I Anthrax pulls off the covers i By Jake Berg Oregon Omty Emef&kJ PORTLAND — Who plays covers of Ministry. White Zombie, Public Enemy, the Beastie Boys and surfer tunes all in one set? Anthrax does, or at least they did Sept 12 at Port ■ j land's La Luna On the hand's last stop before heading off on a | tour of Japan. Anthrax pulled out all of the stops during their Portland show, particularly in the encore. No song seemed sacred while the group played its final moments on stage. Anthrax guitarists tore into the opening chords of former opening act White Zombie's popular "Thunder Kiss '65," much to the delight of the many fans who had originally bought tickets to see White Zombie, too. Next, new load singer John Bush did his best Al Jourgensen imitation by playing along with gui tarists Scott Ian and Dan Spitz, on Ministry's "Thieves," the song of the moment during the encore. After that brief interlude, familiar Beastie key board riffs rntw over the speakers. and fan took the microphone in hand, singing the lyric s to "What Ya Want?" Fans seemed delighted to hear the variety of material, and they were even more tu kind with the closer. "Bring the Noise." the 1991 tune Anthrax recorded with Public F.nemy. The opening part of the show contained more familiar material for one of the oldest speed metal bands still around New songs "Room for One More" and "Only" from the Hound of While Xtuse album rei eived good response from the sold-oot crowd, and "Keep it in the Family" got the pit swirling. Musically. Bush is a worthy replacement for for tiier lead singer Joey Belladonna, however. Anthrax sounds almost too good with Bush The new Anthrax has that slick, quality, produced sound that old Anthrax never hod Belladonna was. as one fan said during the show, "more mush " The only disappointing thing about the show was White Zombie canceling One security guard at the show said the hand dropped off of the tour because it was going to film a movie. An evening with Hazel — not bad By Dave Charbonneau i >'HQOn Daily Emerald Sub Pop is making a single handed attempt to cultivate a "Portland Scene." using the blue prints it kept from the huge part it played in the now-tired Seat tle thing. Hazel is the latest Portland (wild that Sub Pop is building up as the next big thing. On Sept. to. Hazel made only its second appearance in Eugene at John Henry's, promoting its new CD, Toreador of Love. If you're from Eugene and you haven't seen Hazel before, you're excused given the band has only been here once before. But if you're from Portland and didn't catch them over the summer, well, I guess you're iust not hip Hazel is a three-pie* « plus one. The one being Fred. a guv vvhos*< sole purpose is to dance around on stage doing that hippy dan*« we've all come to know and love here in Eugene. Unfortunately. Fred was unable to make the trip to Eugene because of an injury. So that was an instant downer (I guess) when Hazel took the stage. Nonetheless, the band still put on a great show. When 1 say a great show. I'm referring to the stage antics of the band, espe cially those of drummer Jodi. First of all. she set up her drums right in between guitarist/vocal ist Pete and bassist Brady, instead of setting up on the raised plat form Throughout the show. Jodi jumped from tier drums and ran around, sometimes tn mid-song Pete didn't have min h to se\ except, "We're from Portland." which he said about six times during the show. And Brady even did the spo ken intro to "Boog." whit h also appears on the new album ! As for the music. Hazel played most of the songs on the CD, which. I guess, could be consid ered the basis of the Portland sound if there is such a thing. The crowd, small in size, seemed to enjoy it, but Hazel is not a band known for attracting those nutty pit-dancers It was a good show to sit and drink your beer by. FK l MUSIC BUY 2 USED RECORDS OR TAPES AND GET ONE FREE!* On* coupon par t impart par day We Pay Cash $$ For Used Records, Tapes A CD s Over 3000 used CDs in stock! i ’(»♦• u—d record or tape o4 mqu* or keeper *mK*) Eiptree H> tV*J HAPPY TRAILS MS E 13TH • <485-3351 ■ ■■■■■■■siHaaHHa Tooebdo«^a Save! $£gr> IIMIIIISINl PIZZA DELIVERY _ 730 E. Broadway '' \ W«r^T Eugene. OR 97401 484-2919 Limited Delivery Area/Mmimum Oder Required Visa & Mastercard Accepted Valid only at 7:H) E Hrtwdway Location Not valid with any oilier oiler I Expire* October I. 1993. Dellverle* subject to minimum purchase With any purcnase or 3ur uu or more nui vanu min - h any other offer or price special. Expires 11/15/93. . H 8 PAGE SUP IN .. *■ PWKET PHOTO h/BONS COUPON I ALBUM $i.oovalue___, J Reg. $5.44 / $4.35 $099 ALL OTHER SIZES 201 u-“ MASTER PRO SPOR \ Reg. $11.89 X\ “SET YOUR OWN COMBO” ^$799 I MASTER COMBO PADLOCK IB CORK BULLETIN BOARDS I ^r M.H $3" 15" i 2T R*f47.M $£99 ir«24* FRAMED