; Kurara's has caught on Twice in a row has it earned mention in Northwest Best Hares " Hob Welch 12/MI Restaurant Ret leu i Register tiuard I You may have ’ to take yoar " skirt off... I bat you won't I lose ItI m RAYAS | TI^7fxcxt CZxxCa^CnK. 1411 fetrat • SfriaffWU • TM-mi Si pi. 2C FREE Movie flight \gM Sept. 2t $3 SooHlsh Ichoy 22 $5 The Cardiff Reefers fiiuA fflUWt.s i \s8dfi Sept. 23 $5 The Lanachkks fVDkkDId Jasper 24 *5 an Cff :JAt Walt ‘J**duciuut IIBot Sharpe Trans-mbsion SepL 2.5 $4 Pater Wilde Lava Death and (tgrlcaltara Sheralee Dillon SepL 26 $3 Local Nasklan Showcase Hit lilt 342 13SI Mot 9ft 1 l .■ "' ..1 EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS I ill 1 ■ - ■ * - * - '■ f By Meredith Hansen lot mo Oregon Oarfy frrmak) There are so many things to see and do in Eugene, and for every one of the things you see and every one of the things that you do, there is a place to eat. These restaurants are in alphabetical order, so i>e sure and look at the price before you take off The prices are the aver age price of an entree, not the only price, and all of these restaurants have meals for a lit tle more or a little less than the price listed Ambrosia Restaurant and Bar At)t iKt ss 174 K. Broadway I'ltUNK .142-4141 u'I.mnk Italian AVERAOfc t»RIC t $1 J Ba|«i Cate At>liRCxS 860 I’earl St I IIOM 683-8606 (i isist Mexican AVKRAt.t. PKICfc, $6 Big Town Hero MHiRt-NS 880 E I3th Ave. ftiONt 344-1949 i uistNt Sandwiches AVKKAt.t . t’KICfc $3.50 The Beanery AlHWhss 2465 Hilyard St A 152 \V. 5th Ave. I'tlONH 344-0221 uasiM Coffee, pastries, juice and iced drinks AVKRAI.K I’RK.fc $1 Bubba's Barbecue and Grill ADDRESS 1459 E. 19th Ave, PHONE 344 2295 CUISINE American AVERAGE PRICE. $5 Bubba's Place ADDRESS 1249 Alder St PHONE 344-1960 cuisine American Hamburgers AVERAGE PRICE $5 Butcher Hloi k Deli A Sandwich Shoppe ADDRESS I860 K 13th Ave PHONE 484 9867 cuisine Sandwiches AVERAGE PH HE $4 Ofp Mercado ADDRESS Fifth Street Public Market PlK)\E 686-9819 <:t isine Mexican average price S3 Canctin address 685 F Broadwov PHONE 344-1091 cuisine Mexican AVERAGE PRICE $6 Casablanca address Fifth Street Public Market PHONE 342-3885 CUISINE Mediterranean AVERAGE PRICE S6 Chanterelle ADDRESS 207 F. 5th Ave PHONE 484-4065 CUISINE Continental AVERAGE PRICE $16 Cher Ray's ADDRESS 1473 E. 19th Ave PHONE 342-8596 i i isine A variety of European and traditional dishes AVERAC ,E PKK T $12 China Blue Restaurant ADDRESS 879 E 13th Ave PHONE 343-2832 cuisine Chinese Mandarin AVERAGE PKK h $8 Collier House (ate address On uunpus 13th Ave. PHONE 346-5268 cuisine Northwest AVERAI .E PRH E 54 Deb's Family Restaurant ADDRESS 1675 Franklin Hlvd PHONE 464 9099 cuisine American AVERAGE PRICE $5 Defrisco'l Reslauranl ADDRESS 99 W 10th Ave PHONE 484-2263 (i isine Northwesl AVERAGE E‘KK.E. 55 East 19th Street Cafe ADDRESS 1465 E 19th Ave PHONE 342-4025 n isine Variety AVERAGE PKK E S3 El Torito Restaurant ADDRESS 1003 Valiev River Way PHONE 683-7294 CUISINE Mexican AVERAGE PRICE 57 Excelsior Cafe ADDRESS 754 E. 13th Ave. PHONE 342-6963 (reservations) cuisine: Italian AVERAGE PRICE $7 ANTHONY M.’HNI Vt mwald Kail Creek Bakery address 881 E. 13th Ave. PHONE 484-1662 cuisine pastries* sandwiches AVERAGE PRIC E Si and lip Kord Grill Cafe ADDRESS 1414 Mohawk Hlvd.. Springfield phone 726-1129 cuisine American AVERAGE PRICE $r> Frank's British Connection ADDRESS Fifth Street Puhlii: Market PHONE 342-3530 CUISINE British (fish and chips) AVERAGE PRICE $4 C. Willkker's address 440 Coburg Road phone 343-1221 cuisine American AVERAGE PRICE $4 Gazebo Restaurant ADDRESS 1 f>46 K. 19th Ave. PHONE 683-6661 cuisine Mediterranean * Mid dle Eastern Average price Lunch $5. din ner S9 Giant Grinder Delicatessens ADDRESS 990 Oak St. PHONE 342-2073 CUISINE American Italian AVERAGE PRICE $4 The Glenwood Restaurant address 1340 Alder St. Turn to FOOD, Paqe 19C