Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1993, Page 22C, Image 76

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I The best 10 movies at a drive-in
The (op 10 drive-in movies us compiled by
Harley Lond. editor of Hot Office Magazine
1 American Graffiti (1973) This film, more than
any other, pinpoints what it meant to be a teen
ager in the early 1960s. Stars Richard Dreyfuss.
Ron Howard. Paul I.eMat. Cindy Williams, Candy
Clark. Mackenzie Phillips and Harrison Ford
Directed by George Lucas.
2. The Blob (1956): Not one of the ties! but cer
tainly one of the most typu nl of the 1950s sci-fi
action films This one is notable for starting Steve
McQueen off on his acting career It is about a
| slimy blob from outer space eating everyone in
« sight and only the teens know how to stop it.
i i A Backet of Blood (1959) A low-budget Roger
I, Corman < ult classic, this horror film, about a cof
* feohouse busboy who makes it to the top of the
| art world with his al!-too-"lifeiiko" sculptures, is
ia great spoof of the beatnik era and a black come
dy in its own right
•t Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956): A
s< ary si ioni e-fiction thriller about alien "pods"
taking over human beings, rendering them emo
I lionless
{M nipt From Outer Spaca (1953) This Intel
| bgent s< eiu i' fiction thriller was notable for m-v
’ era! reasons Its storv line, about aliens crash-land
j ing on Farth and cloning Arizona desert
| townspeople to repair their ship, turned the typt
I i a) invasion from outer spate theme on its head
The townspeople were ultimately more hostile
than the aliens
6. I It'u.x a Teenage lVrrruo//(1957): One of the
first teen exploitation films, this low-budget Amur
ii an International Picture (whit h made a lot of
money) is notable for its title and for its star, a very
young Michael landon Landon plays a borderline
juvenile delinquent unwittingly transformed by an
evil psychiatrist into a werewolf, an event that
instigates a trail of teen-age blood.
7. Night of the Living Dead (1968): The horror
film that spawned the current generation of explic
it slasher and gore movies is tame by today s stan
dards. Flesh-eating zombies (all the better to fright
en you because of the low-budget acting and
black-and-white photography) terrorize the coun
tryside outside of Pittsburgh.
8 Rebel Without a Cause (1955): The teen pic
ture of the 1950s made an eternal place in teen-age
heaven for James Dean. Natalie Wood and Sal
Mineo Dean is the angst-driven teen rebel search
ing for love and values in a world all too devoted
to money and materialism.
9. A Summer Place (1959): A quintessential tear
jerker that was just meant to be seen in a "passion
pit." An amalgamation of all of the elements that
gave seat "necking" a reputation (good or bad,
depending on your outlook): a top 20 hit theme
song "Theme From a Summer Place." teen-age
heartthrob stars (Sandra Dee and Troy Donahue),
unrequited love (Richard Egan and Dorothy
Mi Guiro) and plenty of romance.
10. Targets (1 *M>H) Peter Bogdanovich's first fea
ture is a suspense thriller with overlapping story
lines (a horrormeister, played by Boris Karloff, dis
covers his monster films are no match for the hor
rors of real life; a Vietnam vet starts shooting
everybody in sight) that < iimax at a drive-in the
ater: the jierfei t wav to end a twilight double bill.
All these films are available on videotape for
si reoning in your very own "drive-in” living
Baldwin, Basinger marry on beach
Kun Basinger married tier
longtime beau Aim Baldwin on
a publii lieach last month, stand
ing inside of a i.in le of torches
and surrounded by friends
Paul Newman. Billy Joel.
Christie Brinkley and Chynna
Phillips were among about tot)
guests at the ceremony in front of
the waterfront estate of fashion
designer Josephine Chaus
Reporters and curiosity seek
ers got no closer than IPi fivt from
a i urtain that shielded the wed
Basinger. 3ft, and Baldwin. 35,
walked into a < ircle of smoothed
sand at the water's edge for the
nuptials Seven minutes later,
rose petals flew in the air amid
cheers and laughter as the bride
and groom kissed A few years
ago, the couple starred together
m Tht> Marryiiif’ Man.
The groom wore a dinner jack
et. the bride a long, white gown,
and the guests were informal
The re< eption was in a tent
nev! to ('.haus' home in the Long
Island community of East Hamil
ton The wedding party includ
ed Baldwin's brothers, Stephen,
Daniel and William Phillips is
William’s girlfriend.
The evening didn't go off
entirely without a hitch. East
Hampton town officials were
sis>n discussing whether the wed
ding ceremony should have been
on a public beuch.
"Don't make an incident out of
this!" the town supervisor. Tony
Bullock, was heard to say to two
Basinger declared bankruptcy
last spring, just after a jury found
she had broken a contract to star
in the film Boxing Helena and
ordered her to pay $H.l million
in damages.
Seattle getting stand-in in new movie
WFNATCHKK. Wash (AP) I.ots of movie stars
have stand-ins. and now the i ity of Seattle has one:
this central Washington farming community
In the movie Surviving the Game, Wenatchee, an
inland town with a population of 21,IKK), is posing
as Seattle, a Puget Sound metropolis with about
520.000 people
In the movie, rapper Ice-T plays a man who has
lieen made the prey of a group of wealthy hunters.
Rutger Hauer. Charles S. Dutton. F Murray Abra
ham and Gary Busey also star
The $10 million movie, due for release in the
spring of 1994. is supposedly set in Seattle and the
remote Hell's Canyon area
In reality, it's being filmed in Wenatchee and the
Wenatchee National Forest.
Peter Allen, the location manager, said the movie
company decided to do all of the filming in
Wenatchee to save trips over the Cascade Range.
Allen's job was to find locations in Wenatchee
that took like a big city. That's why many of the city
shots are being filmed in alleys or side streets, where
the telltale hills that reveal Wenatchee's rural loca
tion are not visible.
The producer is Frank Caruso, 50. whose credits
include The Godfather. Blue Velvet, Network, and
most recently. Super Mario Brothers.
During the 40 days it will take to shoot the movie,
Caruso figures the studio will spend at least $2
million in Wenatchee. That's for hotel rooms, food,
rentals for movie shots, props and other
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