!$FREE SNAPPLE^ctrJ*! | "gURRITO /SlNG J * A UiH E N T t ( MEXICAN FOOD | 1 Hours: 11-3 Mon. - Fri. ?j i On 12th & Kincaid • In Front of Law School * ■ ^ expires Oct. 1. 1993 Fashion with an Ethnic Flairl N<'A * Jtvif.*: ' \>8* 2204 | i u i •] A m Fanzine still a musical ‘Plague’ By K*ly Soto Opffon 0*'t Emerald Jt started innocently enough It was the summer of and University student Ted Hinds and his brother Ran were living in a ( heap house with two oth er friends and attending school All four had a deep interest in music One evening as they were sitting in Dan's bedroom playing computer games they began to kick around the idea of starting a "fanzine " With their genuine interest in music, and their collet live knowledge of the'history of musu , the team was sure it < ould produc e a produi i that filled a particular niche that was not being filled They were historians of rock 'n' roll as much as they wen* fans Hinds was influenced bv the likes of Black Sabbath and Blue Oys ter Cult. The result was The Plague, pained for an ohs< tire album by a hand from northern England called the Demons with Pink Movdish tendenc ies The closest campus lo at ion to find The Plague is Fni e the Musk A (wind called Mysstress graced the cover of the first issue, which was "low budget,” but a quality read. Ted Minds said In that first issue the magazine featured most ly interviews with local bands Only about 50 copies of the first issue were printed and distrib uted. When Hinds and Ins colleagues began The Plague, many inde pendent record labels were also .. ■■■ NO«MAN MESMAN/*or fh«£m»^aW University student Ted Hinds (left) and his brother Dan started The Plague music fanzine five years ago. just starting out. so they began to network with the owners of these latnils. One such label was Road Run ner. which was owned and oper ated by Monty Connor "At the time Monty was run ning the whole show, arid we established a relationship with him. As he grew, we grew Now we can get anything we need by a Road Runner from him because the relationship is already there," Hinds said. Because of its ability to net work and the quality of writing. The Plague is able to obtain inter views with many of the music industry's biggest and brightest stars. Hinds said his most difficult interview thus far was Gene Sim mons of Kiss "He is extremely intelligent,” Hinds said. "He Has his bache lor's degree, and he used to teach high school before Kiss got famous. In addition to that, he also wrote for major magazines, he owns skyscrapers in New York, and he manages Liza Min nelli. 1 wanted to bring out that side of him. and he would have no part of that. He wanted to con trol the interview, so it was kind of a tug of war." Hinds' best interview experi ence appeared in article form in last month's issue of The Plague, an interview with John Bush of Anthrax. One of the things that makes Hinds so successful at interviewing is the attitude he takes toward his subjects. "It's about respect.” he said. "I treat them as if they were mil Turn to PLAGUE. Page 16C 1 Oregon West Fitness is the place to work out ►Personalized Training ►Complete Co*Ed Spa Facilities ►Unlimited Aerobics!!! ►Next to Biking & Running Trails A ! ►Tanning packages ►Universal Circuit & Free Weights ►Stairmasters, Lifecycles | _Aerobicycles & more 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE A GREAT WORKOUT... BEST HOURS + BEST PRICES 7 Days a week/5:30a.m. -11 p.m. 89 485-1624 S ! School Year Soecial I OMmiroM I gjg^^Bg I 1«n Franklin nvd. | Across from campus $33.00 per month ’ NO INITIATION FEE With coupon. Expires October 15,1993 ! FREE WORKOUT ■-- - i urn 2 9 i MnnBg I 1471 Pranklln Btvd. Across from campus Li Hi HI Hi Hi HI Hi H Hi H l One Time Only With coupon. Expires October 15,1993