HALLE m OMAR EPPS CRAIG SHEFFER lompti ITKHI J? ti— «i OlTlwl !»»%««• #1 •Hfy nHm Imm. A *l*nr «4 what it trim to wnri*t THE PROGRRM I Please Recycle 1 This Paper HEINONEN Continued from Page 5B The biggest question confronting Heinonen lies with Fairchild After coming to Oregon in 1991 as one of the top high school runners in the world, injuries held her l>ack. and she elected to drop out of school for a year. Heinonen wasn't even sure if Fairchild would ever return to the Due ks at this time last season But Fairchild has returned, and Heinonen is anticipating the possibilities She's two inches taller, about 20 pounds heavier and has matured greatly since her last stint with Oregon She has only competed once since May 1991, so all Heinonen can do is hope. "Melody has astounding credentials, but those an- two years old,'' he said. “She's not as tiny as she was. she's matured as runner, and she's healthy, which she wasn't the last time she was here l/ she returns even close to the form she was in three years ago. that will help us a great deal Oregon's main competition in the conference will be. as usual. Arizona and Washington. But this year, Stanford has jumped into the picture with a c ast of newcomers. Heinonen is not ruling out anything this season The conference championship, distric t champi onship. and even a top-five national ranking an' all within reac h of the Ducks in his eyes "We will be competitive on all levels," he said. "A top-five finish would require all of our strongest runners running in top form and injury free at the end of the season. We can dream the dream, but there are a lot of ifs." Oregon will compete this weekend at the Moun tain West (.lassie in Missoula. Mont Continued from Page 14B than lust year ” No doubt the vuar of expert - enc.e will help the youngest, and most suc cessful. of last year's hunch sophomores Karl Keska and Tracy Hollister hast season. Keska and Hollis ter led the Duc k c harge at the Pnc-10 meet finishing fourth and eighth, respectively Keska followed up his l’ac-10 perfor mance* bv plac mg 13th at dis trie t and 43rd at the NCAA meet Hollister fell off after the con ference* meet, placing 49th at distric t and failing to do much al nationals Dellinger is hoping Keska will pic k up where lie left off last season and Hollister returns to Ins Pac -10 form The other top returnees am seniors |nson Humble and |ohn Dimoff Humble ran solidly for the Ducks Iasi fall, placing 13th nt Pac-lOs and 14th nt district, but ideally. Dellinger would like to see Humble jump in ns a top 10 finisher eventually Dimoff also finished last sea son strongly, taking 12th at Pac 10s and l(>th at district Dimoff also had bis Itesl track season in the spring, finishing 12th at the Pa* -10 meet After that, the Ducks will he reiving on a largely untested i rew to round out the team Sophomore Si ott Nicholas had an impressive spring on the trnik. finishing fourth nt the Pac-tOs in the 1,500 meters If Nicholas is able to translate his performant e on the trm k to cross country it could go a long wav toward helping the Dm ks defend their Pai -10 title Redshirt freshman Kick (Umtvs ell is also a strong candi date to fill the void left by Kick Mestler, Tim Julian and Golden Baxter, who all graduated in the spring Cantwell has a strong distance bac kground and could bring in valuable points as the Ducks' fourth or fifth finisher. The rest of the team c onsists of a number of trac k athletes who will be making the transi tion to cross country. Senior Chad Schacht. junior Mike Mahoney, senior Gordon Johnson, transfer Goss l.indsey and redshirt freshman Mi< hael Katri are all better known for their track exploits, but if one or two of them could make a smooth transition to the trails, it could help the Duc ks immense ly. The Ducks opened the season last weekend with a warm-up meet at the- Pier Park Invitation al in Portland and will run in the Mountain West Classic in Missoula, Mont . Saturday. SCOTCH 104 OR 105 MAGIC TAPE with L -HlR9NJ-c9ufQN-_,1 • FULL PANEL LOAD OPENING • ZIPPER POCKET I * HAUL LOOP | • CORDURA PLUS R«g. $23.95 NOW ONLY nr t J, I KEITH CLARK 16 MONTH 1W4 V CALENDARS fi I • BEST SELECTION TAX j ■ •43705 TRAIL BLAZER •43608 CAMPUS •43531INNSBRUK •43701 CASCADE GREAT CHOICES WITH A MULTITUDE OF OPTIONS I $jf*95 NOW ONLY lr‘2595 *43860 CHESAPEAKE *43526 TRAIL GUIDE *43864 BONANZA *43713 SUNDANCE 1000 d CORDURA PLUS STEP UP MODELS R|*Q5 now only SP $3195 *40850 TIBET *40968 CHELSEA *40931 COURIER *40932 PONDEROSA YOUR CHOICE *3.'»5 NOW ONLY ST *34” ..