THOftMJI Bf HOSTHOAAV* tj Dead lovers crowded toward the front of the stage to hear the band play In Autien Stadium. DEADHEADS Continued from Page 12C dents thought it was cool that he was a Deadhead, but he said that he keeps his private life apart from them, saying. "I’m not a Deadhead. I'm just a rock *n’ roll fan." Parked next to Sean's car was the bus of the legendary Hog Farm, who have been around as long as the Grateful Dead. Inside I met John, Melissa and Squirrel, and noticed that they worn staff necklaces and had a walkie talkie. They made up part of the security here, John said, and ' serve as a matrix between peo ple who are generally in town and run shows and the patrons.” Specifically? They were well known for feeding everyone and keeping the peace at Woodstock, and on this day they were most ly there to babysit kids, take care of trippers, and to "be a gcxxf ken nel service," Squirrel said Speaking of dogs, this crowd had lots of them, mostly puppies "How dare these kids bring these gorgeous animals here and let them run amok.?" said Martha, a 40-year-old tourer who gels by on the wise investments of her parents. She told me the story of a beau tiful golden retriever puppy, lost to her owner, with a bite mark in her neck The next day I did see a small golden puppy running across the footbridge, and out of the 86.000 who came that week end for the shows, f met her own er, who wns still separated from her. "Did she have a bite mark?" he Turn to DEADHEADS. Pago 15C i Mu*iqu«Gourn*t Catering to tlte ► Dwonmmating CoBactor CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC A CASSETTE In the Flfthpeerl Building ^ _ . I 207 E Sth Avenue 343*9000 1 f The Baptist Student Union presents... 1 sfwf w'iiffc? W'J Welcome Party!!! (iumwood Room, EMU 7:00 p.m. Sept. 30th j Any Qucstions?-C'ontact: James, Ed, or Julie at 345-3393 - Apple MaaMotb Color Clonic" 400, Bui!i in 10" Color Monitor & Apple uytoard II $1026 Ajf‘k Mm iiUloIi 1C III 4W, AfifJe Bulk lUkor Mentor 6 Keyboard II $1345 Affie TouvrBook" USB HBO. Until in Keyboard 6 Hf Btnkiu Super Tutsi Stonxbromt IItsjility $1375 Afple Macintosh (entrn" 6tO 4/00. Affile Bit si* i olor Monitor 6 Afple Extended Key4rr.irri II $mi Right now. vou am get substantial savings on tliese Macintosh |>ersonal compt rs. You am ;iLso get sjiecial student hiiancing with llie Ajvple' Comp* er Loan - to make owning a Mac* even easier. Tb see (list how anoruable a Macintosh aui he, visit your Apple (.anipus Reseller today, .AjkI discover die [lower urn1 college students chixise. The power of Macintosh. Hie power to lx* your best' Microcomputer Support (.enter 202 Computing Center • 346-4402 Monday-Friday, 9am - 5pm