•• .. . ^ GREAT BUYS ON... 1 f SPEDAUZED. Stumpjumper® $719" Keg $820 Save $1001 MOUNTAIN [BIKESi HARDROCK* *299* HARDROCK SPORT* . *359* ROCKHOPPfR* *459* kUm offer' nnotf >i hi t feno ***** If AM HMtCf HELMET I *"•* $4u 00 priviiw 2.5 LIGHT —■" . R«T low Prkr *199 -■■■-—.—- — Sal** ftfices good thru Oct. 10, 1941 "Serving Cyclists for over 35 years." 60 E. 1 Hh Ave. Eugene, OR (503) 342-4878 IF YOU DIDN’T INHERIT GOOD LOOKS, BUY THEM. Right now The Great Frame Up has all kinds of good looks to adorn your walls We have a great selection of posters from Ansel Adams and Kim Anderson to Monet and Dali and many more We have just the frames you want to finish off your look, whether you want us to do the work or you want to frame it yourself Hurry to The Great Frame Up for our Back-To-School Good Looks Sale. Because regardless of what they've always told you. good looks are everything And at prices like these they won't last long! Remember our fast, fun, frugal framing. On Campus Across From Kinkos 863 East 13th Ave. • 484-4049 Sik I kS Oytobrr II. 199) • Not riitl with uv i*hrr ofcr • CXmfxii mmt t*ly • I wiitii to u«A eer" and "smoke pot." Not everyone I talked to seemed as brain dead as Owen and the U-Haul gang. Kdward, a 26-year-old Portlander, was a thriving entrepreneur. He hasn't been to many shows of late betause of his thriving new busi ness selling wild mushrooms he collects in the forest. The smil ing. short-haired man told me that mushrooms (no. not those kind) fetch $40 a pound, and are so valuable that a collector might gut shot at. Sean, a thirtysomething teacher from Vancouver, B.C., gave me some green zinc oxide to put on my nose and cheeks with the warning," von‘11 look like a wier do." I had no worries about that hero — I've been to enough shows to know that in the realm of personal appearance, anything goes. I thought, recalling the man 1 had seen with blackberry juice smeared all over his loinclothed body. 1 asked if his high school stu Turn to DEADHEADS, Page 13C ANY SANDWICH With coupon. Good for everyone In party. Expires 12/10/93. FREE DELIVERY (campus area only) Where A Sandwich Is A Complete Meal! We Bake Our Bread Fresh Daily imzsmmmm i S^SinMC BBBI MIISHi