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I Unlimited $32.95 - vv, I I 609 E. 1 3th Bkxxn from the Bookstore) 484-3143 I Runners counting on experience *“■ ' FUE PHOTO Karl Kaska will be one of tha fop returning runners tor the Oregon man's cross country team this fall By Dave Chartx>nneau Oapon B»«y i-net sue tats! fall, the Oregon men's cross country team surprised everyone, winning the Pacifi< ■ 1» Conference championship and finishing eighth in the nation This season, head coach Bill Dellinger is hoping a year of experience will help his young team hold on to the conference title and maybe move up at the national meet. "Expecting more may lie unre alistic." Dellinger said. "I would like to do ns well as we did Inst year We are older, wiser and stronger, but someone is going to have to come out of the shad ows for us to he n power this season That may make us tattler Turn to MEN, Page 16B GREEN Continued from Page 7B Green hopes Oregon may end up fourth or fifth in the Per ific-10 Conference, and although fifth would not guarantee a spot in the NCAA Tourna ment. the i h in< es (or an NIT hid would lie likely Green said that perhaps the biggest difference in his sty le of coaching from the previous years is that he is trying to Speed the game up "During (former coach Don) Munson's time, they yyere very protei live of the players and were happy with 50 points." he said. "But we're going to try and run. try to make the game more excit ing for the fans. I'd rather see a 100-point game than a -to-jwiint game Green previously assistant i oac h at Kansas from 1988 to 1992 Before that, he was head coach n! his alma mater. North Carolina Asheville, for nine y ears, compiling a 150-108 record Green is very adamant about having Ian support, particularly student fans "1 would rather have a hundred students yelling than a hundred fans my age sitting hack and ana lyzing the game." he said. "Students make the plat* come alive That's what I want Mai Court to become, like in the (former < oach Dick) Harter years, when, they say. the scoreboard bounced a foot Green said he believes that McArthur Court, despite its venerable history, is a detriment to recruiting "It would make my job easier il we had another arena, but I can understand why the administration doesn’t do it." he said. Because much of the recruiting is done outside of the state, few of the players coming to Oregon have any historical apprvr iation of the oldest on campus arena in America "But if we start winning most of our games, maybe it will become a problem that we need more seats," Green said "Mac Court is not what I want for long term ." In light of Ins position as coach, Green is more aware of the fact that basketball is a business for the University Even with only winning 10 games last year, the men's basketball program still cleared 5880,000. "I prepare the product, and people come watch the product Nobody asked my opinion about what students have to pay,'' Green said, referring to S'~ charge for students in the upcoming season. “I'm i aught between the business aspect and needing and wanting fans to wat< h Hut I plav under college rules, and my staff has nothing to do with the administrative side '' However, on the coaching side. Green has sev eral players returning: guards Orlando Williams and (on Mitchell, forwards Jordy I.yden. Jeff Potter and Damon Runyon, and center Aaron Johnson. "The key to any success that we’re going to have will come from the new people and how they fit into that group." Green said. "We're playing at a top-level conference with a lot of people who have never played Division I basketball, and that's not the easiest thing to do." The newcomers will include guards Kenya Wilkins. Brion Smith. |amar Curry and transfer Jamal Urn-rein e. Transfer center Zach Sellers will add his 6-foot-9, 230-pound frame to the lineup, and transfer Darryl Parker and freshman Henry Madden will add depth at forward. "It's going to be an interesting year." Green said, "but I never make predictions because coaches don't win basketball games — players win basketball - games." -1 GRAND Opening [ New Store FUTONS STARTING AT I I FEATURING • More frame styles to choose from • Most items available for immediate pick-up • Speedy delivery service • Lifetime warranty It’s The p^“3ForAlT >©►! Sale. 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