine and meeting the public The University was one o( three of the to Pacifo 10 (Con ference schools who had only two students appear in the issue Sis Arizona State and six (Cal i form a-Berkeley students were photographed for the issue, the most of any Pat to si hool In all. tl women were pho tographed for the pic tonal /'/orbin' has Is-eii featuring col lege i onfereni e pictorials in a fall issue since 1077 "I hi" I’lK 10 was lost featured ill September and (h toiler of 1078 and in (Vtotier 1 OHS I u have been eligible for the pictorial. women had to he 18 years old and ri*gislered as a full time tir part-time student Freud's genius was complex. Dell's is simple.*— Florence Nightingale brought good health. Dell brings good grades. ♦ Cleopatra ruled Egypt. Dell rules, period, t Einstein was relative. Dell is Absolute.1"'* For Wise Goys The Microcomputer Support Center offers a complete line of Dell computers to match your PC needs Plus, if you buy now you can receive additional back-to-school savings on select 486 computer systems from Dell. To complement your PC we carry Hewlett Packard products, Supra fax/data modems, and popular software products from Microsoft Adobe, Aldus, Lotus, Wordperfect, and many others - - all at incredible educational discounts s - Come by and visit us today! f MU SUPRA - 1 -~^r. .' T/ini HEWLETT WLfiA PACKARD Microcomputer Support Center r— 202 Computing Center Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM 348-4402 PLAYBOY INTIBIAINMINT FOB MfN «*«>•“"** •»4 " MAST HI Of TV'S—MAW: flAV—Y MTfRVKWS JERRY SEINFELD Iin-i Iiiim.ifilii W—aM GIRLS OF THE RAC 10 MMM MEM loons cm OHPfTl ms UP Ml MONT ' WESLEY SNPES oan JEnows i , PLAYBOYS MKI ■SDSDM HU iWtHtn The October issue of Playboy, which features the "Girls of ('he faac 10," Including two University students. Is on newsstands now. Oregon Daily I_ J The Oegon D&fy f Owa*/ is published daJy Monday through Friday during the school year and Tuesday and Thursday during the summer by the Oregon Daily Emerald Pufcfcshmg Co . Wv at the University o* Oregon. I ugene. Oregon The F mer^d operate# independentty o< the University with offices at Suite 300 of the I rt> Memories Urvon and * a memt*# ot the Associated Press Tf* Emerald «* private property The unlawful removal or use ot papers «s prosecutable by taw Editor-M-Chlef: Jake Berg Managing Editor: Calley Anderson j Graphics Editor Jett Passay Photo Editor: Anthony Forney Section Editors University iswe Berg Jett Pasiay Sports: Steve Entertainment K^y Soto Community: CaHey Anderson News Staff Thomas Bergstrom Ed Carson. Dave Charbonneau. Meg De-do'ph. I-a Salocoa. ‘vephan* S.sson Su&anne Steffens General Manager Judy R*ed> Advertising Director Mark Wane* Production Manager Mm. heie Rosa Advertising i r »* Bel*. Jeremy Ma** Van V O'Bryan II. Angie W»ndhe*m. Pat".:* Wong Classified Beoy Mex-.r-aM Manage* Business. Kathy Carbone Superwo* ' ' ■' A ' •«* *d N«w*room 346-5511 Buktnnt Oft»c# 346- 5512 Display Advertising 346*3712 Classified Advertising 346-4343 If you’re taking one of these tests, take Kaplan first. We teach you exactly what the test covers and show you the test taking strategies you’ll need to score your best. No one teaches you to think like the test makers better than Kaplan. Visit our New University Center location 720 East 13th Take a FREE Diagnostic Exam KAPLAN The answer to the test question. Call 345-4420