Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1993, Page 6A, Image 6

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    I Slu« Sapphire in 14 K Gold
Deliver a KNOCKOUT...
...without throwing a punch!
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mmmmmmw advertise your garage sale
Continued from Page 5A
height, so I thought I'd get into bodybuilding I've
been lifting weights for 1 1 years now From 'R-t
through RR. 1 competed on a regular basis pretty
much, espei tall) Rfi through HR Since then. I've
dropped out of bodybuilding.
I do lift seven days a week, and it usually
amounts to two-and-a-half to three hours Yes. it's
boring, hut it's an addiction
ODE: How about hobbies7 Do you have many
hobbies besides lifting weights?
Cary: between this and teaching, it doesn't give
me a lot of time to do anything else, as far as free
time; however, during the summer I have a lot of
free* time
I watch a little TV, cue up on the news, watch
the Discovery Channel and try to educate myself
— like watching science programs, outdoor nature
programs Watch a little footiiall when it’s on. a lit
tle soccer.
ODE: You don't play checkers or dominoes, or
anything like that7
Cary: 1 play Super Nintendo. (Laughs.)
ODE: Do you usually go to Duck games7
Cary: I've been going to Duck football games
ever since 1 was a little kid I spent over eight years
at the University of Oregon, and I am a Duck fan.
ODE: What did you play in high school?
Cary: The only thing I did in high sc hool — you
know, I mentioned my stature — I played soccer.
ODE: Do you have to do any training to he a
bounc er, or is it that you're big. and you can sit
here, look at IDs and verify them?
(airy: being large in stature is a benefit It makes
people have more respect lor you; there's less
chance that someone will think. "Well, let's see
how tough this guy is Let's see if ho can actually
beat me up."
I have a few pounds, so I can fall on most people
and they'll be splattered on the floor.
ODE: If you tell someone that they can't come in,
do you have anybody that picks Tights with you?
Cary: No
You got some name-calling, hut I don't go up to
people and punch them in the face. I'm the bounc
er: I'm supposed to set the example. The name
calling is not justification for assaulting somebody.
I'm supposed to have a squared-away head on
my shoulders.
ODE: What would you call yourself — bouncer,
security, or what?
Cary: My shirt says security. The Guido’s hand
book calls me security And everyone knows what
I am; a bouncer. You look up sec urity and door
man in the Webster's Dictionary, I don't know
what you'll Tend, but I know that if you look up
bouncer it says "ejects disorderly people from the
That's what 1 do. It's not a bad job. It should lie
pretty easy, but football season's coming up.
ODE: Do you make more money, then, during
the regular year?
Cary: Me? I make an hourly flat wage — this is a
real humbling amount of money for my education
— $6.25 an hour. Remember that when you write
it down — "In his own words, he said. 'It's a hum
bling amount.' " {Laughs.)
ODE: You can live on that?
1Bouncing... in a way it’s kind
of embarrassing to me... I feel
like this isn’t what I educated
myself for —to become a
bouncer. I’m waiting for a
teaching job to come along.’
— Cary Woodle,
Guido's bouncer
Cary: It makes it real hard during the summer
Mv wife works at Fred Meyer as a grocery clerk
We get by. more or less.
We don't drive a Mazernti or a Lambourghini ...
ODE: What do you drive?
('.ary: I’m driving my wife's car — she drives a
Fairmont — and I leave my Mustang at home. It’s
an 'HO Mustang with a 302 in it. and it eats gas like
a pig
Aren't you going to ask, what's my favorite
Well, don't get me wrong. I like a lot of the
music they play hero, but I like a little of AC/DC's
Back in Black. When you figure what you wore lis
tening to your senior year of high school or your
freshman year of college, that's the kind of music
that's going to stick with you for the rest of your
life as far as your preference goes.
Lot's face it. our grandparents like Lawrence
Welk music. That's what they were listening to
when they were kids.
You know. I like a lot of music, We had a "Dis
co Night" and the law students were in here, and
they were ploying "Hum baby, bum” from "Disco
Inferno.” It's not going to cut the mustard nowa
days. but it's still kind of cool to listen to.
Now. I think you need to ask me a couple of
Questions — "Cary, why do you always wear those
dorky glasses?"
ODE: "So. Cary, why do you always wear those
dorky glasses?"
Cary: If I wear contacts and it gets really smoky
in here, it becomes very uncomfortable on my eyes.
These dorky glasses are very convenient — I don’t
have to worry about the smoke bugging my eyes.
Now, "Why do you always wear those combat
boots. Cary?"
ODE: "Why do you always wear those combat
hoots. Cary?"
Cary: When I first started bouncing here a year
and a half ago, 1 always wore my Levi's and my cow
boy boots, so one, the floor gets slippery and two,
Levi's are awfully tight, you can’t move in them.
Now. these are Uncle Sam's issue. The pants, you
can move in them, and the boots, they grab the floor,
ODE: How many "Security" T-shirts do they give
Cary: (Sighs.) Just one.
ODE: Do you wash it every day, then?
Cary: Every few days. (Laughs.)
"Drinks with ..." will he a regular feature in the
Emerald this year Emerald Editor lake Berg will
conduct the question-and-answer session with each
"Drinks with ..." topic.
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