Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1993, Page 4B, Image 39

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bill tin hr fait unite .
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Same story, but different hat
Cdirec t quote from Oregon
Sports Information Dirw
tor Steve deliver to open
the Ducks' football media dav in
early August
If vou leave here with noth
ing else today, please leave w ith
a new logo sheet which has the
new logo Please destroy all the
old once. "
Remember that killer Oregon
sweatshirt vou bought the first
dav vou arrived at this precious
institution7 You know the one
The one with Donald Duck
( barging through the letter "G“
with that snarling look on his
You know , the one you wear
proudly over Christmas break to
show all of
your friends
hack home
that. ves. you
i go to the
! school par
tii ipating in
the presti
gious PoulanAVeed Eater Inde
pendence Bowl
Weil, get rid of it It s no good
anymore. It's out of style
For some reason, the athletic
department has changed the
logo All those bimijier stickers,
posters, uniforms, folders and
anv other thing w ith the Duck
logo on it will have to changed,
replaced, repainted or simply
thrown away
And all because someone fig
ured it would be good to have
the word 'Oregon emblazoned
on the sailor's cap of Donald
What would Walt think7
How do you think the people
at the Independenc e Bowl foe!7
Rumors have it that they have
aireadv signed the Ducks to a
10 year deal that assures Oregon
an invitation to its bowl game
no matter what its record is, and
now thev‘11 have to redo all of
the Duck logos in their pro
grams. and the logo that is now
permanently painted in one of
the Independence Stadium end
Why did they do this71 have a
few theories
The "Milk-l's-F'or-All-Wr're
Worth” Theory — This one is
simple It's another cheap ploy
to get Duck fans to shell out
more money to replace the now
fash ion-faun-pas sweatshirts
with the old' Duck logo Not to
mention those groovy Oregon
bumper stickers we all wear so
proudly on our 1079 Pintos
we re driving because we can't
afford another car tun .ause of the
financ ml raping we've already
received at the hands of the Uni
The "What-Team-.\m-l-<heer
ing-F or7” Theory — A lot of col
lege students drink A lot of col
lege students drink and go to
football games A lot of students
throw up in the stands
For these students, the "Ore
gon” on the Duck's lid is a god
send Oftentimes, students will
be so loaded at Duck games,
they forget which team they're
c heering for. This c ondition is
further complicated when the
Ducks are throwing more passes
to the other team than their
With the new and improved
logo, a drunkard only needs to
muster enough energy to focus
his or her eyes on the Duck at
midfield, see the "Oregon'' on
the hat. and then look to the
scoreboard and find the name
on the hat direc tly corresponds
with one of the words on the
Bingo! Oregon's your team
The “We-Don't-Play-Hockey"
Theory — With the new Mighty
Ducks of Anaheim joining the
National Hockey League next
season. Oregon has now lost the
distinction of being the only
team on the face of the earth
w ith a Duck mascot.
Confusion is just lurking
around the corner. People mav
think that Oregon now has a
hockev team (nothing against
the Cold Ducks, our club hockey
team) And lord knows the Uni
versity doesn't want to be asso
ciated with an expansion hock
ey team that won’t win more
than a third of its games. Oregon
has far eclipsed its quota for
teams with that distinction.
Here's to hoping we’ll see the
new logo on ABC on New Year's
Day if the Ducks c.an get out of
that Independence Bowl deal.
Dave Charhonneau is a sports
reporter for the Emerald
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