1’— . - ,,„-----.-—-—.. .-—•■HHHHHHHii MIC MOTO LaReina Woods is one of two returning starters this year. GREGORY Continued from Page 8B ,i surprise to the Pat:-10 given that we stay healthy." Gregory did mention that he was a little concerned about some nagging aches and pains of his players. "We are working so hard and demanding so much of them that we have some sore backs, legs and shoulders — but noth ing really bad." Gregory said of the first couple weeks of prac tice. "It's predictable that when we work as hard as we arc that there are going to bo some aches and pains. And it's almost impossi ble to got vour body ready for volleyball." said Gregory, who had his players running, jump ing and lifting this summer in preparation for the season. Gregory mentioned that the freshmen, having never experi enced anything like this before, are a little more sore. The youth of the team is undeniable with the breakdown of seven freshman, one sopho more. three juniors and one senior Gregory will lie looking to see some leadership from his two returning starters, setter Kalie Kerr and LaKeina Woods, swing hitter/play set hitter, and his lone senior Nicollu Hedberg. sw mg hitter/play set hitter. Hed berg and Woods have been named co-captains for the 1993 season. The other three players with team experience are junior Angec Henderson, quick hit ter/play set hitter; sophomore Karissa Meith. quick hitter/plav set hitter; and freshman Amy McNeel, swing hitter. McNeel radshirtod last year. "I don't really consider her a freshman.” Gregory said. "She knows the system and 1 think she is ready to do a good job in the Pac 10 and is well-pre pared." Gregory is concerned about the lack of depth on the team. "We re probably one substi tute deep in setting and one sub stitute deep in swing hitting That doesn't leave much room for error. This team needs to stay healthy." he said. Gregory is going to bo looking for Meith and Henderson to defend the middle for him. "1 think we have two fairly experienced middle blockers in i Karissa and Anuee." he said. Of his freshman, Gregory is expecting quality, if inexperi enced. off-the-liench players "I'm hoping that even though the freshmen want to come in and make a hig splash, that most of them yvill come in ns substi tutes," he said. "But I think a few of them are going to see some substantial plavmg time for us and going to help us get some wins this year." Including Mi Neel. Gregory's freshman roster is Dani Cordo va. quick hitter; Ktnily (ioleman, qui< k hitter/defensive specialist: Anna Gomez, setter; Kristen Ruschiensky, swing hitter/play set hitter; Anne Swuyne, quick hitter/play set hitter, and Kara Weigel, defensive specialist Both Kerr and Woods said the higher intensity level at practice this year is. in part, because of two new assistant coaches Patty Jay ne, recently the t ouch at Pacific University, and Kris ten Frazier, recently the Churchill High School coach, are adding their skill to Gregory , who himself is a former Olympic team member. "1 think the intensity is high er. but 1 think most of the credit needs to go to the players, not the coaching staff," Gregory said Gregory said one of the keys to the new game for the team is its switch to a swing offense "Statistically, the thing we did poorly last year was hitting the ball. We made mistakes and didn't have the firepower we needed," he said. "We think this new offense is going to help us in that respect." The team, though, has been in the top three in the Pac-10 in blocking and digging "In a nutshell." Gregory said, "a swing offense is an audible offense system where the hitters basically call the plays to the set ter so the setter doesn’t need to predetermine what the play is going to be The offense initiates from the center of the court and oftentimes either stays in the cen ter of the court or veers outside. " Stanford and UCLA are always tough competitors for the women, "but I really think we are capa ble of heating any and all of those teams." Gregory said The Ducks started their season with an exhibition game Aug 28 and played a series of non-league games until the regular season began with the Civil War game at Oregon State on Sept. 17 APPLIES TO ANY BRIDGESTONE MOUNTAIN BIKE Bridgestone Bucks THIS COUPON EXPIRES OCTOBER 9, 1993 <£Kf) PAUL'S (PCD 4A~/Vy BICYCLE SHOP <>2480 ALDER <>342-6155 cD^/Vj _BiCYCU- WAY OP LIFE <> 152 VV. 5111 <> 344-4105 __ LIVE ROCK & ROLL 7 NIGHTS A WEEK ★ Monday Night Football Specials ★ Tuesday Night Men’s Night ★ Wednesday Amateur Strip Night ★ Thursday Night Ladies’ Night I Yon bring in a mug and we will fill it! Bpei 11 »ti 1Bpa ti ill apes fir till service pl|ppe» 10 pm to 2:30 am » 301 mr