Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1993, Page 18B, Image 52

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Continued from Page 2B
among r*x eivers
' I think the younger rtx eivers are ready." Dead
wiler said "They have been ready for a while
They just didn't really have the opportunity to
play much las! year "
Brown missed last season after suffering a knee
injury in the season-opening loss to Hawaii, but he
reported to camp in top shape and said he is ready
for a tug senior year.
"I feel lietter than I have sin< e I came to school
here." Brown said "I am 10 pounds lighter,
trimmed up and in a lot (letter shape "
Murphy and fallow sophomore Cristin
Mi Lem ore will vie for playing time after gaining
experience last season Mcl-emore caught six pass
es (or 107 yards and a touchdown in 1992. New
i omers who are expe< ted to join the competition
include redshirt freshman Da moron Ricketts and
true freshman Jamaol Wallace.
Iiimor WlU) ratashould help stabilise the paw
ing game from his tight end position Tate estab
lished himself as one of O'Neil's favorite targets a
year ago when he ( aught 20 passes, including two
for tom hdowns
Oregon returns three starters on the offensive
11lit- with junior i ollego transfers expei ted to fill
the other two spots Guard Mike DiKonzo and (cu
ter Tom Curran each started all 12 games in 1992,
and tac kle Steve Hardin started the final seven
games ,i year ago
Heath Howiugton and junior college transfer
Kru. Barnes will split lime at left guard, and instill
Start.I returns at right tackle after starting four
games in 19'C‘l Brooks said redshirt freshmen I asi
MalejH-.u. Paul Wiggins and Willy Rife should also
see time on the line
Ihe Ducks most potent offensive weapon
should once again he punter ku ker Tommy
Thompson, who is corning off of a breakthrough
season in 1902 Thompson stored Hr> points last
year when he cunnoi led on 21 of 04 field goals
and 22 extra points, while maintaining a 4 1 4-yard
punting average
"I believe tfiat Tommy Thompson is the liest
ku ker in the country." Brooks said He is the lies!
guy I have coai lied at any level Hu's the kind of
player that can change the complexion of a game,
which he did several times last year,"
New defensive i oordmator Nick Aliolti lakes
over for Denny Si holer, who took the offensive
i oordmator position at California, and Aliotti
inherits a defense that ranked 14th in the nation a
year ago The Oregon defense returns seven
starters from last year's unit
The secondary should la* both a strength and a
question mark for the Ducks, junior Chad Cota is
the leader of the se< ondarv. and he will liegin the
year at strong safety, but he could move to free
safety if necessary JC transfer Dante Lewis will
begin the season at free safety, but Jeff Sherman.
Michael Allison and Brian Collins will also see
time at different safety slots
"We are counting on Chad (iota to l>e one of the
‘I really believe
this team has an
opportunity to be
better than last
year’s group.'
— Rich Brooks,
Oregon football coach
leaders on our
defensive team,”
Brooks said "We
need his leadership
in the secondary; 1
am looking for him
to emerge this year
as a bonafide all
Fa< 10 player."
Herman O'Berry
returns at corner
hack after intercept
mg seven passes a
year ago. He is joined bv sophomore Alex Molden,
who is still shaking off the effei tx of a knee injury
suffered last year. Sophomore Isaac Walker and
junior Eugene lackson should also see playing
time at the corners
The linehacking corps w ill he paced bv defen
sive captain Ernest Jones, whose 1 I sa< ks ranked
third in the conferenc e a year ago. Jones, a senior
from I 'ti< .i N Y . will man one outside linebai ker
position, hut the other side is still a question.
lerreli Edwards started II) games last year, hut
he was dismissed lor personal reasons. Tony
Raker looked like Edwards' replacement, hut he
w as forced to give up football for medical reasons.
Senior John laumoepeau played inside line
barker last \ ear but will move outside this season.
David Massey and Jeremy Asher will begin the
season at inside linebai ker. with Rich Kuhl and
Byron Rockwell adding depth to the position
"I evpei t us to he a lot more aggressive under
coach Aliotti." Jones said. "He is more of a smash
mouth type of football i oat h who will really want
to go after people and hit them."
The defensive line will be built around senior
Romeo Bandison. a second-team all-Pat -10 selec
tion ui l(M2. Bandison played nose tackle last year
hut will return to right end with the return of Silila
Malepeai Gary Williams is back at the left end
after starting 10 games a year ago
Brooks has made it clear that although Oregon
advam ed to the postseason for the third time in
four years last season, he is no longer satisfied
with being a 500 team Brooks said he would like
to see bis team emerge as a top 20 squad and make
a run for the Ducks' first Rose Bowl in 35 years.
"I don't think it is unrealistic to think wo can
make a bid for the conference championship,"
Brooks said
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